Your Morning Dispatch on 1.31 Live from the HippieHausStudios on #TahoeSouth - 1:31:18, 8.41 AM
Buenos Dias my friends, Cup’O’Joe in hand, #StokeLevel respectable @8.0 Current temperatures on #TahoeSouth: 28° partly cloudy skies, winds – calm Currently @Heavenly: it is 29° partly cloudy skies, winds - ENE@6/9mph NO - New snow in the past 24hrs: 48hr = 0” 7- Day = 15” Base depth of 40.” @KirkwoodMtn: it is 34° partly cloudy skies - winds - SW@14/18 NO - New snow in the past 24hrs: @KirkwoodMtn 48hr = 0” 7- Day = 19” Base depth 41.” A good thought to set the stage for this most beautiful and Warm-Hearted Wednesday “When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied. But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, 'Oh yes -- I already have everything that I really need.” ― Dalai Lama XIV Stay tuned and stay thirsty my friends, Coop
- 番組
- 配信日2018年1月31日 16:57 UTC
- 長さ26分
- 制限指定不適切な内容を含まない