The Money Advantage Podcast

Bruce Wehner & Rachel Marshall
The Money Advantage Podcast Podcast

The Money Advantage provides simple, fun, and doable financial talk that helps wealth creators build time and money freedom with cash flow strategies, Infinite Banking, and alternative investments so you never have to worry about running out of money. Through our family office model, we utilize strategies for cash flow, long-term tax reduction, estate and business legal planning, creative whole life insurance strategies (Privatized Banking), and alternative investments.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    Short-Term Rentals, with Marilynn Taylor

    Is the age of short-term rentals over? If you ask Marilynn Taylor, who coaches investors on successful short-term rental investments, the answer is a resounding no. All it takes is a true understanding of the market and the customer who is seeking a short-term rental. In this insightful conversation with Marilynn, we learn how her investing paths all led back to short-term rentals over and over, thanks to her unique ability for interior design and hospitality. She was in the game long before the rise of Airbnb, and she has stayed successful in the marketplace because she knows what the upstarts in the market forgot---quality matters. Marilynn walks us through the ups and downs of short-term rentals, what it takes to be successful, and how to get involved in the space in a way that works for your life's vision. For an inside look at the world of short-term rentals, tune in now! Airbnb and the Rise of Short-Term RentalsShort-Term Co-HostingHeed RegulationsInfinite Banking and Short-Term RentalsAbout Marilynn TaylorConnect with Marilynn TaylorBook A Strategy Call [05:45] “For some people, the world of finances, real estate investing, and all of that is because they just want to get rich. But if we really back that down for a minute and ask ourselves why we want that, I think that the answer, for the majority of people, is they want security. They want to live a nice life. They want to not feel stressed about going out and buying groceries or giving their kids a ballet lesson.” Marilynn was heavily motivated by her external circumstances, and she knew that she wanted to break the cycle of financial troubles and challenge her family’s mindset that being rich meant you were greedy. While Marilynn began her career as a professional dancer and later a makeup artist, her path eventually led her into real estate investing, which eventually evolved into interior design. One of her early properties was in Cape Cod, and the thing to do was turn it into a short-term rental. After doing some research, she furnished and decorated that property, as well as a second one, and discovered she had a knack for interior design. Her path also led her to being featured on HGTV, and at one point Marilynn believed she would be a house flipper. The lifestyle, however, didn’t suit her, and so she returned to the short-term rental space. Now, many years later, Marilynn coaches other investors on the short-term rental game. Airbnb and the Rise of Short-Term Rentals Marilynn got into short-term rentals before Airbnb was on the scene, and that company certainly transformed the market in many ways. Marilynn even resisted Airbnb for a long time because it took the personal touch out of short-term rentals. All communication happens online or in-app, and it creates barriers between you and your host. [12:53] “Now, what I think a lot of people see when they see social media content about short-term rentals—especially since Covid—it was a gold rush during that time. And so many people rushed into short-term rental as a get-rich-quick scheme. It was just a cash cow, and it didn’t matter where they bought, where they invested, how they invested, what they even put out into the market—they were just going to bring money in. And for a year and a half or two, that was true. But the harsh reality of the actual industry has slapped a whole lot of investors in the face at this point.” The reality? You have to put quality out there, and you have to provide value. Now that the market is saturated, it’s not enough to have just any old room with a bed. People care about their location, the amenities, and more. The market is saturated with places that are filled with cheap accommodations and little to no care, and people are waking up to that. That’s not what they want anymore.  [15:30] “What I recommend to people when you’re searching for what is the right

    1h 20m
  2. 16 SEPT

    Beaver Bankers: Build Financial Dams for Future Generations

    What happens when you balance rigorous research with actionable steps in financial education? Drawing inspiration from Nelson Nash’s teachings and Becca Wilhite's book "Beaver Bankers," we explore how building your own financial dam can help you navigate the overwhelming flood of social media content. We’ll highlight the importance of wisdom over information and how to create a solid understanding of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). Discover Becca Wilhite's introduction to whole life insurance in 2020, which challenged her previous beliefs shaped by Dave Ramsey and led her to embrace the principles of the Nelson Nash Institute. This pivotal moment not only transformed her financial strategy but also inspired her to write a children's book, Beaver Bankers, that cleverly uses the analogy of beavers building dams to teach financial stability and security. We also tackle the hotly debated topic of Dave Ramsey’s financial advice versus the Infinite Banking Concept. While Ramsey’s methods have undoubtedly helped many escape debt, our discussion highlights the limitations of his narrow focus on mutual funds. Becca’s dedication to mastering and teaching IBC emphasizes the importance of mentorship in making complex financial concepts accessible.  We wrap up with a fascinating look at how life insurance can be strategically used for generational wealth. Tune in for a thought-provoking episode that promises to reshape your perspective on financial strategies. Dave Ramsey and IBCBeaver Bankers Book Reveals the Secrets of IBCBringing Kids on Board with BankingBook A Strategy Call Dave Ramsey and IBC Depending on who you ask in the IBC community, Dave Ramsey is a hot topic. After all, he’s staunchly against whole life insurance and IBC strategies. However, our take is a little less extreme. He can’t be a total scam, or else he wouldn’t still be doing what he’s doing. What Dave is good at is helping people get out of debt and build the discipline necessary to be good candidates for IBC. He’s just not a great wealth builder. But when you realize that, you realize he’s not a bad guy.  Becca’s views were shaped early on by Dave Ramsey until she realized that there was a lot of merit to the Infinite Banking space. To get there, it required an open mind.  [14:21] “If you would be curious enough to maybe spend a few hours reading a book, I think you might discover—if we could all have a little bit of humility—hey, I might not be right. And these things that I’ve thought and been taught my whole life, there may be a better way.” Don’t be afraid to learn new things, adopt a beginner’s mindset, and stretch the boundaries of what you know. Knowledge cannot harm you, it can only make you a deeper and more critical thinker. This is how Becca grew in her understanding, and what led her to becoming an IBC Practitioner in her own right. Beaver Bankers Book Reveals the Secrets of IBC Some people are good verbal communicators, others are good written communicators. Becca happens to be great at communicating concepts and ideas with the written word, as evidenced by her children’s book. This endeavor was not something Becca predicted for herself, and yet one day she found herself wondering if there were ways that nature could tell the story and principles of IBC.  It was this line of thought, and her faith, that led her to researching beavers. It was just a little inkling in the back of her mind that she knew was divinely planted, so she followed through. At the beginning of her research, all she really knew was that beavers built dams. Interestingly, the reason that they build the dams is to create a more favorable environment for themselves. Beavers aren’t that great on land, and they can’t really thrive in rushing water, so they build dams. The dam turns fast-flowing water into a pond that’s ideal to live in. It provi

    44 min
  3. 9 SEPT

    Key 16 Habits of Rich People

    What sets apart the people who are wealthy and successful from those who struggle with money their whole lives?  What are the Key Habits of Rich People? It’s not luck.   Some people were familiar with wealthy habits, and some learned them. Today, we’re talking about the fundamental habits and disciplines of an ordered life. What if the key to your financial and relational success lay not in luck but in your daily habits? Join us as we challenge the notion that success is merely a result of favorable circumstances. We uncover the transformative power of self-discipline, self-awareness, and deliberate choices. Through insights from "Atomic Habits," we delve into how significant, transformative habits can set the foundation for broader success and why surrounding yourself with success-oriented individuals can be the game-changer you need. In a touching conversation with my 13-year-old daughter, we debunk the myth that self-improvement means inadequacy. Bruce shares his wisdom on the ongoing nature of growth and learning, stressing the importance of new experiences. Drawing from Rabbi Daniel Lapin's holistic approach, we discuss how progress in finances, faith, fitness, friendships, and family are intricately linked, contributing to a balanced and successful life. This holistic model underscores that improvement in one area can create positive ripples across all facets of your life. Discover why an abundance mindset is crucial for growth and wealth in our discussion on intentional living. We'll share how gratitude and viewing tasks as privileges can shift your career and personal growth trajectories. Learn from the financial habits of rich people, such as cash flow awareness and strategic investments, and see why building a self-sustaining business through teamwork is essential for long-term success. With practical steps for setting a long-term vision and focusing on significant goals, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you achieve true financial independence and personal fulfillment. So if you want to discover the thinking, action, and strategies that separate the top 1%, tune in now! Take Responsibility and Work on YourselfHabits of Rich PeopleAbundance MindsetGet Your Priorities StraightWealth Takes TimeCash Flow AwarenessPay Yourself FirstFocus on What You Can ControlBook A Strategy Call Take Responsibility and Work on Yourself For better or for worse, you are responsible for the outcomes of your life. Taking responsibility of that is the first step toward a “wealth” mindset. So what does it mean to take responsibility? That can look like making different choices, forming new habits, doing research and due diligence, and so much more.  I think, often, people conceptualize taking responsibility in a negative context. Many people view it as owning up to your actions when taking responsibility can also be a positive thing. It’s about taking ownership of everything you do so that you’re living life consciously and intentionally. When you’re responsible with your actions, you’re informed and empowered, which yields excellent results.  If you want to go the way of the wealthy, everything starts with responsibility. Assume responsibility for how you think and what you do, and you’ll start seeing positive results. [06:00] “Taking responsibility means recognizing that you can’t blame others, you can’t have excuses. It’s taking ownership of your life.” Habits of Rich People So what is it that sets the wealthy apart from your average person? It's the habits that they've collected over time that help them live life more abundantly. These habits of rich people are all small pieces that contribute to a larger picture of hard work, innovation, a desire to create value, and strong principles. [08:46] “It’s not that you need to change to become valuable; it’s that when you recognize y

    56 min
  4. 2 SEPT

    Top 9 Worst Infinite Banking Mistakes

    Infinite Banking has the potential to transform your family's financial life. However, as this powerful financial concept has risen in popularity, so have the messages that deviate from the original design and intent. Understanding infinite banking as Nelson Nash intended becomes all the more important, as it allows you to recognize the worst infinite banking mistakes. In order for you to reap the greatest benefits of Infinite Banking, you have to identify these attractive half-truths about Infinite Banking, so you can steer clear of problems and instead build your financial house on sound fundamentals. Discover how to sidestep common pitfalls, from misinterpreting policy illustrations to mismanaging premium payments. This episode provides a detailed examination of Nelson Nash's foundational principles, illuminating how deviating from his original design can undermine your financial strategy.  Navigate the complexities of selecting the right life insurance policies and managing cash flows with confidence. We debunk myths about early cash value and illustrate the importance of balancing safety, liquidity, and growth for optimal wealth management. Learn practical strategies for planning ahead, so you never miss a premium payment and maintain the integrity of your policy. This episode is all about proactive action and long-term thinking, giving you the tools to confidently implement the infinite banking concept and maximize your wealth. Join us and transform your financial approach today! What is Infinite Banking?Worst Infinite Banking Mistakes1. Comparing Illustrations2. Not Planning Ahead to Pay Premium3. Trying to Guarantee the Future Before Starting4. Not Using Whole Life Insurance5. Focusing Only on Cash Value6. Using It to Pay Off Debt7. Using All Available Cash Value8. Viewing It as a One-time Event9. Not Getting StartedBook A Strategy Call What is Infinite Banking? The Infinite Banking Concept, coined by Nelson Nash, is the idea of taking control of the banking function in your life via whole life insurance with a mutual insurance company. The banking function primarily refers to financing, because we all have a need for capital, and how you obtain that capital can make a major difference in your bottom line. By accumulating your capital outside of the banks, you can finance your own purchases and investments. Whole life insurance is simply the ideal vehicle or “warehouse” for storing said capital.  So why is this better than working with a bank? The answer is control. When you work with banks, you have very little control and often have to jump through hoops to get access to cash. In fact, there are many reasons a bank might deny you a loan, regardless of your ability to repay the loan. Bank terms are also rigid and inflexible. So what if you could call the shots, right down to your amortization schedule? That’s what Infinite Banking allows you to do. It puts you back in the driver's seat. Worst Infinite Banking Mistakes One of the major issues is that there’s a lot of Infinite Banking misinformation out there. In part, this comes from detractors, and yet it can also come from well-meaning people who don’t have a fundamental understanding of IBC the way Nelson taught it. That’s why it’s really important to vet your information sources. Ask yourself: What’s their skin in the game, what do they get from discrediting IBC? How do they know about IBC and what’s their relationship to it? How long has this person been practicing IBC, and who are their mentors? Are they an IBC Practitioner, certified through the Nelson Nash Institute? In an effort to combat some of the misinformation out there, we’ve compiled a list of the 9 worst Infinite Banking mistakes we see people make, so that you can learn from them. 1. Comparing Illustrations One of the worst Infinite Banking mistakes we see people make is that

    50 min
  5. 26 AUG

    Leaving an Inheritance to My Great-Grandchildren

    Do you want to give your kids the best possible chance at life, but you’re afraid of spoiling them, or worse? Are you concerned that leaving an inheritance will only end in disaster? Learn why "leaving an inheritance to my great-grandchildren" is a good thing and how to do it. Many parents are undecided about whether they want to leave an inheritance to their children. They fear raising ungrateful “trust fund babies” or leaving their kids with money they cannot possibly be good stewards of. Some parents didn’t receive an inheritance at all, so they don’t think their own children could possibly need it. But what if you could leave an inheritance not only to your children but your grandchildren, and even your great-grandchildren? It’s not about how much money you have, it’s about how you prepare your children to take good care of that money and become value creators in their own right.  Today, we’re talking about how the Marshall family approaches money and inheritance, and how you can begin preparing your kids to be great stewards of your legacy now and later. Learn how and why I am leaving an inheritance to my great-grandchildren, and you can too. Tune in now! The Inheritance SpectrumThe Marshall Family ValuesHave Your Kids Create ValueLeaving an Inheritance to My Great-GrandchildrenFinancial Wisdom for KidsBook A Strategy Call The Inheritance Spectrum Leaving an inheritance to your children or grandchildren can be a tricky subject to navigate. There are many pros and cons to both leaving or not leaving an inheritance that has a lot to do with HOW you go about it. In our case, we think inheritance is a spectrum of sorts. On one end, you’ve got those who are just dumping money on the next generation without much preparation or care. On the other side of the spectrum, you have people who are intentionally withholding an inheritance for various reasons. Then, you have everything in between.  The side that is against leaving an inheritance generally comes from two schools of thought. Some people believe that they weren’t left anything, and so their children don’t need it either. They want to be selfish with their money, and they want their kids to figure it out on their own. The other camp is the parents who don’t wish to ruin their kids by spoiling them or leaving them with a cushy life without developing the work ethic or business savvy to keep it. Both sides of this spectrum are pretty extreme and can be damaging. There’s a middle ground that we advocate for that can actually ensure that your legacy lasts for generations, and that’s by building something to leave your children while also raising them to be good stewards of it. This could include involving your kids in the family business, teaching them good money principles, and making sure that they know how to continue growing their assets. By doing this, you create a generation that can do the same with their children so that many generations down the line your family is still prospering.  [09:50] “It’s not the money that causes the problems. The challenge is money brings up all of this emotion… we attach it to our identity, our sense of self-worth.” The Marshall Family Values One of my family’s values is freedom. Most people conjure up the same mental image of freedom, but there are actually two major meanings of the word freedom when we go back to Hebrews in scripture. There’s a good form of freedom and a bad form of freedom. The way that most people conceptualize freedom is to be free FROM something—for example, freedom from obligations. This is why many people think of retirement as one of the ultimate freedoms because they won’t be tied down or expected to do anything.  The other kind of freedom is the freedom to choose—not to be free of obligations, but to pick the obligations that matter to you and develop accordingly. This choice

    43 min
  6. 19 AUG

    Tax Benefits of Whole Life Insurance

    Unlock the secrets of mastering the tax benefits of whole life insurance with our latest Money Advantage podcast episode. We promise you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of tax laws related to life insurance strategies, like the pivotal 1988 government decision to limit cash value life insurance investments due to their tax perks. By diving into the historical context of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and the Revenue Act of 1987, we uncover the intricate relationship between these laws and the economic climate of the time, helping you make smarter financial decisions today. Travel back in time with us to explore how Nixon’s 1974 move away from the gold standard set the stage for inflation and the creation of IRAs and 401(k)s. These financial products shifted funds from whole life insurance, leading to the popularity of universal life policies. Our discussion reveals how high interest rates and regulatory responses like the 1988 Tamra Act reshaped the life insurance landscape, ensuring it remained a protection tool rather than a tax haven. The 1979 FTC report’s critique of whole life insurance also played a significant role, challenging traditional perceptions and influencing market dynamics. We round off the episode by dissecting the Modified Endowment Contract (MEC) and the Tamra Act’s regulatory impacts on life insurance policies. Discover the nuances of the one-year and seven-year rules, the scenarios leading to a policy becoming a MEC, and the resulting tax implications. We delve into circumstances where intentionally MEC'ing a policy could be beneficial, such as for estate planning or achieving better returns than traditional banking options. This rich historical insight equips you with the knowledge to navigate today’s complex financial landscape with confidence. Tax Loopholes vs. Tax IncentivesWhole Life Insurance and TaxesThe History of Whole Life Insurance and TaxationWhat Does it Mean to Be a MEC?Applying Whole Life Insurance tax Benefits TodayBook A Strategy Call Tax Loopholes vs. Tax Incentives To kick off this conversation, let’s get something clear: tax loopholes are not actually loopholes. The word “loophole” has a negative connotation, and if often used to suggest that people who use tax incentives to reduce their taxes are doing something sneaky or unethical. The reality is that the IRS writes tax law to be as specific and intentional as possible, and those “loopholes” are actually intentional incentives from the government. Tax incentives work to provide tax credits or breaks for investors who can do things that the government does not want to spend their own money on. For example, there are many tax incentives in real estate because housing is a constant and prevalent need. If housing cannot be provided by landlords, the government may have to provide more housing, and so the government creates tax incentives to have investors take the lead.  Tax breaks don’t exist by accident. They are purposeful and are designed to get investors to take specific actions.  Whole Life Insurance and Taxes Whole life insurance is a popular “tax-advantaged” asset because you can technically access your cash in a tax-free way. You can do this through a policy loan, which must still be paid back, or by withdrawing only up to your base premium. Otherwise, you can still have a taxable event. That being said, whole life insurance has long been a popular strategy for tax purposes, and in fact used to be even more beneficial from a tax standpoint, until the IRS got involved. And while there are some limitations, now, whole life insurance is still extremely advantageous from a tax standpoint. The History of Whole Life Insurance and Taxation Until the 1960s, whole life insurance was the premier savings vehicle for American families. It provided great flexibility and protection and was a powerful tax advantage.

    40 min
  7. 12 AUG

    Family Business Dynamics, with Savannah Suttle

    Do you want to grow and scale a family business, but family business dynamics are getting in the way? Unlock the secrets to harmonizing family business dynamics and business operations with Savannah Suttle from Schema Consulting to reveal the powerful impact of psychotherapy and marriage and family therapy techniques on family-run businesses. You'll learn how to navigate the complex interplay between evolving family roles and business practices, ensuring a cohesive approach to tackling both personal and professional challenges, especially during generational transitions. Discover the keys to balancing business needs with employee well-being as we tackle the intricacies of role reassessment and transparent communication. Savannah shares her wisdom on creating win-win scenarios where individual growth and business success go hand in hand. We discuss the critical importance of addressing difficult decisions head-on, fostering a culture of open dialogue that prevents fear and conflict avoidance, and underscoring the necessity of placing the right people in the right positions for maximum team morale and efficiency. Finally, we explore the essential strategies for scaling family businesses, emphasizing radical transparency and effective communication. Savannah guides us through the pitfalls of over-relying on long-standing employees without proper succession planning and highlights the importance of nurturing the next generation's authenticity and innovation. From strategic leadership transitions to fostering a shared vision, this episode equips you with the tools to ensure your family business remains vibrant and appealing for future generations, creating a lasting legacy of wealth and collaboration. So, if you want to discover how your family businesses can navigate complex dynamics and turn challenges into opportunities to grow your reach, impact, and team ... tune in now! How Behavior Therapy Leads to Family Business DynamicsNavigating Family Business GrowthMaking Tough DecisionsPassing Businesses from Generation to GenerationBook A Strategy Call How Behavior Therapy Leads to Family Business Dynamics While now Savannah works with family businesses, she got her start in behavior therapy, specifically marriage and family therapy. What’s unique about this field is that it’s a structural form of psychotherapy—if you can change the structure of the family, you can change the dynamic of the family. So changing one piece of the system will change the whole system.  This structure is very close to, and even overlapping, with business structures. And if you have a family business, the dynamics are even more entwined. What Savannah found is that some of her clients who had family businesses had cemented some of their family dysfunction into their business operations. The problem is that at one point the dysfunction was actually functional, and served a positive purpose at one point. But then, over time, the business/family outgrew those roles or procedures, and yet they left them baked into the process. Those dysfunctions are then difficult to remove because the family has not come to terms with who they have become and what they need.   [04:53] “Who you were when you started the business is probably not who you are now. And what you needed then is probably not what you need now.” Navigating Family Business Growth One of the ways in which family businesses may fail to adapt is how they scale. It’s one thing to manage a team of 10 people—especially when you know and love them—and another thing to manage a team of 150 people. The challenges of a team of 150 are different even from a team of thousands.  [09:32] “The problem is when you start scaling and you’ve got a lot of people now, it’s usually a matter of headcount. Then all of a sudden you only have 24 hours in a day and you can’t talk to everybody and build relationsh

    51 min
  8. 5 AUG

    Whole Life Insurance Loans Explained

    Do you have a life insurance policy and want to access your cash reserves? Today, we're discussing the science of whole life insurance loans. We'll show you why a whole life insurance loan is the safest investment imaginable for the life insurance company and why a whole life insurance policy loan is not a debt to the policy owner. This is an in-depth exploration of Infinite Banking and whole life insurance policy loans. Understand how leveraging your whole life insurance policy can offer superior benefits over traditional bank loans, while allowing your savings to grow uninterrupted. We'll break down the step-by-step process of requesting and repaying loans against your policy, debunking the myth that taking such loans equates to being in debt. Discover the power of participating in mutual insurance companies, where you can benefit from dividends as part owners. Learn how using your cash value as collateral for non-recourse loans presents a low-risk, high-reward strategy, and compare the straightforward underwriting process of insurance loans to the more cumbersome bank loans. We'll also discuss the safeguards mutual companies put in place to ensure financial stability and how they effectively manage loan requests. Finally, we delve into the principles of Nelson Nash's Infinite Banking Concept, emphasizing long-term thinking and strategic loan repayment to optimize your policy benefits. We'll clarify the nuances of borrowing against whole life insurance policies, explain the importance of maintaining your contract's integrity, and share best practices for utilizing these loans effectively. Whether you're new to Infinite Banking or looking to refine your approach, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you take control of your financial future. So, if you want to understand whole life insurance policy loans, how to take a loan against whole life insurance policy, why the life insurance company is willing to offer them, how to repay them, what happens to your policy with outstanding loans, and when you should reconsider, tune in now! What is a Whole Life Insurance Loan?Loan Safety in InsuranceReading a Policy IllustrationTaking a Whole Life Insurance LoanWhere Does the Interest Go?Book A Strategy Call What is a Whole Life Insurance Loan? A whole life insurance loan, also called a policy loan, is a loan FROM the insurance company with your cash value acting as collateral. The reason this type of loan is powerful is because it allows you to use the sum of your cash value without actually using it. Since you’re using the life insurance company’s money, your cash value is free to keep compounding with interest and dividends. This can make a major difference on the growth of your account. While you do have to pay the loan back, you have much more flexibility than with any other loan type. You can make your own payment schedule, and you do not have to apply or meet any requirements, and as soon as you free up your cash value again (releasing the collateral by paying the loan balance) you can take another loan.  Loan Safety in Insurance Because of the flexibility of whole life insurance loans, they’re incredibly “safe” loans to have. Your loan is always fully collateralized, which means that if you cannot pay the loan, the insurance company simply won’t release that collateral. And while that will of course reduce the cash value that you can access, your account still grows with new premiums, interest, and dividends. And one day, if you do repay the loan, that collateral does get released. This means that if you experience hardship or need to pause your loan payments, you can do so without worrying about defaulting, running your credit score, or otherwise facing financial obstacles.  If you happen to die with an unpaid policy loan, the death benefit is simply paid to your beneficiaries minus any loan balance and

    56 min


The Money Advantage provides simple, fun, and doable financial talk that helps wealth creators build time and money freedom with cash flow strategies, Infinite Banking, and alternative investments so you never have to worry about running out of money. Through our family office model, we utilize strategies for cash flow, long-term tax reduction, estate and business legal planning, creative whole life insurance strategies (Privatized Banking), and alternative investments.

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