The Tabernacle Today

The Tabernacle Today
The Tabernacle Today Podcast

The Tabernacle Today is a podcast maintained by The Tabernacle, an SBC Baptist Church located in Danville, VA. This podcast contains sermons and audio recorded live during our Sunday Worship Service and our Wednesday Bible Study. We pray that this ministry is a blessing for you! To view our full Sunday Livestream, or to learn more about us, check out our social media platforms: Connect with us on Facebook: Check out our YouTube channel: Check out our website:

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    Psalm 66 - 9/8/2024 Sunday PM Study

    Psalm 66 Worksheet After 15 Psalms in a row attributed to David (Psalm 51-65), no author is given for Psalm 66. This is the first of __________ anonymous Psalms in Book 2 (Psalms 42-72) so far. Psalms 42-50 were either by the Sons of Korah or Asaph (Psalm 43 is also anonymous, but is an extension of Psalm 42). Like Psalm 65 we looked at last time, Psalm 66 is a ____________________ Psalm, inviting us to glorify God our Creator and Redeemer. As we read the Psalm, look for a shift from the second and third person (you, we, us, our) to the first person (I, me, my). All the __________________________ is called to worship God V. 1-4 Notice we are not to sing out honoring ourselves, but honor and worship of God. Don’t ever forget the root of worship is declaring the _______________________ of our wonderful God! Despite the power of Israel’s enemies, the Psalmist affirms that God is more ____________________ than all His enemies, and one day all His enemies will bow before Him (Philippians 2:9-11). I love that the Psalmist anticipates not only the eventual submission of all God’s enemies, but the eventual worship of God from everyone around the world that turns to God (Rev. 5:9-10; 7:9-10). _______________________ is called to worship God V. 5-7 What two events in Israel’s history are referred to in verse 6? The ________________________ from Egyptian bondage (Exodus 14:21) The _________________________ into the Promised Land (Joshua 3:16) The meaning of verse 7 is clear: God will eventually deal with all the enemies of Israel, as He did Pharaoh and powerful Egypt in the past. God has _______________________ us through times of trouble before V. 8-15 The next verses are going to recall how God has used past times of adversity, largely brought on by Israel’s own unfaithfulness to the Lord. But Israel is called to bless God for not giving up on His people, even when He has had to ___________________________ His people! But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. -Job 23:10 Adverse circumstances are like the heat of the Refiner’s fire – God is like the metal smith who holds on to us in the fire, and pulls us out better than when we went in. When Israel was bound and determined to sin, God’s judgment began passively. He let them do what they were bound and determined to do. But that meant they would face the built in ___________________ of their sin. They turned to the gods of other nations and engaged in their sinful practices. As judgment God removed His hand of protection and let those other nations defeat them. They got to see firsthand how evil those gods were. But just as in days of old God was ready to deliver them as they turned back to Him. They has passed through the Refiner’s fire and water, and the Psalmist was _____________________ that God giving them over to their sins for a season (Romans 1) didn’t mean that God had given up on them! The ______________________ to testify with lips and focused lives V. 16-20 The Psalmist _________________________ that all those who revere God like he now does will “Love to hear the story” of what God has done for him! Psalm 66:18 needs to be ________________________ whenever we teach on prayer. For our prayers to be effective, we must love God and hate sin. The person who confesses his sin will be forgiven by God, and must seek to forsake it. If we still love sin in our heart, we will be double-minded and our prayers will be ineffective. The Psalmist is not claiming to be sinless – he is saying that his confession of sin was caught up, his desire was to love God and hate sin, and he felt power in his prayer closet he had not known during days of sinful ________________________.

    43 min
  2. 9 SEPT

    Jesus is Lord of the Physical Realm - 9/8/2024 Sunday Sermon

    Jesus is Lord of the Physical Realm Affirmation: When the child of God Looks into the word of God And sees the Son of God, They are transformed by the Spirit of God Into the image of God For the glory of God. -Warren Wiersbe The work of Mechanics and Doctors makes me think of Jesus as the Great Physician. Today’s passage shows 3 instances of Jesus healing people, showing that He is the Lord of the Physical Realm. Matt. 8:1-17 When you are reading in the Bible, you need to be looking at 2 things at once. One is what God wants to teach you from the passage you are in about living by faith in Him. The other is how this passage advances the “Big Idea” being made in that Book and the Bible’s ‘Meta-narrative.’ The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Messiah), the son of David, the son of Abraham. - Matthew 1:1 Recap of Matthew’s gospel so far: - Jesus’ genealogy proves His legal claim to be the Messiah (1:1-17) - Jesus’ virgin birth means He was born without a sin nature (1:18-25) - Jesus’ fulfilled prophecies only the Messiah could fulfill, attested to by wise men who worshipped Him and angels who protected Him (2:1-23) - John the Baptist’s ministry and testimony about Jesus fulfilled prophecy about the Messiah having a ‘forerunner’ like Elijah (3:1-12) - Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist showed the Triune God’s plan was unfolding (3:13-17) - Jesus’ overcoming Satan’s temptations was part of Him living an absolutely sinless life, making Him able to save as a perfect, acceptable sacrifice (4:1-11) - The beginning of His public ministry showed Him blessing the region of Galilee, just as Isaiah the Prophet had said would happen (4:12-22) And He went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every affliction among the people. - Matthew 4:23 - Jesus’ sermon on the mount proved He was the Lord over the moral and doctrinal realm (Chapters 5-7). And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at His teaching, for He was teaching as one who had AUTHORITY, and not as their scribes. - Matthew 7:28-29 The word for authority is the Greek word exousia (G 1849), which occurs 103 times in the New Testament. It can be translated as power, authority, and right. It is used of God’s liberty to do as He pleases. But as many as received Him, He gave the right (exousia) to become children of God. - John 1:12 Jesus heals a social outcast of his skin disease - V. 1-4 Ancient Israel did not have a Center for Disease Control; the Book of Leviticus told priests what to do when someone in Israel came to them with a contagious skin disease so an outbreak would not happen. So here’s a an outcast coming to Jesus, surrounded by crowds, which probably meant he had left his isolation and come as a contagious man to Jesus, desperate for healing so he can get back to his life. Aren’t you glad Jesus is willing to reach out and touch unclean sinners and heal them? Jesus heals a Gentile’s servant of paralysis - V. 5-13 Jesus was showing that “The King was in their midst!” – it was now time to repent, it was now time to change their minds from a religious outlook to a “God loves people more than anything” outlook! Notice in verse 10 Jesus helps us understand that true faith acknowledges and submits to the authority, the LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ. These verses reinforce the omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence of God. He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere-present. He can speak the word in one place, and healing happen in another place. He is not bound by time and space like we are. He is Lord of the physical realm! Jesus heals a woman of her fever - V. 14-17 What we need to see here is that Jesus healing an outcast, a Gentile’s servant, and a woman, all in GALLILEE was a direct challenge to the indifference and wrong priorities of the

    51 min
  3. 9 SEPT

    Psalm 65 - 8/25/2024 Sunday PM Study

    Psalm 65 Worksheet How many times did David say “You” or “Your” in this Psalm? _____________ times!!! It is also fitting that in addition to the heading reading that this is a Psalm of David to the Chief Musician it specifically says this is a Song! From start to finish Psalm 65 is one of the most beautiful _______________ psalms. The 1st half of the Psalm focuses on God’s greatness, and the 2nd half presents the joy that a God-given _____________ brings. It is especially moving for those who have lived in an agricultural setting. The word wait in verse one is also the word “silent.” The force is “Praise for God is fixing to _____________ out in Zion.” David is calling Jerusalem to get ready to ‘raise the roof’ in praise, fulfilling ‘vows’ of worship. I believe that God the Holy Spirit is convicting people around the world about their need of God in their life. I believe He is appealing to “all flesh” to pray and _________________ to Jesus (v. 2). Philippians 2 Of course David had the promises of the Levitical sacrifice system that allowed those who trusted God and repented to have their sins temporarily atoned for (v. 3) – but I think David is also anticipating Christ’s perfect atonement to come! Verse 4 makes me think of John 15:16a – “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain…” Notice David goes from “he” to “__________” in the middle of verse 4, indicating that he counts himself among the chosen ones who get to experience God. He has chosen the One who chose him! The word for awesome in verse 5 is built on the root word for “holy fear” or “reverence” that we saw in Psalm 96:9 (yare). Those who reverence God anticipate Him doing awesome deeds around them. But also notice again David’s missionary _______________________ that people from all over the world and even across the seas will place their confident trust in God also. (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Rev. 5 &7). Notice the power attributed to God in verses 6-7: power to still troubled waters, power to still troubled ____________________! Verse 8 again teaches the reality of ______________________ revelation in insuring that all people on earth think about God the Creator. Romans 1:16-23 Beginning in verse 9, the focus changes to God’s _____________________ in the agricultural realm. About a dozen of God’s actions unfold! What a _________________ of the agricultural bounty the Lord provides! You can see this song being sung joyfully at a great harvest in which The Lord has crowned that year with goodness. As Bob Alden said, “Up and down the paths are vegetables and fruits which have spilled off the over-loaded wagons.” Those times when God makes it all work out in this sin-stained world should be times of rejoicing for us – they are little _________________________ of what the New Earth will be like. If this is all a little TOO rosy for you, remember that David also wrote many Psalms for when things don’t work out as we would hope, yet we still ____________________ in God. And there is also a song in the Bible for when for whatever reason it has been a terrible agricultural year. Do you remember where it’s found?

    47 min
  4. 9 SEPT

    Confirming that Jesus is YOUR Lord - 8/25/2024 Sunday Sermon

    Confirming that Jesus is YOUR Lord What does it mean when you call Jesus your Lord? Biblically there is no debate: Jesus is Lord whether or not you now acknowledge Him as Lord! The Bible teaches that the Day is coming when everyone who has ever lived will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, but it will be too late for those in Hell to respond to that knowledge in a saving way. The Greek word for Lord is Kyrios (G 2962), which occurs 748 times in the New Testament. It is often translated as Lord, Master, and Sir. It means “He to whom a person or things belong.” Biblically, the way you respond to a Kyrios is to submit to their authority in your life. Our Lord Jesus Christ…who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. - 1 Timothy 6:14b-15a Matt. 7:21-23 Two sobering realities: There are people who call Jesus ‘Lord’ but won’t be in Heaven - V. 21a There are people who do many religious things who won’t be in Heaven - V. 22 There is such power in the name of Jesus and the preaching of the gospel that godly outcomes can result even when lost people preach and do things in the name of Jesus. For those who trust that speaking and doing good works for Jesus will get them saved or keep them saved, a rude awakening awaits – the Day of Judgment that Jesus speaks of in verse 22. What it means to know Jesus as Lord and Savior: To know Jesus as Lord is to really know Him - V. 23 “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; but it is they that bear witness about Me.” - John 5:39 “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” - John 17:3 To know Jesus as Lord is to do the Heavenly Father’s will - V. 21 The Greek word for will is Thelema (G2307), which occurs 64 times in the New Testament. It can also be translated “desire.” It means “what one has desires or has determined should be done. It is used of God’s desire to bless mankind through Jesus Christ. …God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. - 1 Timothy 2:3b-4 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality. - 1 Thess. 4:3 Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. - 1 Thess. 5:16-18 So what are you saying when you call Jesus your Lord and Savior? Jesus, I trust in you alone to save me by your grace. For the rest of my life, I submit to your authority in my life, and I want You to be glorified in and through me, not myself. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. - Romans 13:14

    43 min
  5. 23 AUG

    Psalm 64 - 8/18/2024 Sunday PM Study

    Psalm 64 Worksheet In general, David’s psalms have a ______________________ percentage of verses spoken directly to the Lord than the other psalms. That’s what we would expect for someone God describes as “a man after my own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14). Psalm 64 is another chiastic psalm. In Chiastic poetry the first thought parallels the last thought, the second thought parallels the next to last thought, and so on with a big point made in the _______________________. The parallel can be achieved by saying a similar thing, or a contrast with an opposite thing. So here’s what the chiastic outline looks like for Psalm 64: A Prayer for deliverance from wicked workers (v. 1-2) B Description of the wicked tongue (v. 3) C Purpose of the wicked shooting (v. 4) D Psychology of the wicked (v. 5-6) C God shoots the wicked (v. 7) B God confounds their tongue (v. 8) A Righteous men enjoy the work of God (v. 9-10) > Prayer for deliverance from wicked workers (v. 1-2) What 3 things does David plea for in verses 1-2? If you find yourself fearful of someone or something, _______________________ that even courageous King David asked to be preserved from fear! The word for fear is different in verse 1 than in verse 9. Here it is Pahad (H6342 – 49x), which is fear as in dread. In verse 9 it is yare (H3372 – 314x), which is fear as in revere. Description of the wicked tongue (v. 3) Purpose of the wicked shooting (v. 4) Based on what we have said, which word for fear do you think this is in verse 4? We are called to honor the ______________________ our leaders are in even when we have problems with the words and behavior of those leaders. Godly people honor all they can, the wicked refuse to show any honor. Psychology of the wicked (v. 5-6) Here we see what goes through the mind of wicked men. First they look for _____________________ up to no good to join up with. Next they secretly devise what they are going to do. They ___________________ themselves they will get away with it. Their words and deeds show they don’t____________________ in God. What word signals the turning point in verse 7? God shoots the wicked (v. 7) Here’s the turning point – until now, this has been a prayer of complaint about secret enemies. From verse 7 on the psalmist ___________________ their condemnation and the vindication of the righteous. God confounds their tongue (v. 8) How many times have we seen a wicked man stumble over his own words? I like that David had confidence that God would bring out the truth eventually. God will _________________________ have the last word! Righteous men enjoy the work of God (v. 9-10) David knew well that sometimes the wicked have the upper hand ______________________ and that believers in God face many hardships in life. But He trusted that God would win in the eternal end! He didn’t need to dread man because he revered God.

    44 min
  6. 22 AUG

    Listening to the Right Voices - 8/18/2024 Sunday Sermon

    Listening to the Right Voices Matthew 7:15-20 Be on the lookout for false teachers - V. 15 How to recognize true and false prophets - V. 16-18 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. - 1 Peter 1:21-2:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. -1 John 4:1 Characteristics of true prophets: Their teaching conforms to biblical truth Aside – you can be a true prophet and be odd and also be scorned by many. It is also true that you can be a true prophet and get things wrong. It is also true that one teaching wrongly can grow in their knowledge. Characteristics of false prophets: They don’t say things that are biblically true. In particular, they say things about Jesus that are biblically false. Tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear. Will ask you to follow their rules instead of God’s word. Rules instead of repentance. Add to God’s word. Don’t bring the biblical teaching of Jesus. Promote a works based salvation, and they define the works. They ask you to send money to the Lord, but they give you their address. They don’t really care about you but their own gain. Pride instead of humility Aside – you can be very charming and likeable and still be a false prophet. Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets. - Luke 6:26 Aside – may very well be able to build a crowd and have outward symbols of success – but biblical fruit is not there. The consequences for false prophets who mislead others - V. 19 The conclusion - V. 20

    52 min


The Tabernacle Today is a podcast maintained by The Tabernacle, an SBC Baptist Church located in Danville, VA. This podcast contains sermons and audio recorded live during our Sunday Worship Service and our Wednesday Bible Study. We pray that this ministry is a blessing for you! To view our full Sunday Livestream, or to learn more about us, check out our social media platforms: Connect with us on Facebook: Check out our YouTube channel: Check out our website:

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