Trusted Authority - The Podcast

Petra Zink
Trusted Authority - The Podcast Podcast

Welcome to the Trusted Authority! The show all about becoming known, respected and of course trusted for your area of expertise, beyond your credentials and titles. I’m your host Petra Zink, and I’m on a mission to make the smartest voices heard and recognised, not the loudest. Every week, you learn strategies, tactics and best practises on how to go from technical expert (and best kept secret) to become the trusted authority in your industry. And that’s a wrap, thank you so much for listening! If you want more, check out my free resources to get your Trusted Authority journey started! Hop over to and enjoy the gifts!

  1. 162. 3 Things You Get Wrong About Personal Branding in 2024

    4 DAYS AGO

    162. 3 Things You Get Wrong About Personal Branding in 2024

    Intro: The second you stand still, you are already falling behind. This is how I’m feeling right now—it's time to make big changes. The world is evolving, and so are key players. Maybe I’m just me being in my own bubble, or maybe it’s a sign of the times, but lately, I’ve noticed significant shifts: C-suite executives and founders are leaving their organisations, startups are merging with bigger companies, and established professionals are either experiencing layoffs or taking the plunge into new ventures. A notable trend is founders who, after cashing out and taking a break, are ready to dive back into the game—because doing nothing gets old quickly, especially for high performers. Whether you’re in transition or just observing, today’s episode will cover the biggest mistakes people make in personal branding so you can avoid them and get it right from the start.  ====== It may just be my feed, but I’ve noticed an explosion of personal branding content on LinkedIn lately. While building a presence is key, it’s not just about being visible; it’s about being strategic and positioning yourself effectively. Understanding the fundamentals of leveraging your brand is what makes or breaks your efforts. So, let’s dive into three common misconceptions about personal branding that can easily lead you off track: 1. Being in the Spotlight vs. Shining the Spotlight Why This Matters Now: With AI and automation reshaping content production and consumption, your originality—your unique story, experiences, and personality—has become a key differentiator. Audiences are more discerning, seeking leaders who stand for something meaningful, rather than just self-promotion. In a competitive world, it’s easy to think personal branding is about being the center of attention. Particularly in Australia, where there’s a concern about being seen as 'too much' or overly self-promotional, the idea of personal branding can be daunting. However, effective personal branding is not about being self-centered but about shining a light on what truly matters: your cause, company, or ideas. A common struggle is a lack of clarity about what you want to be known for or an absence of a solid framework to showcase your expertise. Without clear direction, you risk falling into the trap of producing unfocused content that doesn’t resonate. Example: If you’re working on a new digital tool, create content that explains its benefits and how it can solve specific problems for your audience.   Action Steps: Define Your Purpose: Clearly articulate the mission or cause your personal brand represents. Tell Stories: Connect past experiences with future goals. Share anecdotes that illustrate your impact and values. Micro-Narratives: Share small, relatable stories that connect with your audience personally. These can be daily experiences or small victories that reflect your values and mission. Value-Driven Content: Focus on providing tangible value. Share what you’re currently working on and how it can help others, making your content more engaging and relevant.   2. Time Management Why This Matters Now: In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, waiting until you "need" a strong personal brand is a luxury you can’t afford.  Building your brand consistently and strategically ensures that you’re never caught off guard and that you’re always ready to take advantage of new opportunities or navigate unexpected challenges.  You don’t start with building your Personal Brand when you need to [aka you’re exiting a business and plan for a career pivot or new business venture, your role looks like it will be made redundant, you’re launching a new offer, you name it]. Strategic timing is essential because otherwise it can backfire on you as people can see through those intentions.  By consistently investing in your brand, even when things are going well, you avoid the panic that comes with sudden shifts. It’s about bu

    17 min
  2. 161. The Green Collar Jobs: Green Careers with Purpose and Profit [Anna Sidoti]

    15 SEPT

    161. The Green Collar Jobs: Green Careers with Purpose and Profit [Anna Sidoti]

    If you've been thinking about how you can leverage your skills and experience to not only make money but also to do good and give back (to people and the planet) - this episode is for you. Having global sustainable development goals is excellent as it focuses on what really matters and sets the Northstar, but without the support of people contributing to achieving the goals, they won't amount to much. That's why today's conversation is so important.   We're diving into the world of green careers - exploring what they are, the skills needed, and how you can transition into one, whether you're an individual looking for a career change or a company wanting to upskill your workforce.   Our guest is , a career transition coach and sustainability expert who has made it her mission to help people align their work with their values and make a positive impact on the environment. With a background in science and education, Anna brings a unique and pragmatic perspective to the table. She understands the importance of scientific literacy, research, and networking in navigating the evolving landscape of green careers. Throughout this insightful conversation, we'll cover: Defining green careers and understanding their various aspects The essential skills and qualifications for transitioning into these roles How to leverage your existing experience without starting from scratch Why companies should invest in green skills and career opportunities Strategies for building a personal brand and standing out in the job market Upcoming trends and how to prepare for the changing job m   So whether you're a professional looking to make a career pivot or a company looking to build more sustainable practices, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice.   ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 3.) Get your 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at

    49 min
  3. 160. Influence vs Authority: Navigating Leadership in Today's Market

    1 SEPT

    160. Influence vs Authority: Navigating Leadership in Today's Market

    Have you noticed the same key trend that is flooding my feeds and DMs? High-profile C-suite leaders and founders transitioning at their career peaks. This shift highlights the difference between authority due to title and influence through trust and transparency. Key Insight: Traditional hierarchies are flattening, digital-first interactions are the norm, and professionals are embracing gig work and entrepreneurship. Understanding this shift is crucial for leading in today's world. Defining Influence and Authority in a Digital Era Influence now is about building a digital footprint, engaging with your audience, and staying relevant. Authority comes from demonstrated expertise, consistent value delivery, and trust. Actionable Steps: Personal Brand Audit: Ensure your digital presence aligns with your goals. Network Assessment: Evaluate if your connections support your influence-building efforts. Content Strategy: Showcase your expertise and personality. Regular Engagement: Interact with your audience through comments, live sessions, or Q&As. The Rise of Digital Leadership and the Gig Economy Digital leadership involves using platforms like LinkedIn to shape public perception and influence. It's about leading industry conversations and building communities. Actionable Steps: Master Collaboration Tools: Enhance team communication. Engage in Social Listening: Understand your audience's interests. Virtual Sessions: Discuss trends and brainstorm content ideas. Trend-Based Content Strategies: Create content addressing emerging trends. Community Engagement: Use platforms to share content and foster interaction. Balancing Influence and Authority in Flatter Hierarchies Leadership is now about earning trust and influence, regardless of title. Leaders must solve complex challenges and lead with openness and empathy. Closing Thoughts: Leadership in 2024 and beyond is about agility, adaptability, and influence. Whether building your business or leading a team, learn to influence and earn authority through trust and expertise.    ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 3.) Get your 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at

    30 min
  4. 25 AUG

    159. The Now, The Next, and The New in Cybersecurity [Jon Luthje]

    There is one topic that keeps most executives up at night and that is the increase of and the severity of Cyber attacks.   In 2023 alone, there were over 2,200 cyber attacks per day, which means there is an attack happening somewhere in the world every 39 seconds. These aren't just random numbers; they represent real threats to our businesses, our data, and our digital infrastructure and reputation. The stakes have never been higher, and the landscape has never been more complex.   Every day, we're exchanging massive amounts of information, from sensitive customer data to proprietary business strategies. And just like gold, our data is highly valuable and highly vulnerable. As C-suite leaders, understanding and protecting this asset is crucial to maintaining trust, compliance, and competitive advantage.    This is why we are joined by someone who’s been living and breathing this topic long before it was in such demand: is this weeks guest and he is a global cybersecurity strategist and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) with over 30 years of experience, specialising in holistic cybersecurity strategies and digital transformations across various sectors, including healthcare, tourism, consulting, retail, and engineering. A stand out certainly is his collaborative leadership, cost-effective solutions, and significant achievements in reducing security risks and aligning digital capabilities with business requirements. In this interview, we cover: Understanding Cybersecurity Complexity Career Insights and Recommendations to get into CyberSecurity The Essential Qualities and Traits for Success in cybersecurity are technical skills, analytical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, curiosity, perseverance, and effective communication. Practical Advice for Organisations and Individuals on how to protect themselves in the most effective way  Connect with Jon on LinkedIn:     _______________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 3.) Get your 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at

    28 min
  5. 158. 18 Insider Tips for Building an Authority Brand in 2024

    18 AUG

    158. 18 Insider Tips for Building an Authority Brand in 2024

    So, here we are - halfway through 2024.  The digital world is evolving faster than ever, and so are the rules of personal branding. It's not just about having a polished LinkedIn profile or a catchy tagline anymore. It's about mastering the subtle, powerful strategies that truly set you apart in this crowded space. In this episode, I’ll cover 18 crucial secrets that can transform your approach to branding if you’re serious about building your profile and making an impact beyond your title and credentials. Key Insights: Build Authority from the Inside Out: Authenticity means being the best version of yourself aligned with your professional goals. Share personal anecdotes and maintain consistency across platforms. Engagement Over Followers: A smaller, engaged audience is more valuable than a large, passive one. Use interactive content and respond to build a community. Visual Identity Matters: Consistent visual elements create a recognizable and trustworthy brand. Create a brand kit and use it consistently. Marketing Material Matters: Ensure your marketing materials look good and convey your expertise. Invest in professional design and clear content. Showcase Your Expertise: Share knowledge through blogs, videos, and public speaking. Create educational content and seek speaking opportunities. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and apply new knowledge. Follow industry news and attend workshops. Networking: Build a support system through networking. Engage with influencers and attend industry events. Content is King: Share high-quality, relevant, and valuable content. Develop a content calendar and take a stand on key issues. Play the Long Game: Branding is a marathon, not a sprint. Set realistic goals and track progress. Be Aware of Hidden Costs: Manage your time and take care of your well-being. Invest in high-quality tools and content. Use Personal Stories: Share personal stories to make your brand relatable. Connect emotionally and ensure relevance to your brand’s message. Collaborate Over Compete: Partner with others in your industry for mutual benefit. Seek opportunities for joint webinars or content series. Embrace Brand Evolution: Adapt to changes while staying true to core values. Listen to feedback and stay updated with trends. Niche Expertise: Focus on a specific niche to establish authority. Create detailed content that addresses niche-specific challenges. Thought Leadership: Share innovative ideas and insights to establish thought leadership. Participate in industry discussions and share unique perspectives. Offline Branding: Utilize offline networking opportunities. Ensure consistency between your online and offline presence. Integrate Personal Values: Align your brand with your personal values. Share stories that illustrate your values. Continuous Evaluation: Regularly evaluate your brand’s performance. Use data to track KPIs and incorporate audience feedback.   ______________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 3.) Get your 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at

    39 min
  6. 157. The Secret Sauce of Effective Marketing: Cut-Through Messaging [Phoebe Wright]

    12 AUG

    157. The Secret Sauce of Effective Marketing: Cut-Through Messaging [Phoebe Wright]

    You can have the best product, service or even skill set and yet, but if the positioning and the messaging of it doesn’t resonate with the decision maker, chances are, your efforts might fall short. Especially in today’s world with so much more noise and competition and at the same time, shorter attention spans, having a clear and compelling message is more critical than ever. And since we know that it’s often too hard to see the forrest for trees, we are joined by someone who supports her clients in doing exactly that: clarifying their message and bring it to life in a way that cuts through the clutter. is a seasoned marketing professional with over 25 years of experience in strategy, creation and rollout and the Creative Director of and has helped countless businesses in industries including Professional Services, Hospitality and Tourism, Aged Care, Community Services and more find their voice and connect with their audience in a meaningful way so that they can achieve their marketing goals. I’m excited to talk all things effective messaging, common pitfalls to avoid, and how to ensure your brand's story resonates with the right people.  Connect with Phoebe on LinkedIn:   Check out WhiteSpace Marketing:   ______________________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 3.) Get your 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at

    38 min
  7. 156. Strategic Shifts To Stay Relevant In Any Industry, Profession and At Any Age

    28 JUL

    156. Strategic Shifts To Stay Relevant In Any Industry, Profession and At Any Age

    I'm turning 40 (!!!) and it also marks 10 years in recruitment (which got me into Personal Branding) so it's time to share some insights on how personal branding has evolved and the necessary strategic pivots to make to stay relevant in today's fast-paced digital world.   Shift 1: Micro-Communities Over Large Audiences Deeper Engagement: Smaller communities foster personalised interactions, building loyalty and trust. Tailored Content: Focus on niche groups to deliver more relevant and engaging content. Stronger Relationships: Intimate settings create personal connections, leading to higher client retention and referrals. Shift 2: Double Down on Content Content Evolution: From sporadic posts to a structured content calendar and batch creation as it builds trust and creates a point of difference no one else can compete with. Expanded Offerings: Introducing more done-for-you content creation services, including video and podcast content. You can to discuss how we might be able to help you and your team Team Involvement: Leveraging the wider team for content creation to enhance personal brands and stand out from competitors. Shift 3: Entrepreneurship to Connect Work & Play Globally Global Integration: Increased blending of professional and personal lives, with people seeking flexible, portfolio careers. International Expansion: We will expand business between Europe, Australia, and the U.S. as we have gained significant interest, highlighting the importance of a strong digital footprint and international connections. Strategies for Global Work: Repackage Your Background: Develop a signature method or framework to monetise skills across markets. Create Your Own Opportunities: Embrace entrepreneurship to bypass traditional employment constraints. Build a Strong Online Presence: Optimise LinkedIn, personal websites, and social media channels. Network Across Borders: Engage in global networking platforms and events. Stay Updated on Global Trends: Adapt strategies to align with regional developments. ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 3.) Get your 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at

    30 min
  8. 155. Leadership In A Demanding Market: Strengthening Your Professional Toolkit [Brendan Stewart]

    21 JUL

    155. Leadership In A Demanding Market: Strengthening Your Professional Toolkit [Brendan Stewart]

    As the saying goes: things are easy until you get punched in the face. And this is exactly what leadership is in tough times. This week’s guest knows this all too well, having navigated through one of the most challenging periods and crisis in Australian history. was Chairman of one of the largest organisations, the Australian Wheat Board, the chairman of the Grains Council of Australia and the vice-president of the National Farmers Federation, as well as CEO for Queensland's peak industry for sugar in Queensland, Canegrowers.  From boardroom battles to national crises, our guest has faced it all. Their journey from executive leader and chair to now strategic advisor has equipped them with invaluable insights on resilience, decision-making under pressure, and maintaining team morale when the stakes are at their highest. What You'll Learn In this episode, we'll dive deep into: Strategies for maintaining clarity and focus when chaos and uncertainty happens How to attract and keep the best talents in a competitive market The 5 key aspects to building a culture that thrives under pressure The often-overlooked skills that separate great leaders from good ones during crises Practical tips for future-proofing your organisation against unforeseen challenges   Connect with Brendan on LinkedIn:   Learn more about   ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 3.) Get your 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at

    45 min


Welcome to the Trusted Authority! The show all about becoming known, respected and of course trusted for your area of expertise, beyond your credentials and titles. I’m your host Petra Zink, and I’m on a mission to make the smartest voices heard and recognised, not the loudest. Every week, you learn strategies, tactics and best practises on how to go from technical expert (and best kept secret) to become the trusted authority in your industry. And that’s a wrap, thank you so much for listening! If you want more, check out my free resources to get your Trusted Authority journey started! Hop over to and enjoy the gifts!

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