Tennis Coaching Business Mastery

Ethan Khwaja
Tennis Coaching Business Mastery Podcast

I Help Tennis Coaches Start Profitable Tennis Coaching Businesses Without Having Prior Experience!


  1. 5 Simple Steps to Start a Tennis Coaching Business(What I would do)


    5 Simple Steps to Start a Tennis Coaching Business(What I would do)

    Hey coaches, hope everyone’s doing alright😄 today I’m going to be talking about how exactly I would start a tennis coaching business. 1. Market Research The very first thing I would do is start researching all the other coaching practices in my area and start identifying the successful practices. I’d classify practices as successful by looking at their reviews, how long they’ve been in business, & how much traffic their website is getting (take their website and plug it into Now I would study these successful businesses and take notes on what I like they’re doing, so I can model it for my own business. If they’ve been in business for awhile, then they’ve probably already done the research and testing for me, and I can just model they’re success. 2. Courts I would look around my area for public tennis courts and check if they have any reservation system in place. I’d favor reserved courts over public open courts because it gives you more control. I would then reserve a few slots throughout the week to run some lessons. As your practice picks up you’ll want to get in contact with the admin of the courts to partner up and get consistent times every week. 3. Set Up Your Website/Social Media Next I would set up my website and my social channels. Either pay for a cheap website or start a free 2 week trial on a website builder and set it up, you really don’t need anything fancy here. Absolutely make sure you create your GoogleMyBusiness to start getting in front of as many people as you can. Set up some social media profiles as well (Instagram, Facebook etc). Be sure to capture pictures and videos from your first practices so you can upload them to everything mentioned in this paragraph. 4. Market Free Lessons Now you wanna get the word out to as many people as possible. Friends, family, coworkers. They don’t have to be people you think play tennis, but just let them know and I’m positive they’ll know some tennis players in their circles, you never know! I recommend you offer free lessons for atleast your first 1-2 weeks. You’ll get a much bigger turnout rate, people will be much more inclined to come out for free. Which is exactly what your business needs in the beginning, as much exposure as possible. I’ve only listed free options here, but if you’d like you can use Facebook ads to promote this as well. 5. Deliver Now is your time to show out. You’ve spent a lot of time trying to get all of these wonderful people to come out and give you a chance. Before you have your lesson, you should have a general plan you’ll follow for the practice. I’d start with a group exercise to assess everyone’s skill and go from there. Share your skill with these people, have fun with them, treat them like your friends. Just be yourself and you’ll attract the people that like you, and the people who don’t like you will just leave! And that’s alright because you don’t want to work with those people anyways. I wanted to leave this post with one of my favorite motivational quotes: “In the beginning, you’re gonna suck. And you’re gonna keep sucking for a while. But one day you’re going to suck so little, that you’ll actually be good.” If that inspired at least anyone then I’ll be happy🙂 I also made a video going into more depth on this: Go ahead and join the free FaceBook Group!👇🏻👇🏻 Follow me on Instagram! Friend me on Facebook! Anyways coaches I hope you enjoyed this post! Leave a like if you did❤️ Ask any questions you have below and I’ll answer!

    11 min
  2. 05/05/2020

    What Should Coaches Do During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

    Hey coaches, I hope everyone is staying safe at home with their families. Today we’re going to talk about how to keep growing our businesses during this difficult time. Video Lessons Video lessons are a great way to keep in contact and continuously provide value to your current clients. You don’t want to just fall off the face of the earth, you want to remind your customers that you exist and that you can keep helping them. This doesn’t have to be just fixing their technique through FaceTime, but you can also talk strategy and train players mental game during this time. Affiliate Offers Im sure all of you have heard about the TopSpin Pro. It’s a simple device that one person can use in their home to practice their topspin! How can you benefit off of this? You can become an affiliate for them and sell to your current customers! You’ll get a commission, as well as get tennis back in your players life since they’re bored at home quarantining anyways! And this doesn’t just have to be the topspin pro, there are plenty of other products you could become affiliate for, get creative! Build Your Email List Having an email list is vital to your business. It is a direct line of communication that you don’t have to pay for. Despite of the importance, I can guarantee many of you don’t even have a list. If you have free time during this pandemic(which I’m sure you do), you Gould be investing time into growing your list, it can be one of the most valuable assets for your business. Build Your Social Channels Same with your social channels. They can be valuable assets to your business, but I bet many of you ignore them. This time could be used to generate hundreds if not thousands of views for free. All you have to do is take some photos or videos from your practice and post once or twice a day and you’ll start generating 50-100 brand new views that you didn’t have before. Evaluate Your Business Performance Since the uniqueness of this situation, now would probably be the best opportunity to take a step back, and evaluate your business performance from the Pat few months. I’d recommend just laying out your whole business and it’s processes on a piece of paper, and identify what is and isn’t working. Tie up all the loose ends and double down on what is working. Doing this will poise your business for a huge bounce back when all this mess is gone and business is back to usual. That’s all I’ve got for you coaches today, check out the video for more in depth talk: Go ahead and join the free FaceBook Group!👇🏻👇🏻 Follow me on Instagram! Friend me on Facebook! I hope you enjoyed this post, give it a thumbs up if you did❤️ Stay safe and indoors everyone, well get through this together!👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

    14 min
  3. 01/05/2020

    How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow your Tennis Coaching business (basics)

    Value bomb💣 What’s going on coaches, in todays post we’re going to be covering how you can utilize Facebook ads to grow your tennis coaching businesses. If you’re seriously considering using facebook ads, I strongly recommend you watch the YouTube video, you’ll get a better understanding from the video than this post. Set up Your FB Pixel You guys are probably wondering what a pixel is, and that’s ok. The FB pixel is basically a little snippet of code that you install on your website that records any valuable actions taken on your website by visitors(PageView, Add To Cart, etc.). Data is the new oil guys, it recently just surpassed oil as the worlds most valuable resource, which makes it critical for you to be collecting this data. So make sure you guys set up your pixels on your website before you start running any facebook ads. If you need help doing this message me and I’ll help you, but it’s really not that hard. Develop Your Marketing Strategy If you want to have successful facebook ads, you need to come in with an effective marketing strategy guys. I’m going to give you a basic strategy that works here. There’s no need to overcomplicate this guys, just keep it simple. In this strategy, I classify prospects as Cold, Warm, or Hot audiences. Cold being people that have never heard or interacted with your business. Warm being people who have been exposed and know about your business. And Hot being people who know who you are and trust you. Warm and Hot audiences are most likely to buy from you. You should organize your campaigns inside of facebook ads manager by audience classification, meaning cold, warm and hot should each be campaigns of their own. In your Cold campaign you should be advertising your free private lesson. In your Warm campaign you should be retargeting users who didn’t take you up on your free offer, and try to convince them to sign up. In your Hot campaign you should be retargeting customers who signed up for the free lesson with cross-sell offers such as paid group or private lessons. You should also be promoting these offers in person to people that show up to your free lessons. This is a very simple and straightforward strategy, so give it a try! Detailed Targeting Now let’s get into the targeting sections of ads. Remember keep it simple. First set your targeting to the city you live in and the mile radius you want to reach. Next keep the age at 18-65+ or change it to your liking all genders, and set the language to english only. Facebook segments its audiences according to their interests. Choose at least 1 interest for each ad set. You can select interests such as “Tennis”, “Roger Federer”, “Rafael Nadal”, to even just “Tennis Player.” Creatives & Copy Creatives are what your prospects are going to be seeing on their facebook feeds(image or video). In the beginning you should be testing a bunch of different creatives and copy to see what works and what doesn’t. Every audience is going to react differently to your creatives so its important to find which combination works for each audience. Hope you guys enjoyed this post, give it a like if you got a lot of value from it! Go ahead and join the free FaceBook Group!👇🏻👇🏻 Follow me on Instagram! Friend me on Facebook!

    31 min
  4. 29/04/2020

    7 Elements that make a tennis coaching website successful💻

    Hey coaches, in today’s post we’re going to be going over several elements that go into making websites attractive and effective. 1. WhatsApp/FB Messenger Widget You should be easily reachable for your customers. Having this widget will make reaching much easier for your customers which in turn increases trusts. When a customer clicks on this widget, it will open a direct conversation with you(or whoever) in WhatsApp or FB Messenger. This is a must in today’s age, you must be easily accessible. 1. Contact us Page This page goes hand in hand with the contact widgets above. This should be a back up for if the customers don’t want to chat, and want to stay old fashioned with an email. This page is is important because people need a way to contact you, and as stated above, this increases trust. 1. Testimonials Page Having a testimonials page is super important. It’s a way to give your prospect social proof. I could go more into the psychological side, but to keep it simple use pictures of players playing & having a good time. Have pictures of what your customers want from a tennis business. If a customers sees on your website the atmosphere that their searching for, they’re going to be much more inclined to give your practice a shot, just from a picture. 1. Why Choose Us Page People who come to your website are definitely interested in what you have to offer – that’s why they’re there. So, why wouldn’t you make it easy for them to learn all the reasons why they should follow the instinct that led them to the website in the first place and book a session? I strongly encourage you to create a Why Choose Us page on your website. This page might be the difference between someone signing-up on the spot, or never picking up a racket ever. 1. Color Scheme Having a color scheme congruent with tour business goes a long way. For example, Blue represents trust, Green represents health/healing, Red signifies taking action, & Yellow stimulates analytical process with mental clarity. These are just a few colors and their meanings, I recommend picking a color that you feel accurately conveys the message of your business, and then looking at a few complimentary colors to go along with the main color. 1. Lifestyle Photos Lifestyle photos should be all the photos you have on your website. Lively and fun photos of people having fun doing what you teach. Lifestyle photos are psychologically proven to be more appealing and positively influence prospects in the shopping process. So make sure you have plenty of lifestyle photos on your website that capture the vision of your business you want your prospects to have. 1. Calendar Page This page shows all the weekly sessions in your program. Very useful for current and potential customers alike. Having a schedule page on your website will also remove a lot of headache on your end, by avoiding customer emails asking when practices are. Having this page is really just for everyone’s convenience and creating a better customer experience, therefore increasing trust. Go ahead and join the free FaceBook Group!👇🏻👇🏻 Follow me on Instagram! Friend me on Facebook!

    12 min
  5. 27/04/2020

    5 Best Websites for your Tennis Coaching Business 2020💻

    What’s going on coaches, in todays post we’re going to be going over a topic I’m sure a lot of coaches dread, and that’s getting into the tech side of business, having a website! It’s 2020 coaches, and if you don’t have a website, you’re falling behind. I’ve ranked this list on the following factors: user-friendliness, functionality, & worth. **I do not receive any commission from these websites, this list is merely my personal opinion** 5. So wix is a great option for beginners. This web builder is for anyone who feels they’re not tech savvy. It has a great free plan and an easy drag and drop interface that anyone can use. And for when you’re feeling confident with your skills, there are other advanced plans for you to ascend up into. User-friendliness: 10/10 Functionality: 6/10 Worth: 8/10 4. Next we have weebly. I don’t have much experience with weebly as I haven’t used it personally, but I’ve heard a lot of great things about it. It’s a great alternative to wix and even has a free plan of it’s own. User-friendliness: 10/10 Functionality: 6/10 Worth: 8/10 3. Shopify is going to be a great option for intermediate users. I have a lot of experience with shopify and I think they’re great. It’s one of the easiest platform to build websites. It’s functionality is flawless, I’ve never had an issue with shopify from that perspective. Shopify can be a little pricier at $29/mo but comes with a 14 day free trial, so if you don’t like it you can cancel at no charge. User-friendliness: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Worth: 9/10 2. WordPress is going to be suitable for more advanced users. The vast amount of plugins and customizability options can be very overwhelming, which was my problem with WordPress, I just wanted something quick to throw up. But WordPress was too much for me to learn, so I went back to shopify. WordPress is easy to use, but with the vast options and mastery required to learn everything is why I gave it 6/10 for user friendliness. User-friendliness: 6/10 Functionality: 9/10 Worth: 9/10 1. At #1 we have ClickFunnels. CF is a GREAT software to build website on. In fact, it’s not even a website builder, it’s a landing page builder. This is where I see the digital space moving toward; landing pages that guide the customer to action desired, as opposed to traditional website that send customers to a random page filled with many links, only for them to get overwhelmed & confused and not buy/book anything at all. Reports indicate that CF has a conversion rate of 10-15% whereas shopify has a 1.33% conversion rate, meaning that only 1 out of 100 people will buy something. And this is part of the reason i switched from shopify to ClickFunnels. User-friendliness: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Worth: 10/10 Hope you guys enjoyed this post, give it a like if you got a lot of value from it! Go ahead and join the free FaceBook Group!👇🏻👇🏻 Follow me on Instagram! Friend me on Facebook!

    18 min
  6. 20/04/2020

    5 FREE Methods to Get More Clients for your Tennis Coaching Business

    Alright coaches, so if you read my last post you should know by now that you need a value ladder in place, and you should be offering free private (or group) lessons. So now that you’ve got that in place, let’s talk about some ways you can leverage free traffic (marketing term for clients). 1. Google My Business To begin attracting your dream clients you need to start thinking like them. Say someone just moves into town and wants to start taking some tennis lessons, where do they look? They’d probably google something like “tennis coaching near me.” This is where Google My Business comes in, it’ll pull up all practices in the area with pictures and their reviews. A great way to start getting more eyeballs on your business. 2. Start an Instagram Page Instagram can be a very powerful tool when it comes to marketing. It can generate thousands, if not tens of thousands of views for free. And these would be targeted local views in your area if done right. Check out pages like @brian.dabul & @2minutetennis for inspiration. I recommend you study what they post and model their success. If it works for them, it’ll work for you! 3. Make a flyer It might seem a little too simple but hey it works. Just put in big bold letter “FREE PRIVATE LESSONS,” your website and phone number under, location, and a few pictures of you with your students, or you teaching them. Make your practice look fun & inviting, not boring like a picture of a racquet or a ball. People love lifestyle photos, make them want to come to your practice! 4. Make a yelp account Yelp is a great place to get free traffic. It boasts over 178 million unique visitors every month searching for quality services. If you make your listing look nice with quality lifestyle photos and and good reviews, it can bring a lot of quality prospects to your business. 5. Make your website The year is 2020, every business should at least have a website. There are so many inexpensive options out there, “being too expensive” is not an excuse anymore! Having a nice clean website will do wonders for your business. This is where you will lead clients to from all of the methods above. You should have all your services and best reviews/photos on your website. Hope you guys enjoyed this post, give it a like if you got a lot of value from it! I’d like to hear any comments or questions you have! 😄👇

    18 min
  7. How to 5X Profits in Your Tennis Coaching Business OVERNIGHT...💸💰


    How to 5X Profits in Your Tennis Coaching Business OVERNIGHT...💸💰

    Hey coaches, in this post we’re going to be going over a concept called the value ladder and how you can correctly implement it in your coaching businesses. 1. What exactly is a value ladder? A value ladder is a clear and concise structure for your business designed to make you the most money possible while serving your clients at the highest level possible. 2. Frontend It is important to understand that businesses are divided into a Frontend and a Backend. The Frontend primarily focuses on acquiring customers and breaking even on advertising costs. It is essential to have an attractive bait offer to attract your ideal customers. Here I recommend you start offering a free private lesson as your Frontend offer. Now you may be hesitant and confused and that’s ok, but I promise you you will start getting more clients. First, it is psychologically proven that people LOVE the word free, which means lower acquisition cost. Second, it gives you the opportunity to provide value to your client first, and in return they will feel obligated to give value back, the start of a beautiful relationship. So start offering free lessons today. 3. Continuity Having a continuity program is an absolute necessity today, I wouldn’t start a business without it. Being able to depend on predictable recurring revenue coming in every month is crucial to growing and scaling any business. Being in the tennis industry we have the luxury of our primary services we offer being continuity programs(group/private lessons). Here is where you ascend customers from the free offer to, and continue to grow the customer relationship. 4. Backend($$$) Backend is where businesses typically make the bulk of their profits. This includes continuity and other high ticket offers you may have in your business. These offers are for your most loyal customers. It can be an item or service you sell at a high price, such as a course or training program. But keep in mind when charging a higher price, you need to insure the value you’re providing goes above and beyond the price you are asking. Create something valuable for your most loyal customers and charge more for it. 5. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) LTV is what ties all this together to make it work. Lifetime Value is the total amount a customer will spend with your company. It’s crucial you figure out the customer LTV in your business as it will influence decisions on the Frontend. Let’s say your business has an average LTV of $1000. That means every customer is going to spend about a $1000 with your company. And it costs you $50 to sign a customer up for a free lesson. It may appear that you are losing money on the Frontend, but if you know your LTV, you’ll know that you’ll be making way more money in the long run. And that’s what really brings all of this together, is knowing the numbers in your business. I want to thank you for reading if you made it this far:) Please like this post for other coaches to see and to let me know to make another post like this. ❤️ Ask any questions in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them! 🙂

    16 min


I Help Tennis Coaches Start Profitable Tennis Coaching Businesses Without Having Prior Experience!

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