10 Lessons Learned from 10 Years as a Content + Course Creator

The Mariah Coz Show 팟캐스트

10 Lessons Learned from 10 Years as a Content + Course Creator

I’ve been a content + course creator for about a decade now. 

I’ve helped well over 15,000+ students plus the thousands of people I’ve taught in my live workshops, events, and in person! I’ve learned about a gazillion lessons in my time making a living as a creator online, but I want to share the top 10 with you today. 

These are my confessions, my hard-won wisdom as a dinosaur in the online education space 🦕

➡️ Read the full blog post here

In this episode:

  • The paradoxical realization that timeless strategies never change, but the environment is always shifting

  • Why making more money won’t change how you feel about yourself

  • The myth of hockey-stick growth and why you probably don’t want to “blow up overnight”

  • The reality of looking at things over a 10-year timescale and what matters, what doesn’t, and why everything is really just a “blip” 

  • How to balance mastering the basics with that new trendy tactic you want to try out

  • Comparison-itis, lumpy revenue, and the fear of being forgotten about

Resources + Links:

  • Visit the site - www.mariahcoz.com 

  • Blog - www.mariahcoz.com/blog  

  • The Newsletter - www.mariahcoz.com/join 

Submit your Creator Confession here

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