12. Bee Wisdom - Annelieke van der Sluijs

Yuramin - Guardians of the Land 팟캐스트

Annelieke van der Sluijs was born in the Netherlands and moved her life to Portugal many years ago, where she lives now in a lovely tiny house where she cares for several bee hives including the bees of Tamera EcoVillage. As a co-founder and holistic researcher of the BeeWisdom network she shares her passion and teachings of healing the relationship with the land through bees and trees.
We are grateful and honored for this interview, in which she is talking about her deep love journey with the "bee deva".

more info at www.beewisdom.earth

Interview with Annelieke van der Sluijs
Illustration by Aguabel
Music by Romana Asherah, Gabriella Songbird & Daniel Bornmann

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