159 | Homeschooling While Building My Jewelry Business with Stephany Rios

Jewelry Business Academy Podcast 팟캐스트

In this episode, I have the pleasure of chatting once again with Stephany Rios, a homeschooling mom of five who’s also the founder and designer behind Iviana and Co. We dive into her journey of balancing the demands of homeschooling with the challenges and joys of running a business from home. Stephany shares how she’s created a daily rhythm that allows her kids to explore their interests while still growing her business. We talk about the importance of community, the power of lifelong learning, and what it means to build a life that aligns with your values. This conversation is full of warmth, inspiration, and insights on finding freedom and fulfillment in the beautiful chaos of entrepreneurship and homeschooling. Join us for a conversation that will leave you feeling empowered to create a life that works for you.

Topics Discussed 

  • Homeschooling Journey and Building a Jewelry Business
  • Reasons for Shifting Towards Homeschooling
  • Creating a Structured Routine for Homeschooling and Work
  • Fostering an Entrepreneurial Mindset Through Homeschooling
  • Fostering a Love for Lifelong Learning
  • Entrepreneurship: Reclaiming Time and Financial Autonomy
  • The Power of Community and Support
  • Personal Growth and Fulfillment in Homeschooling and Entrepreneurship


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Ready for Growth? Then This Invitation is for You:

If you’re looking for my support on how to scale your jewelry business, join the Jewelry Business Academy. This is the most expansive and supportive container for jewelry business owners who want to scale to 6+ figures without burning out. You’ll get my eyes on your business every single week, as well as lots of 1:1 support, and will join a community of jewelry business owners all scaling their businesses together.

I've helped jewelry business owners from around the world, from those just starting out to those making multiple six-figures, build solid foundations, find clarity, implement systems and proven growth strategies, and hit big goals. I want to help you do the same. Learn more here: jewelrybusinessacademy.ca


Connect with Us:

  • Follow Robyn on Instagram: @RobynClarkCoaching

  • Join the Jewelry Business Academy: Jewelry Business Academy


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Instagram: @ivianaandco

Website: ivianaandco.com

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