#99: Author Interview - “The Miles Mitchell Mysteries: A Private Eye At A Magical Place” by Aaron Forringer

Book of the Mouse Club 팟캐스트

The Most Magical Place on Earth is sometimes more than meets the eye…so let’s meet our magical private eye! When mischievous magical mysteries arise, that is when Miles Mitchell, private eye, takes the case. Courtney and Emily are joined by Aaron Forringer to discuss his collection of short stories, “The Miles Mitchell Mysteries: A Private Eye At A Magical Place”. As a private investigator and now a Walt Disney World Cast Member, Aaron’s unique experiences help him combine his passions to write modern noir mysteries set in Mickey’s backyard. 

Follow Our Reading Journey On Social Media! Official Instagram: @BookoftheMouse Courtney: Instagram @greatguthsby and Goodreads Emily: Instagram @emily_mickde and Goodreads

Aaron Forringer: Instagram @aaforringer Website: https://aaforringer.com/ You can purchase the Miles Mitchell Stories at: Dorrance PublishingAmazon.com Audiobooks 

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