A Summary of the Intelligent Design (ID) Landscape

Bob Murphy Show 팟캐스트

Bob gives an overview of the Intelligent Design landscape, focusing on three of its leading members: Michael Behe, William Dembski, and Stephen Meyer. He explains what ID is, some of its major concepts, and tackles some common objections.

Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:

  • Stephen Meyer talking about the return of the God hypothesis.
  • Short video on the bacterial flagellum.
  • BMS ep. 111 Winston Ewert on applying computer science to ID.
  • Dembski talking about 2nd edition of The Design Inference.
  • Two ID scholars critically assess the "origin of life" research.
  • Casey Lunkin on the changing scientific view of "junk DNA."
  • The link to Monetary Metals.
  • Help support the Bob Murphy Show.

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