Afghan: Beyond Conflict with Prof Nazif Shahrani

IdentityTalks 팟캐스트

Join us as we discuss the complexities of Afghan Identity in today's world with Prof. Nazif Shahrani in Episode 4 of "Afghan: Beyond Conflict"  

M. Nazif Shahrani was born, raised and partly educated in Afghanistan. He is currently a Professor of Anthropology, Central Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University. 

He has conducted extensive ethnographic field research in Afghanistan and studied Afghan refugee communities in Pakistan and Turkey. Since the ouster of Taliban from power, he has regularly visited Afghanistan, publishing widely. 

His most recent books include Revolutions and Rebellions in Afghanistan: Anthropological Approaches (co-editor with Robert Canfield, Indiana University Press, 2018) and Modern Afghanistan: The impact of 40 years of war (editor, Indiana University Press, 2018).

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