Chris Fernandez-Packham (Victorian History Lover/Queen Victoria Fan)

The Victorians were the first truly world wide, high speed, high tech civilisation, but they are often misunderstood. Your host, Chris Fernandez-Packham, will bust popular myths, cover events around the world, and focus on a people centric history. You will see how the Victorians shaped the world, changing it from the age of horse, musket, cannon and sail to the age of steam, rifle and iron in this monthly podcast with regular special episodes and bonus content. You will learn about Queen Victoria, Charles Dickens, Volcanoes, Famines, great art, geography and so much more. You will discover how the Victorians changed our landscapes, and mastered new energy forms that have led us to move from being a part of the natural world to shapers of it. You will learn how the modern world was created by the actions of the Victorians. You will learn how the Victorians gave birth to our modern understanding of weather, climate, history and even time and space.

  1. 9월 1일


    This episode continues the exploration of the Anglo-Afghan War, focusing on the British occupation and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Key topics covered include: * Death of Sir Henry Durand: The episode begins by discussing the tragic death of Lt. Henry Durand, a prominent British officer, who was crushed by an elephant while passing through a low gateway. * The British Army: The episode provides a brief overview of the ranks of the British Army during the Victorian era. * The attempted return of Dost Mohammed: Dost Mohammed, the former Afghan king, returns to Afghanistan and begins to gather forces to challenge British rule. * British Mistakes: The episode highlights several critical mistakes made by the British, including the establishment of a vulnerable cantonment and the appointment of an incompetent commander. * Ruling by Fear and Western Views on Oriental Despotism: The episode discusses the British belief in the need to rule through fear and intimidation in Asian countries, reflecting Western views on “Oriental despotism.” This approach proved to be counterproductive and further alienated the Afghan population. * General Elphinstone: The episode highlights the incompetence and poor leadership of General Elphinstone, who was appointed to command the British forces in Afghanistan despite his lack of experience and health problems. * Growing Hostility: The Afghan population becomes increasingly hostile towards the British, fuelled by cultural clashes, economic hardship, and the perception of British arrogance. If you want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at, follow me on twitter @ageofvictoria, visit the website at The show also has a facebook page and group. Just search for Age of Victoria. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, it takes less time than making a coffee. You can also subscribe for free on most major podcast apps. To support the show on Patreon, either CLICK HERE or you can go to Patreon and search for Age of Victoria podcast or my name. Take care and bye for now.

  2. 8월 1일


    This episode focuses on the continuation of the British invasion of Afghanistan in 1839. Here are the key things I cover: * British capture Kandahar: The poorly prepared British army, led by Generals Keane and Cotton, struggles through deserts and mountains but manages to capture Kandahar with little resistance. Shah Shuja is reinstated as king, but the locals are not enthusiastic. * Difficulties and discontent: The British underestimate the logistical challenges and the hostility of the Afghan people. Food shortages, inflation, and a lack of military intelligence create problems for the British. * Siege of Ghazni: The heavily fortified city of Ghazni stands in the way of the British advance. Despite lacking siege equipment, the British launch a desperate night attack led by Lieutenant Durand and his engineers. After a fierce battle, the British capture the city following a bloody urban warfare. * British brutality: The capture of Ghazni is marred by a brutal rampage by British and Sepoy troops who loot the city and commit rape and murder. * Fall of Dost Mohammed: The fall of Ghazni and illness of his son force Afghan king Dost Mohammed to flee Kabul and negotiate with the British. He proposes a power-sharing deal that is rejected by the British. * Arrival of Shah Shuja: Shah Shuja returns to Kabul as king, but has no real support from the Afghan people. The British establish a military presence in the city. * British incompetence: The episode concludes by highlighting the poor leadership and outdated tactics of the British army. * Next episode: The upcoming episode will delve into the disastrous failures of the British occupation and their eventual retreat from Afghanistan.

  3. 7월 1일


    Welcome to the podcast! I’m recording this episode on the 1st Anglo Afghan War while dealing with selling my house and going through a divorce. The podcast is a great escape for me during these difficult times. Quick housekeeping: I’m pleased to welcome new patron Matt Anderson as a Loveable Chimney Sweep. Update on transcripts: I’ve been working on fully footnoted transcripts back to episode 32. Apple Podcasts now automatically produces transcripts for all episodes, which is great for accessibility. Today we’re continuing our series on the invasion of Afghanistan. If you haven’t listened to episodes 054-056 yet, start there first. Prelude to the invasion: The First Anglo-Afghan War is remembered as a great military disaster and a masterclass in bad political decision-making. I discuss how this war doesn’t fit neatly into typical frameworks like colonialism or imperialism. The British goal was to install a friendly king as a buffer, not to rule directly. Different world views I explore the concept of Orientalism and how it applied to British views of Afghanistan at the time. We look at quotes from British envoys and compare them to Roman descriptions of Germanic tribes, noting similarities in how “frontier” peoples were viewed. I discuss the Afghan perspective and capabilities, including their use of the jezail rifle. The key British players introduced: * Lord Auckland (Governor General) * Sir William Macnaughten (Secretary to Governor General) * Alexander Burnes (British agent) * Sir John Keane and Sir Willaby Cotton (Generals leading the invasion force) Professionals talk logisticsI detail the enormous logistical challenges of planning the invasion, including assembling troops, supplies, and animals. The invasion force had to take a longer desert route instead of the Khyber Pass, covering over 1,200km on foot.Hunger and missed opportunitiesThe army starts to starve, and has to force the grim Bolan passNext episode:We’ll follow the army as it pushes deeper into Afghanistan and attempts to put Shah Shuja on the throne. If you want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you. * You can email me at, * follow me on twitter @ageofvictoria, * visit the website at  The show also has a facebook page and group. Just search for Age of Victoria. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, it takes less time than making a coffee. You can also subscribe for free on most major podcast apps. To support the show on Patreon, either CLICK HERE or you can go to Patreon and search for Age of Victoria podcast or my name. Take care and bye for now.

  4. 5월 31일


    Introduction: * Welcome, everyone, to The Age of Victoria Podcast! * Today marks a special milestone – our 7th anniversary! * I’m incredibly grateful for your continued support and enthusiasm over the years. * In this celebratory episode, we’re diving into a fascinating topic: the reality of Sherlock Holmes, despite his fictional origins. * We’ll also explore the core of Holmes’ character and finish off with my top 5 Sherlock Holmes movies and TV series. Segment 1: Is Sherlock Holmes Real? * Discussing the intriguing philosophical question: Can a fictional character be considered real? * Exploring the concept of “literary realism” and how Sherlock Holmes has transcended fiction to become a cultural icon. Segment 2: The Core of Sherlock Holmes’ Character * Analyzing the essential traits that make Sherlock Holmes an enduring character: * His unparalleled intellect and powers of observation. * The importance of his friendship with Dr. John Watson. * Holmes’ unique personality quirks and eccentricities. * The moral and ethical dimensions of his detective work. * Discussing how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle developed Holmes’ character through the stories. * The evolution of Holmes over time and his adaptability to different eras and media. Segment 3: My Top 5 Sherlock Holmes Movies and TV Series * Sharing my personal favorites and why they stand out: * Jeremy Brett (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1984-1994 Granada TV Series) – Featuring the iconic and definitive portrayal of Holmes. * Peter Cushing (Various adaptations, including Hammer Films and BBC series) – Known for his intense and meticulous interpretation of the character. * Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes, 2009 Film) – Directed by Guy Ritchie, showcasing a dynamic and action-packed Holmes. * Ian Richardson (The Sign of Four, 1983 & The Hound of the Baskervilles, 1983 TV Films) – Bringing a classic and sophisticated portrayal to the small screen. * Tom Baker (The Hound of the Baskervilles, 1982 BBC TV Film) – Offering a unique and memorable take on Holmes, distinct from his Doctor Who fame. * Discussing the strengths and unique interpretations of each adaptation. * Encouraging listeners to share their favorite Holmes adaptations and why they love them. Closing: * Wrapping up with a heartfelt thank you to all the listeners who have supported the podcast over the past seven years. * Inviting feedback and suggestions for future episodes. * Reminding everyone to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. Outro: * Thank you for joining me on this special 7th anniversary episode of The Age of Victoria Podcast. * Remember to stay curious and keep exploring the fascinating world of the Victorian era. * Until next time, take care and keep the spirit of adventure alive! * If you want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at a style="font-family: Palatino; font-size: 13px; text-align: justify; white-space-collapse: collapse;" hr...

  5. 3월 30일


    SHOWNOTES: EP056 INDIA SERIES 03 THE AFGHAN FRONTIER Introduction * I discuss enjoying Easter treats like nut-free eggs and binge-watching Shogun. * Shout out to Two Broads Cider on the west coast of the U.S. * Note about using some AI voice clips in the previous episode * Welcome to new Patreon supporter Sean Spada Main Topic: The Borders of Victorian India and Afghanistan * Victorian Views on Borders/Imperialism * Importance of defined borders to nation-states vs. historical blended territories * Empires tended to use geographic features like rivers/mountains as borders * Motivations for expanding empire borders: security, resources, preventing rival expansion * Debate around British motivations – security concern vs. aggression Geography of Afghanistan * Overview of Afghanistan’s mountainous terrain and extreme climate variations * Significance of the Hindu Kush mountain range and Khyber Pass * Historical importance as a crossroads along Silk Road trade routes * Challenges the terrain posed for military movement/supply lines Main topic: Afghan culture * Predominantly Muslim, but rich cultural diversity beyond Taliban stereotypes * Alignment between conservative Victorian and Muslim values in some areas * Debate around female dress codes and varying interpretations * Primacy of tribal/kinship affiliations over national identity * Ethnic groups like Pushtuns and history of conflicts with groups like Sikhs * Afghan Border Security Concerns for Britain Main topic: Preventing Russian expansion from Central Asia into India * Recent history of Afghan rulers invading India (Mughals) * Unease over Russian/French intrigues to court Afghan allies against Britain Main topic: The Adventures of Sir Alexander Burnes * Early life and join the East India Company’s military * Daring diplomatic missions mapping rivers and intelligence gathering * Writing bestseller “Travels into Bokhara” about his experiences Main topic: Burnes’ Afghan Mission (1836-1838)

  6. 2월 26일


    In today’s episode, I’m taking you on a journey back in time to explore the Honourable East India Company (EIC), focusing on its monumental role during the Victorian era. We’ll dive deep into its interactions with the Mughal Empire, its profound influence on art, the Maratha Wars, and the governance under Governor Hastings. Join me as we uncover the legacy of what was once the world’s most powerful corporation and its foundational impact on the British Empire in India. Introduction I start with a brief overview of the EIC’s origins and its meteoric rise to power, setting the stage for a saga of commerce, conquest, and culture. I reflect on the company’s unique status as a corporate behemoth wielding the might of a sovereign nation. The Victorian Era and the EIC I delve into how the EIC evolved during the Victorian era, influencing and being influenced by British colonial policies in India. I share thoughts on Victorian society’s fascination with India, from tea to textiles, and how this shaped British culture and perceptions. Art and the East India Company Art holds a mirror to history, and in this segment, I explore the EIC’s impact on art in Britain and India. I discuss the patronage of Indian artisans by the company and the introduction of Indian aesthetics to the British isles. Highlighting notable artists and works, I reveal stories of cultural fusion that still resonate today. The EIC and the Mughal Empire The declining Mughal Empire presented both an opportunity and a challenge for the EIC. I recount how the company navigated this complex relationship to expand its territories. Key battles and treaties illustrate the delicate dance of diplomacy and warfare. The Maratha Wars The Maratha Wars were a turning point for the EIC. I share insights into the military engagements that reshaped the Indian subcontinent’s power dynamics. The outcomes and strategies of these conflicts offer lessons in resilience and strategy. Governor Hastings Warren Hastings, the first Governor-General of India, is a figure of controversy and reform. I take a closer look at his tenure, exploring his reforms, the controversies he was embroiled in, and his contributions to the EIC’s dominion in India. Reflecting on Hastings’ legacy, I ponder the complexities of governance and morality in the context of empire. Conclusion I wrap up by considering the enduring impact of the EIC on both India and Britain, contemplating the historical lessons we can draw from this extraordinary chapter in global history. If you want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at, follow me on twitter @ageofvictoria, visit the website at The show also has a facebook page and group. Just search for Age of Victoria. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, it takes less time than making a coffee. You can also subscribe for free on most major podcast apps. To support the show on Patreon, either CLICK HERE or you can go to Patreon and se...

    1시간 14분
  7. 2023. 12. 23.

    CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2023 “The phantom rickshaw”

    In this year’s festive episode, dive into the enchanting world of Victorian curiosities and captivating storytelling. First, join me for a mesmerising 10-minute journey through intriguing Victorian trivia, unraveling captivating tales from an era of innovation and eccentricity. From lesser-known facts to enthralling historical anecdotes, this brief exploration sheds light on the unique essence of the Victorian age. Discover the astonishing details behind events like the Sonning cutting railway disaster, providing a glimpse into the quirks and tragedies of the time. Following this insightful introduction, the episode unfolds into a spellbinding narrative as I take listeners on a literary adventure. Prepare to be transported to the ethereal realm of Rudyard Kipling’s “The Phantom Rickshaw.” Through my evocative reading, experience the haunting and gripping tale set against the backdrop of colonial India, where love, tragedy, and the supernatural intertwine in a captivating narrative. I invite you to immerse yourself in the essence of the Victorian era, uncovering its mysteries and indulging in the timeless allure of storytelling. Join me for a delightful holiday treat as to celebrate the spirit of Christmas in the grandeur of Victorian storytelling, painting vivid landscapes and evoking emotions that transcend time. If you want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at, follow me on twitter @ageofvictoria, visit the website at The show also has a facebook page and group. Just search for Age of Victoria. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, it takes less time than making a coffee. You can also subscribe for free on most major podcast apps. To support the show on Patreon, either CLICK HERE or you can go to Patreon and search for Age of Victoria podcast or my name. Take care and bye for now.

    1시간 10분
  8. 2023. 11. 30.


    To become a patron on Patreon, CLICK HERE Join me as I embark on a captivating journey through India’s vibrant history and cultural intricacies during the Victorian era. Join me as I start uncover the complexities of the Victorian’s in India. Delve into some fascinating transformations of place names that shaped India’s identity during this era. Explore the reasons behind these changes and their enduring impact on the country’s cultural fabric. I provide a succinct yet comprehensive overview of India’s history up to the Victorian era from cave paintings to the first great civilisation. Explore the simmering tensions between Hindu nationalism and the Muslim population, dissecting the socio-political nuances that left an indelible mark on Victorian-era India and continue to resonate today. Immerse yourself in the diverse geographical landscapes that define India, from the majestic Himalayas to the tropical coastlines. Explore how India’s geography intertwined with its history and Victorian experience Finally discover an intriguing array of potential topics that will be further explored in upcoming episodes. From the East India Company’s influence to social reforms, industrialization, and cultural exchange, oh and of course sex and cricket. If you want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at, follow me on twitter @ageofvictoria, visit the website at The show also has a facebook page and group. Just search for Age of Victoria. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, it takes less time than making a coffee. You can also subscribe for free on most major podcast apps. To support the show on Patreon, either CLICK HERE or you can go to Patreon and search for Age of Victoria podcast or my name.



The Victorians were the first truly world wide, high speed, high tech civilisation, but they are often misunderstood. Your host, Chris Fernandez-Packham, will bust popular myths, cover events around the world, and focus on a people centric history. You will see how the Victorians shaped the world, changing it from the age of horse, musket, cannon and sail to the age of steam, rifle and iron in this monthly podcast with regular special episodes and bonus content. You will learn about Queen Victoria, Charles Dickens, Volcanoes, Famines, great art, geography and so much more. You will discover how the Victorians changed our landscapes, and mastered new energy forms that have led us to move from being a part of the natural world to shapers of it. You will learn how the modern world was created by the actions of the Victorians. You will learn how the Victorians gave birth to our modern understanding of weather, climate, history and even time and space.

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