Amplify Archaeology Podcast

Neil Jackman
Amplify Archaeology Podcast 팟캐스트

Welcome to the Amplify Archaeology Podcast. This podcast series seeks to introduce you to some of the key themes and exciting new projects in Irish archaeology. We will feature a series of interviews with a number of Ireland’s archaeologists and experts to gain new insights into life in the past, the key sites, places and periods and the practice of Irish Archaeology. In this series you'll hear news from the trenches of exciting excavations and discussions with experts who answer questions like; where did the first hunter gatherers come from? Who built passage tombs? What did people eat in the past? We'll also discuss the practice of archaeology, to show how we use scientific techniques to reconstruct past environments, how groups can work together on collaborative community projects, and how we tell the story of Ireland through its material culture. The AmplifyArchaeology podcast is presented by Neil Jackman, an archaeologist and director of Abarta Heritage. For more information please visit


Welcome to the Amplify Archaeology Podcast. This podcast series seeks to introduce you to some of the key themes and exciting new projects in Irish archaeology. We will feature a series of interviews with a number of Ireland’s archaeologists and experts to gain new insights into life in the past, the key sites, places and periods and the practice of Irish Archaeology. In this series you'll hear news from the trenches of exciting excavations and discussions with experts who answer questions like; where did the first hunter gatherers come from? Who built passage tombs? What did people eat in the past? We'll also discuss the practice of archaeology, to show how we use scientific techniques to reconstruct past environments, how groups can work together on collaborative community projects, and how we tell the story of Ireland through its material culture. The AmplifyArchaeology podcast is presented by Neil Jackman, an archaeologist and director of Abarta Heritage. For more information please visit

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