Behind the Bra

Barbells for Boobs
Behind the Bra 팟캐스트

There is a lack of education about the benefits of physical activity for breast cancer patients and survivors and little access to safe and effective fitness instruction. Health and fitness protocol are currently not part of most breast cancer treatment and survivorship plans. Support this podcast:

  1. 2021. 06. 01.

    Pink on Pride

    “He (my son) will be raised by two women. I’ve seen it happen where someone is raised with two dads, two moms, there is this automatic thought that “Oh no, they’re going to be gay too.” If that’s what he wants, then that’s what he wants.” “Disclaimer with this Pink on Pride Behind the Bra Podcast: There will be a lot of sex talk. Breast cancer is a very sexual diagnosis. Breasts are a part of a sexual being.” - Z She was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34. Five years later, Melissa Barreras-Espinoza considers herself in remission and is looking forward to motherhood with her partner Jaclyn and newborn son, Rogan. To put it proudly, Melissa is a lesbian woman who has a newborn and is in remission from breast cancer. NOTE: I am not 100% sure on the name/spelling of her partner. For our June Beyond the Bra Pink on Pride podcast, Melissa joins CEO and Founder Zionna Hanson to discuss a set list of topics. Get ready for a funny, open, honest, tear-jerking and relatable conversation. There will be many takeaways and learning opportunities but Melissa capped off her conversation with Z with the following message. “I would like to reach out to the men and women (particularly the women listening), who know in themselves they love other women and they are afraid to come out about it,” said Melissa. “You will feel so much better if you live an authentic life. Even if you lose a couple of people, like I said before ‘Peace’. You will meet a lot of other people who in the community, once you allow yourself to be in the community, or just be yourself, you will respect and love yourself so much more. That’s the message I want to close with. Love is love. Your organization accepts everyone as they are and I love that about you guys.” Be sure to subscribe to the Barbells for Boobs YouTube channel to catch this Pink on Pride Behind the Bra podcast fresh off the mic. You can also head to our website and spend some quality time with our entire library of podcasts under the programs menu. If you are taking it on the run, the Behind the Bra podcast can be found at Spotify, Apple, Stitcher, Tunein and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. --- Support this podcast:



There is a lack of education about the benefits of physical activity for breast cancer patients and survivors and little access to safe and effective fitness instruction. Health and fitness protocol are currently not part of most breast cancer treatment and survivorship plans. Support this podcast:

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