David Bott: Flourishing and humans at their best

False Summits 팟캐스트

Joining in this episode is David Bott, the Associate Director of the Institute of Positive Education, based at Geelong Grammar School.

With a background in psychology and a thirst for challenge that has taken him to work in 3 different countries, David brings passion and insight to our conversation about flourishing, flow and overcoming adversity in our formal education and beyond.

David has been involved in training thousands of teachers from hundreds of schools around the world in designing, implementing and sustaining individual and whole-school approaches to wellbeing. I “met” David online, that is, when my school began adopting the curriculum of Positive Education to help our students be more self-directed and conscious of their skills, talents and wellbeing.

David also shares his tips for how to take care of ourselves and still try to be our best as we approach COVID normal.

Keep up to date with the show at the False Summits website or Facebook.
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