Decoding Life

Kathryn Murie and Sophie Belman
Decoding Life 팟캐스트

Stories of the science at the Wellcome Genome Campus and the people behind it. With this free podcast, we aim to provide access to conversations we are privileged to have every day on campus. If you like science, but don't know the career options available or where they could lead you, this is the podcast for you! If you have enjoyed listening to Decoding Life head over to 'Your Digital Mentor Podcast', also from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. Follow them on Twitter @mentor_podcast to find out more!


  1. Transcription of a Life in Science with Dr Alena Pance

    2021. 04. 19.

    Transcription of a Life in Science with Dr Alena Pance

    Dr Alena Pance has had an incredible career traversing neuroscience, cancer, and tropical parasite research. She has always had a focus on transcriptional regulation and it was incredible hearing about how she adapted to these very different fields. Alena was very honest in this interview about her two very different experiences of having children in research. It was very interesting to hear how these fed into policy changes that women on the Wellcome Genome Campus were driving and, although there is still work to be done, how much better these women made it for the parents coming after them. Some Resources! Alenas Sanger Page: Alenas LinkedIn: Alenas ResearchGate profile Some of her most recent papers include: Pance, A. The Stem Cell Revolution Revealing Protozoan Parasites’ Secrets and Paving the Way towards Vaccine Development. Vaccines 9, 105 (2021). Pance, A. Diversify and Conquer: The Vaccine Escapism of Plasmodium falciparum. Microorganisms 8, 1748 (2020). And one of her landmark research papers: Bentrari, F., Chantôme, A., Knights, A., Jeannin, J.-F. & Pance, A. Oct-2 forms a complex with Oct-1 on the iNOS promoter and represses transcription by interfering with recruitment of RNA PolII by Oct-1. Nucleic Acids Res. 43, 9757–9765 (2015). She’s also been part of a great series called as part of public engagement called Talking Cells taking you through the life of a cell. I’ve linked below “The Life of a Cell”, “The Odd Neighbor Best”, and  “A Tumultuous Affair”: Music: 'Lion' by Sapajou Free download:

  2. 2021. 03. 22.

    Microbes to mentors: the more the merrier with Dr Christine Boinett

    Dr Christine Boinett is a bioinformatician at the Sanger institute who started her career as a wet lab scientist studying antimicrobial resistance. She is incredibly passionate about ensuring equitable access to bioinformatics training across the globe. This passion has spilled over into the making of a podcast, along with colleagues, called Your Digital Mentor Podcast. It aims to provide access to conversations around mentoring and other aspects of research and career development, with a focus on LMICs. Below are some resources that you may find useful after listening to our conversation with JUNO; Global genomics survey of Streptococcus agalactiae:  GPS; Global pneumococcal sequencing project: or follow them on twitter @JunoSeq Bioinformatics training: Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences (ACSC): FutureLearn - ACSC bioinformatic courses: Your Digital Mentor Podcast: or follow us on twitter @mentor_podcast More information on the African Pathogen Initiative: More information about genomic surveillance including training available through Public Health Alliance for Genomic Epidemiology: Music: 'Lion' by Sapajou Free download:

  3. 2021. 03. 08.

    Asking for what you want with Dr. Anne Bishop

    Anne joined us to talk about her incredible research career and her experience of returning to research after an 8 year break, through the Janet Thornton fellowship. She also shares incredible insights into life with twins and the balance she has found.  Here are some resources that you might find useful after listening to our conversation with Anne: Returning to Research The Janet Thornton Fellowship, facilitating a return to research for people who took a career break of a year or more for family, health or caring reasons: The Daphne Jackson Fellowship, which is a national University-based scheme that, like the Wellcome Sanger Institute Janet Thornton Fellowship, offers opportunities to return to research after a career break (of at least two years in this case) again for family, health or caring reasons. Literature Anne's only microbial genomics paper so far supported by other members of Gordon Dougan's lab and colleagues at the Wellcome Genome Campus at the time, as well as Salmonella strains provided by Jeremy Farrar when he was in Vietnam and lots of Southern blots by a talented undergraduate project student Sara Jenks, who went on to study medicine: Putting Salmonella onto Anne's precious tissue culture cells resulted in this publication comparing adhesive properties of Salmonella enterica subspecies I Typhi, the causative agent of typhoid, and Salmonella enterica subspecies I Typhimurium, which causes gastroenteritis in immun-competent humans: Anne's research into in vitro phenotypes of Citrobacter rodentium from mouse stool, which was a joyful collaboration with Dr Siouxsie Wiles in Gad Frankel's lab: Anne's work in the Camilli lab in the USA on Vibrio cholerae outer-membrane vesicles as a cholera vaccine tested in mice, in collaboration with Dr Stefan Schild and wonderful colleagues at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh where she spent a month working with rice water stool from patients: Anne's foray into immunology in the infant mouse model, work carried out with support from a talented technician Bharathi Patimalla: Multiples Advice for people with multiples - Anne recommends finding a local Club for peer support, some of which are listed by the National Charity Twins Trust, which has loads of brilliant resources: If you have premature births or sick children the charity Bliss is an amazing support: Music: 'Lion' by Sapajou Free download:



Stories of the science at the Wellcome Genome Campus and the people behind it. With this free podcast, we aim to provide access to conversations we are privileged to have every day on campus. If you like science, but don't know the career options available or where they could lead you, this is the podcast for you! If you have enjoyed listening to Decoding Life head over to 'Your Digital Mentor Podcast', also from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. Follow them on Twitter @mentor_podcast to find out more!

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