Dementia Researcher Blogs

Dementia Researcher
Dementia Researcher Blogs 팟캐스트

Dementia Researcher blogs are written and then narrated by the authors. Through this podcast channel, we share the narrations, so you can listen back where ever you get your podcasts, as well as on our website - careers, research and your science. Brought to you by - everything you need, all in one place.

  1. Adam Smith - The Evolving Landscape of PhD Funding

    1일 전

    Adam Smith - The Evolving Landscape of PhD Funding

    Adam Smith narrates his blog written for Dementia Researcher. Adam’s blog discusses the evolving landscape of PhD funding, particularly the growing prominence of Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs). These centres offer structured, interdisciplinary, and cohort-based programmes, contrasting with traditional individual funding models. Adam highlights the benefits of DTCs, such as fostering collaboration, providing peer support, and delivering tailored training, which collectively enhance the PhD experience. However, he also acknowledges challenges, including the potential for reduced flexibility and the risk of excluding researchers whose interests fall outside the centres' thematic priorities. The blog advocates for a balanced ecosystem that includes both DTCs and individual funding options. Find the original text, and narration here on our website. -- Adam Smith was born in the north, a long time ago. He wanted to write books, but ended up working in the NHS, and at the Department of Health.  He is now Programme Director in the Office of the NIHR National Director for Dementia Research (which probably sounds more important than it is) at University College London. He has led a number of initiatives to improve dementia research (including this website, Join Dementia Research & ENRICH), as well as pursuing his own research interests. In his spare time, he grows vegetables, builds Lego & spends most of his time drinking too much coffee and squeezing technology into his house. -- Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line. This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. -- Follow us on Social Media:

  2. Dr Connor Richardson - In Defence of Academia

    2일 전

    Dr Connor Richardson - In Defence of Academia

    Dr Connor Richardson narrates his blog written for Dementia Researcher. Connor's blog offers a thoughtful reflection on the challenges and rewards of an academic career. Prompted by a personal conversation with his mother, Connor addresses the common perception that academic research is a source of stress and dissatisfaction. He counters this by highlighting his deep love for science, the intellectual fulfilment he finds in solving complex problems, and the unique sense of community and mentorship within academia. He also emphasises the benefits of flexible work environments, personal growth, and the opportunities for travel and collaboration that come with a career in research. Find the original text, and narration here on our website. -- Dr Connor Richardson is a Neuro-epidemiology Research Associate (soon to be NIHR Research Fellow) in the Newcastle University Population Health Sciences Institute. Connor is the research statistician for the Cognitive Function and Ageing studies (CFAS) multi-centre population cohort. His research interest lies in using advanced statistical modelling and machine learning to measure dementia risk. Connor blogs about his research, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and sometimes his Pomapoo’s. -- Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line. This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. -- Follow us on Social Media:

  3. Dr Hannah Hussain - Reflections on My PhD Viva and Next Steps

    5일 전

    Dr Hannah Hussain - Reflections on My PhD Viva and Next Steps

    Hannah Hussain narrates her blog written for Dementia Researcher. In her final blog, Dr (Yes it's Doctor now) Hannah Hussain reflects on her PhD viva experience, offering valuable tips for preparation and success. She highlights the importance of giving yourself enough time to revise, the benefits of doing a mock viva, and the need for confidence on the big day. Hannah also shares insights on handling corrections post-viva and navigating the transition from academia to the job market, providing practical advice based on her own journey. As she moves into a new role as an economist, this blog marks the end of her writing journey with the Dementia Researcher team, but you can follow Hannah on LinkedIn to keep in-touch with her career progress.. Find the original text, and narration here on our website. #PhDLife #PhDViva #Viva -- Hannah Hussain is a PhD Student in Health Economics at The University of Sheffield. As a proud third generation  migrant and British-Asian, her career path has been linear and ever evolving, originally qualifying as a Pharmacist in Nottingham, then Health Economics in Birmingham. Her studies have opened a world into Psychology, Mental Health and other areas of health, and with that and personal influences she found her passion for dementia. -- This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line -- Follow us on Social Media:

  4. Martin Robertson - My Experience as a Co-Researcher

    9월 12일

    Martin Robertson - My Experience as a Co-Researcher

    Martin Robertson narrates his blog written for Dementia Researcher. Martin shares his personal journey as a Co-Researcher following his diagnosis with Posterior Cortical Atrophy (PCA), a rare form of dementia. He reflects on how the shift to online work during the COVID-19 pandemic allowed him to stay active and engaged in research, which his neurologist believes has slowed the progression of his condition. Drawing on his past professional experiences in benefit fraud and personal care, Martin highlights the transferable skills that have helped him thrive in academic settings. Despite his cognitive challenges, he values the sense of empowerment and teamwork that co-research provides, allowing him to contribute meaningfully while managing his condition. Find the original text, and narration here on our website. -- Martin Robertson is a lived experience researcher living in Scotland. He has been involved in a number of research projects and is passionate about co-production and public voice in research since his diagnosis with Posterior Cortical Atrophy, in 2016 aged 57 -- Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line. This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. -- Follow us on Social Media:

  5. Adam Smith - Making Friends When You're the Newcomer

    9월 10일

    Adam Smith - Making Friends When You're the Newcomer

    Adam Smith narrates his blog written for Dementia Researcher. Adam's blog, explores the challenges of forming new connections as an adult in unfamiliar environments, such as new workplaces or countries. He offers practical advice on how to start small by greeting others, showing up to social events, asking questions, and finding common interests. Adam emphasises patience, open-mindedness, and the importance of following up with people to maintain connections. The blog encourages readers to embrace the awkwardness and take proactive steps in building meaningful friendships. Find the original text, and narration here on our website. -- Adam Smith was born in the north, a long time ago. He wanted to write books, but ended up working in the NHS, and at the Department of Health.  He is now Programme Director in the Office of the NIHR National Director for Dementia Research (which probably sounds more important than it is) at University College London. He has led a number of initiatives to improve dementia research (including this website, Join Dementia Research & ENRICH), as well as pursuing his own research interests. In his spare time, he grows vegetables, builds Lego & spends most of his time drinking too much coffee and squeezing technology into his house. -- Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line. This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. -- Follow us on Social Media:

  6. Rebecca Williams - The Joys of Academia (Seriously)

    9월 9일

    Rebecca Williams - The Joys of Academia (Seriously)

    Rebecca Williams, narrates her blog written for the Dementia Researcher website. Rebecca shares her reflections on the highs and lows of academic life. She acknowledges the challenges, such as long days, coding frustrations, and balancing work-life responsibilities, but emphasises her passion for research and problem-solving. Rebecca highlights the excitement of working in a field as unique as computational neuroscience, the supportive academic community, and the flexibility of her work. Her blog serves as a reminder of the rewarding aspects of academia, even amidst its struggles.Find the original text, and narration here on our website. Rebecca Williams is PhD student at the University of Cambridge. Though originally from ‘up North’ in a small town called Leigh, she did her undergraduate and masters at the University of Oxford before defecting to Cambridge for her doctorate researching Frontotemporal dementia and Apathy. She now spends her days collecting data from wonderful volunteers, and coding. Outside work, she plays board games, and is very crafty. @beccasue99 -- Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line. This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. -- Follow us on Social Media:

  7. Dr Jodi Watt - Inequity in dementia drug development

    9월 5일

    Dr Jodi Watt - Inequity in dementia drug development

    Dr Jodi Watt, narrating a new blog they wrote for the Dementia Researcher website.Discover the disparities in dementia drug development in Dr Jodi Watt's latest blog. As a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Glasgow, Jodi discusses the urgent need for more inclusive research that considers the diverse populations affected by dementia. Learn about the biases in clinical trials and the potential of drug repurposing, and why it's crucial to develop treatments that cater to all individuals, not just a select few. This blog is a must-read for anyone interested in equitable advancements in dementia care.Find the original text, and narration here on our website. -- Dr Jodi Watt is a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Glasgow. Jodi's academic interests are in both healthy ageing and neurodegenerative diseases of older age, and they are currently working on drug repurposing for dementia. Previously they worked on understanding structural, metabolic and physiological brain changes with age, as measured using magnetic resonance imaging. As a queer and neurodiverse person, Jodi is also incredibly interested in improving diversity and inclusion practices both within and outside of the academic context. -- Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line. This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. -- Follow us on Social Media:

  8. Dr Clíona Farrell - Communicating your science effectively: know your audience

    9월 3일

    Dr Clíona Farrell - Communicating your science effectively: know your audience

    Dr Clíona Farrell, narrating her blog written for the Dementia Researcher website. Clíona discusses the importance of understanding your audience in effective science communication. She emphasises that communicating scientific research requires tailoring the content and presentation style to different audiences, whether they are laypeople, students, or individuals with specific needs. Through various examples from her experiences, she highlights the importance of engaging the audience by relating scientific findings to broader, more relatable contexts and ensuring accessibility in both language and format. This blog underscores the significance of being well-prepared, respectful, and aware of current developments in the field to facilitate meaningful engagement and avoid alienating the audience.Find the original text, and narration here on our website. #DementiaResearch #DownSyndrome #ScienceCommunications -- Dr Clíona Farrell is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the UK Dementia Research Institute at University College London. Her work focuses on understanding neuroinflammation in Down syndrome, both prior to, and in response to, Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Originally from Dublin, Ireland, Clíona completed her undergraduate degree in Neuroscience in Trinity College, and then worked as a research assistant in the Royal College of Surgeons studying ALS and Parkinson’s disease. She also knows the secret behind scopping the perfect 99 ice-cream cone. @ClionaFarrell_-- Enjoy listening? We're always looking for new bloggers, drop us a line. This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support. -- Follow us on Social Media:



Dementia Researcher blogs are written and then narrated by the authors. Through this podcast channel, we share the narrations, so you can listen back where ever you get your podcasts, as well as on our website - careers, research and your science. Brought to you by - everything you need, all in one place.

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