Episode 115: Quarterly check in - such a good reading year so far

Lazy Book Lovers 팟캐스트

We're trying something new! Here is an update on all things reading and life related for the first three months of the year, usually we only do the yearly summaries but we thought it would be fun to do summary updates throughout the year.

Today we talk about:

  • A little bit of life
  • A good 10+ min tangent chat about t.v. and movies we've enjoyed lately (oops)
  • Total reads for the year so far
  • Page stats for the year
  • Top reading moods
  • Reading speed and book pace stats
  • Top genres and authors

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  • Subscribe to our Kofi and get access to an exclusive Discord channel to talk about books with other book nerds
  • Join our March-April read-along of The Trial of the Sun Queen
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Important info:

Jingle: One Fine Day by Podcast.Co

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