Episode 44 - Lindsay's recovery story

The All In Podcast

In this episode, we talk about recovering as an avid runner, nourishing our bodies and our minds, quasi recovery and Nicola's plans for an online course!

Download Nicola's ultimate HA guide here: Http://noperiod.info/HAguide

Connect with Lindsay on her website or her blog.

To find support in your HA recovery:
Get the "No Period. Now What?" book at noperiod.info/book.
Get the French version "Je n'ai plus mes regles" book at noperiod.info/livre.
Get the German version "Keine periode - was jetzt?" at noperiod.info/buch.

To join our support groups, please visit noperiod.info/support
for English, noperiod.info/communaute for French, and noperiod.info/community for German.

To make an appointment with Dr Sykes and get individual support to get your period back or improve your fertility, please go to noperiod.info/appointments
To make an appointment with Florence Gillet and get help with the body and mind changes happening in recovery please visit www.beyondbodyimage.com

You can find us on social media:
@noperiodnowwhat in English
@jenaiplusmesregles_livre in French
@keineperiodewasjetzt in German


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