Future Ready Organizations with Singularity University's Nick Davis

Future Grind 팟캐스트

In this installment of the Future Grind podcast host Ryan O’Shea speaks with Nick Davis, the Faculty Chair for Corporate Innovation at Singularity University. Nick helps organizations identify and capitalize on the exponential trends that will impact their industry, and the world. He’s just authored a new book titled Future Ready: A Changemaker's Guide to the Exponential Revolution, which is described as a “resource for developing skillsets for future success”. Nick is also a Venture Partner at BOLD Capital, which invests in high-growth startups that leverage exponential technologies, and serves as the Chief Platform Officer for the Mid-Ohio Foodbank.

They discuss what it means to be future ready, the importance of mindset, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and much more.

Show Notes: https://futuregrind.org Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/future-grind-podcast-science-technology-business-politics/id1020231514 Support: https://futuregrind.org/support

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