How Beyond Curious Host Brandon Fong Built His Business Relationships

The Art of Passive Income 팟캐스트

Brandon is on a mission to create a more deeply connected world by catalyzing curiosity. 

Listen in as they discuss:

  • Brandon’s early exposure to business. 
  • How to raise money by asking for advice. 
  • The ikea effect. 
  • Vulnerability loops. 
  • Finding their 4%.
  • What does it mean to be beyond curious? 
  • AVE

They also discussed the negative and positive effects of AI tools when it comes to relationships and connecting. 


Brandon: Send a video or voice message to someone you appreciate, telling them exactly why they're important to you. This act can strengthen your relationships and open up new opportunities.

Mark: Learn more about Brandon Fong by going to Check out Brandon Fong's "Brilliance Multiplication System" by visiting It offers practical tools to help you stay focused on your key tasks. Plus, if you're looking for deep insights into figuring out your strengths and what you really want, listen to Brandon’s podcast for a detailed 3-hour guide.


Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about creating connections to grow your business. 

"Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

"Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

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