How To Be A Parent

Inside the Box with Claire and Wendy 팟캐스트

Parenting. There’s no handbook for this stuff. But luckily, Claire and Wendy have ideas and a podcast. 

Here’s a taste of the wisdom you’ll receive in this episode:

  • Bringing back the tried and true parenting styles of the 1970s, 80s and 90s
  • Safety tips (ie, how to safely run with scissors)
  • The benefits of instilling fear and guilt in your children
  • What animals have to teach us about parenting
  • Building healthy self-esteem in your child
  • The joys of being your child’s best friend and drinking partner
  • Educational toys
  • What Freud has to teach us about parenting
  • Parenting wisdom from bygone days

Episode Sponsor: Old Timey Sleep-Away Camp for Kids

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