Inform Me, Informatics

Public Health Informatics Institute
Inform Me, Informatics 팟캐스트

From the Public Health Informatics Institute, this podcast tells stories from the field of public health informatics. Join host Piper Hale as she talks to some of the field's top experts and boots-on-the-ground practitioners to explore what makes this evolving discipline a bedrock of effective public health practice. These stories make this complex field into something a little easier to understand. Learn more about the Public Health Informatics Institute at


From the Public Health Informatics Institute, this podcast tells stories from the field of public health informatics. Join host Piper Hale as she talks to some of the field's top experts and boots-on-the-ground practitioners to explore what makes this evolving discipline a bedrock of effective public health practice. These stories make this complex field into something a little easier to understand. Learn more about the Public Health Informatics Institute at

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