LanguaTalk Slow French: Learn French With Gaëlle | French podcast for A2-B1
LanguaTalk Slow French: Learn French With Gaëlle | French podcast for A2-B1

Learn French with Gaëlle, an experienced French teacher. 99% in French and designed for students with a basic level (A2) or lower intermediate (B1). Gaëlle speaks slowly to make it easier to understand. If you have an intermediate level, you can always increase the playback speed in your app. Each week, you’ll improve your French whilst also learning about French culture, society, history, and much more. Go to to read an interactive transcript of each episode as you listen. This will help you follow along and allow you to study the sentences.

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6개의 평가


Learn French with Gaëlle, an experienced French teacher. 99% in French and designed for students with a basic level (A2) or lower intermediate (B1). Gaëlle speaks slowly to make it easier to understand. If you have an intermediate level, you can always increase the playback speed in your app. Each week, you’ll improve your French whilst also learning about French culture, society, history, and much more. Go to to read an interactive transcript of each episode as you listen. This will help you follow along and allow you to study the sentences.

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