Loving Unconditionally | Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen Podcast 팟캐스트

It's easy to love people that are similar to us, but God wants us to love unconditionally. When you love even those you disagree with, you are showing God's love to those around you.

Your best days are still ahead, and together we can make a difference in this world with the message of God's hope and love. To give visitJoelOsteen.com/GiveHope.

Three minutes. Every day. Before your feet hit the floor, set your mind on things above with Joel’s new devotional, 3-Minute Mornings. Our May offer contains 365 days of favor and freedom. Put God first place, and you’ll see breakthroughs you couldn’t make happen. Request your copy today, https://bit.ly/4di5pMO.

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