Nonprofit Problem Solver

Kev Khayat
Nonprofit Problem Solver 팟캐스트

Kev Khayat brings 30 years of mission-driven experience to fun and engaging interviews with experts on vital topics like marketing and fundraising, time management, programming, Board development and strategy. Stuff you can do right now to improve your nonprofit's operation and impact. You'll want to take notes! Please like, share and subscribe! Watch replays at Powered by PodProAudio (, making professional podcasting easy. Check out Kev's nonprofit coaching at


Kev Khayat brings 30 years of mission-driven experience to fun and engaging interviews with experts on vital topics like marketing and fundraising, time management, programming, Board development and strategy. Stuff you can do right now to improve your nonprofit's operation and impact. You'll want to take notes! Please like, share and subscribe! Watch replays at Powered by PodProAudio (, making professional podcasting easy. Check out Kev's nonprofit coaching at

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