Out of the Darkness and Into the Blue

Robert T. Christensen
Out of the Darkness and Into the Blue 팟캐스트

The suspect doesn't come quietly. Before he's subdued, rookie cop Robert Christensen gets pummeled unconscious. Twenty-five years later, he retires as one of Kalamazoo's top patrol officers. Out of the Darkness and into the Blue recounts Christensen's most memorable experiences on the force, told with candor, honesty, and humor. After describing each event, Christensen analyzes his behavior during the encounter, the tactics he used, and how changes in strategy and behavior might have affected the outcome.

  1. Community Policing

    2015. 10. 18.

    Community Policing

    Community Policing has always been so much more than playing basketball with kids, handing out stickers, taking selfies with neighborhood kids, or rescuing animals from the perils of human civilization. These small acts of kindness, alone will not improve the quality of life. They are acute acts of relationship building and if sustained can help to build rapport and trust. Do you want to make a difference as a Cop? Then stop being a law enforcement officer and start being a police officer again. Get out of the car, walk your beat, visit with business owners, shake hands with people, and say hello to them. Develop a rapport and know people by their first names. Focus on developing initiatives that will improve the quality of life in your area. What do people call the police for that bothers them? Each jurisdiction is unique, but each person who lives there has issues that need repair. For example: 1. Reduce part 1 crimes. 2. Eliminate abandoned cars and accumulation of junk. 3. Reduce youth crime by a visible amount. 4. Reduce curfew violations. 5. Improve attendance at public schools. 6. Create a family friendly oriented retail shopping district. 7. Improve the appearance and safety of homes. 8. Increase home ownership vs. rental properties 9. Eliminate street level drug dealing and prostitution 10. Focus on quality of life crimes (What people call the police for) If you start being a Police Officer and think creatively and involve the public in solving their own problems MAGIC WILL HAPPEN! Learn exactly how to do this from Out of the Darkness and into the Blue. Get your own copy today! Available from Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, iTunes.com, Audible.com, roberttodd.com



The suspect doesn't come quietly. Before he's subdued, rookie cop Robert Christensen gets pummeled unconscious. Twenty-five years later, he retires as one of Kalamazoo's top patrol officers. Out of the Darkness and into the Blue recounts Christensen's most memorable experiences on the force, told with candor, honesty, and humor. After describing each event, Christensen analyzes his behavior during the encounter, the tactics he used, and how changes in strategy and behavior might have affected the outcome.

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