Paradise Lost Financial

Paradise Lost Financial 팟캐스트

In-depth analyses on the Financial Markets, Personal Finance & Economics The time and effort put into each episode is a reflection of listener support & feedback. As a listener, all you have to do is show up and provide me with feedback. If you are able to and you enjoy this content, consider making single donation via Anchor.FM, or by becoming a Patron for $5 per month for additional research & analysis. Thanks for your support and reach out via Support this podcast:

  1. Unintended Consequences

    2021. 04. 10.

    Unintended Consequences

    Link to Youtube video: Reviewing new taxes being proposed, and potential economic/social consequences of these policies.     Consider supporting the Paradise Lost Financial channel:    Articles & References Mentioned in the Video:   Elizabeth Warren fuels class warfare with new wealth redistribution ideas:   Warren Buffett and Bill Gates agree that the rich should pay higher taxes    The Income Tax in 1913: A Way to ‘Soak the Rich’:   Five staffers let go over marijuana use, White House says:     Top 10% of Earners Pay Over 70% of Income Taxes:    Millions of illegal immigrants set to get $4.38 billion in Biden COVID cash:    A By-the-Mile Tax on Driving Gains Steam as a Way to Fund U.S. Roads:      Source for the Dollar Value Illustration:    By, a financial literacy website --- Support this podcast:

  2. Episode 11: WallStreetBets vs. Robinhood et al.

    2021. 01. 29.

    Episode 11: WallStreetBets vs. Robinhood et al.

    WallStreetBets driving up prices of Gamestop, AMC, BlackBerry, Nokia, and more, intentionally targeting some of these stocks due to outspoken short-selling firms. Robinhood (and some other brokerages) have come under fire for restricting trades (or outright closing some of their user's positions, allegedly) and potentially even conspiring with hedge funds such as Citadel to allow for damage control at the expense of the retail trader. We're beginning to see class action lawsuits against Robinhood, members of Congress demanding a DOJ investigation,  and billionaires stating that this situation is "dangerous for the markets".  Many Robinhood traders & the WallStreetBets folks are saying they will close out their Robinhood accounts and #DeleteRobinhood is now trending.  *Note that I should have said 76% of users say they will stop using Robinhood (I mistakenly said 76 people... sorry I'm tired lol) and it looks like hedge funds have lost roughly $5 billion,  not $70 billion  (I was thinking of Twitter & Facebook losing $70 billion in market cap after they shut down conservative accounts... separate topic) - that's still $5 million millions,  so $5B is nothing to sneeze at!  DISCLAIMER: As always, nothing on the podcast or channel should be construed as financial advise, always do your own research and never invest unless you can afford to lose it all. --- Support this podcast:



In-depth analyses on the Financial Markets, Personal Finance & Economics The time and effort put into each episode is a reflection of listener support & feedback. As a listener, all you have to do is show up and provide me with feedback. If you are able to and you enjoy this content, consider making single donation via Anchor.FM, or by becoming a Patron for $5 per month for additional research & analysis. Thanks for your support and reach out via Support this podcast:

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