Reel History

Shows What You Know
Reel History 팟캐스트

Welcome to Reel History! On this podcast we talk about historical movies and TV, anything that claims to be based on a true story, and we check – how bad did they mess it up? What was life actually like during that time period? That’s why we’re here – to separate the real history from the Reel History! Hosted by two Irish history buffs and a Swedish guy who doesn’t know anything about history. Part of the Shows What You Know network; find all our podcasts at Cover art by Kim Boland. Follow us @Reel_History and don’t forget to rate and review!

  1. 5월 10일

    Napoleon III | FALL (1806-1815)

    ‘What a pity the man wasn’t lazy ’ remarked the wily French diplomat Talleyrand as he later lamented on how Napoleon’s restless energy had led him to dominate Europe and the age against all odds. But of course, you know all this dear listener as you’ve already accompanied us on the first two episodes of our whirlwind tour covering the first French emperor’s incredible rise and reign! So join us for our conclusion to this trilogy as we follow the heady high’s and disastrous defeats of the Grand Armée and test whether Napoleon was right when he famously claimed that ‘there is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous’. Mark kicks off our exploration with the Battle of Austerlitz, famously dubbed the “Battle of the Three Emperors”, where Napoleon’s military genius reached its zenith, securing a decisive victory over the combined forces of Russia and Austria. From there, we witness the defeat of Prussia, the smashing of the Holy Roman Empire, and the implementation of the “Continental System”, which sought to cripple Britain’s economy. But it wasn’t all conquests and triumphs. After promptly dumping Josephine in favour of an alliance with Austria, Napoleon’s foundations start to crumble and the Russian campaign proves to be his undoing, with the 6th coalition chasing him back to France after the fire of Moscow and the disasterous battle of Leipzig. Still, he doesn’t give up without a fight, winning 4 battles in 5 days but still losing his crown and his country through forced abdication in 1814. Now, if this was a horror movie it’d be the part where you think the monster is dead but it bursts out of the rubble for a final slash. In Napoleon’s case, this was his return to France in 1815 for a famous 100 days. You’ll have to listen to find out how this great adventure concludes, but let’s just say that a famous ABBA song might give you a hint. That’s right, he became a Dancing Queen! Just kidding – we’re talking Waterloo. Our 3-part Napoleon series brings us towards the end of Reel History Season 4. Join us next time for our Season Finale and look forward to a bonus Napoleon episode coming shortly to

    1시간 32분
  2. 4월 25일

    Napoleon II | REIGN (1799-1805)

    “The revolution is over… I AM the revolution!” proclaimed Mark dramatically as we recently sat down to record this second sortie into our trilogy on the man behind the myth – Napoleon! No, but seriously, these were the confidently spoken words of a 30-year-old 1st Consul Bonaparte in 1800 as he presented himself as saviour to the war-weary French at the dawn of a new century. But cessez-le-feu and let’s not be getting ahead of ourselves; we first take a rapid-fire look at the key events that allowed this plucky provincial general to seize power and install himself and Josephine rent-free in Louis XVI’s former apartments in the Tuileries Palace. Now, watching Ridley Scott’s film could easily lead you to believe that Napoleon’s real motivation for conquering Europe was to win the heart and approval of his wife and one-time obsession, Josephine. Allow us, therefore, to supply the vital context glaringly missing from the film for the momentous events which shaped the fortunes of Napoleon, his family, and the age. Along the way, we will dish out the gossip on the affairs, love letters and tremendous lovers’ tiffs which made Josephine and Napoleon’s relationship a worthy rival to Anthony and Cleopatra’s! We’ll then embark on a journey across the Mediterranean to find out why both Napoleon and revolutionary France were so keen to invade Egypt in 1798. Learn the truth behind this often rose-tinted misadventure which would later lead Napoleon to ruefully claim ‘If I had stayed in the east, I would have founded an empire like Alexander’. Digging deeper, we examine how Napoleon used his skills as a master propagandist to emulate his hero Caesar to win over the hearts of his soldiers and the public on his ruthless ascent to the imperial throne. This cunningly crafted image of the young hero would supposedly cement the gains of the revolution while putting a full stop to the chaos it unleashed – a compelling tale that would enable him to carry out his coup d’état of 18 Brumaire. Building on this, we will examine the pivotal battles and military tactics employed by Napoleon to effectively crush all in his wake as he astounded France’s increasingly desperate enemies with victory after victory. Finally, we will learn about Napoleon’s meritocratic (if autocratic) imperial regime and its enduring civil reforms which continue to shape the modern world long after the last shot rang out at Waterloo. As Napoleon’s foreign minister Talleyrand once said of the new consul ‘If he lasts a year, he’ll go far!’. Well, he certainly lasted longer than that, so make sure to join us next time when we put a bow on this trilogy and learn what happened when the stakes (and number of coalitions) got higher and higher, and fortune finally turned on the Emperor.

    1시간 15분
  3. 4월 11일

    Napoleon I | RISE (1769-1798)

    Load the canon, survey the battlefield and hold onto your bicorne as we take aim at Ridley Scott’s ‘Napoleon’ (2023)! Much like Napoleon’s Grande Armée in Russia, we’ve bitten off more than we can chew (in just one episode) so will be delivering up a thrilling trilogy to do justice to the triumphs and follies of the French Emperor who Churchill described as the greatest man of action since Julius Caesar. Naturally, any person whose name alone is used to describe an entire era (1799- 1815) will divide opinion. Was he a usurping Corsican ogre hell bent on bloody conquest or a military genius and visionary civic reformer embodying the enlightenment on horseback? Join us in this first episode as we sort fact from fiction while watching Michael and Mark’s blood boil as Ridley Scott triggers history buffs everywhere by firing a grapeshot volley through historical accuracy! But we’re not just here to talk about Ridley’s bullish disregard for history (no matter how beautifully shot the cinematography is! As usual, we will use the film to delve deep into the compelling real life of this singular character whose whirlwind rise from the fermant of the French Revolution had the old world rulers of Europe trembling in their silk stockings. We’ll first examine his provincial origins, family life and military upbringing before turning our attention to his genius for propaganda that propelled his meteoric rise. We will then chart his unlikely course from canny artillery officer at Toulon to rockstar republican general whose novel tactics left his opponents both political and military in a stupor… and all before he reached the tender age of 30! Sources – ‘Le grand Atlas de Napoléon (2021) – ‘Napoleon The Great’ by Andrew Roberts (2014) – ‘ Napoleon: The Man behind the Myth’ by Adam Zamoyski (2018) – ‘Napoleonic Wars’ by Charles Esdaile (2007)

    1시간 15분
  4. 3월 28일

    Robin Hood (1991) | A Thief & Two Kings (1194)

    “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” catapults audiences into the heart of medieval England, where the legendary outlaw Robin Hood leads a band of merry men in a daring revolt against tyranny and injustice. Directed by Kevin Reynolds and starring Kevin Costner in the titular role, this epic adventure weaves together action, romance, and heroism in a timeless tale of courage and camaraderie. OR, as Mark prefers to describe it: “Nottingham” catapults audiences into the fascinating life of the off-beat heroic Sheriff of Nottingham as he tries to hold the realm together in the face of petty criminals being led by a jealous noble who has returned from an ill-conceived war in the East which brought nothing but hardship and death. Set against the backdrop of a war-torn England ruled by the ruthless Sheriff of Nottingham (portrayed by Alan Rickman in a scene-stealing performance), the film follows Robin of Locksley as he returns from the Crusades to find his homeland ravaged by corruption and oppression. Determined to right the wrongs inflicted upon his people, Robin takes up the mantle of the hooded outlaw, stealing from the rich to give to the poor! Daring heists, exhilarating skirmishes and heart-pounding chases through the ancient forests of Sherwood. The film’s best quality is a scenery-chewing performance from Alan Rickman, so powerful Costner may as well have stayed on a ranch in the American west or whatever. You’ve heard the legend of Robin Hood and his merry men, you’ve probably even heard the name Richard the Lionheart. But did any of this really happen? Was a Cult-leading satanist Sheriff really in charge of England, defied only by a rich man who has decided to slum it with the plebs? Join us on Reel History and find out! Side note: The accompanying song by Bryan Adams is a crime against culture.

    1시간 23분
  5. 3월 14일

    Malcolm X (1992) | American Civil Rights (1965)

    “That’s too much power for one man to have,” said police Captain Green when, with a mere wave of his hand, Malcolm X dispersed an entire crowd of the Nation of Islam. It’s time we took in a Spike Lee joint! “Malcolm X” tells the gripping story of one of the most influential figures in the American civil rights movement. Directed by Spike Lee and starring Denzel Washington in an Oscar-nominated performance, the film chronicles the transformation of Malcolm Little, a small-time criminal who becomes one of the most outspoken and polarizing leaders of his time. Born into poverty and racism, Malcolm X’s journey takes him from his troubled youth in Lansing, Michigan, to his tumultuous years in Harlem, New York. In prison, Malcolm discovers the teachings of the Nation of Islam and undergoes a profound spiritual awakening. Renaming himself Malcolm X, he emerges as a charismatic and uncompromising advocate for Black empowerment, challenging America to confront its legacy of oppression and inequality. But as Malcolm’s influence grows, so does the resistance against him. The master begins to fear the apprentice as Elijah Muhammad wonders if he has found a star much brighter than his own. Painful revelations about the supposed prophet drive Malcolm to question much, bringing him to a breaking point with the Nation of Islam whereupon he eventually takes his place among the greatest civil rights leaders of the century. Denzel Washington delivers a tour de force performance as Malcolm X, capturing his charisma, intellect, and inner turmoil with impressive nuance. So, join 3 white Europeans as we discuss this gripping and thought-provoking exploration of race and identity in 20th Century America.



Welcome to Reel History! On this podcast we talk about historical movies and TV, anything that claims to be based on a true story, and we check – how bad did they mess it up? What was life actually like during that time period? That’s why we’re here – to separate the real history from the Reel History! Hosted by two Irish history buffs and a Swedish guy who doesn’t know anything about history. Part of the Shows What You Know network; find all our podcasts at Cover art by Kim Boland. Follow us @Reel_History and don’t forget to rate and review!

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