Resistance: The Edelweißpiraten

Achtung! History 팟캐스트

In this episode of Achtung! History Simon J. James returns to the tales of resistance to the National Socialist regime of Germany. 

It is a common perception that the National Socialist regime of Germany (1933-1945) was a totalitarian one. But was it as totalitarian as popular culture has led us to believe. In this episode of Resistance, Simon J. James looks into the resistance that existed amongst the youth of the German nation and in doing so explores the history and ideology of the Hitler Youth. Follow as he looks into one specific group, without political conviction but united in their disgust of all things National Socialist, the Edelweißpiraten, and how they tested the limits of Hitler's totalitarian state. 

In the production of this episode, Simon would like to express his thanks to the resources of both The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, without which this episode would not have been possible. 

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Achtung! History is presented by Simon J, James.  Follow Achtung! History on Twitter.

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