S2E6 Lifelong learning for a future of innovation with Alice Bunn

If You Were An Engineer 팟캐스트

“By 2030, 85% of the jobs we will do are unknown today”. Alice Bunn, CEO of the Institution for Mechanical Engineers shares this fact, as she tells us about the importance of lifelong learning, and how IMechE aims to improve the world through engineering. Alice also talks about her unlikely and unplanned career in the space industry - which has been going for 20 years now!

Elsie’s super-charged wheelchair, the ‘Roller Rider’ is under the spotlight this week. Peter Marshall is leading Anglia Ruskin University’s prototype team that’ll be turning Elsie’s idea into reality. He tells us about the design and why he instantly fell in love with it.

Thanks to Elena and Erin from Ballymena Academy who shared their engineering idea with us.

And if you have an answer to our problem send your thoughts to info@leadersaward.com or comment on Twitter @Leadersaward. This week it comes from Bruce from Howden Compressors: “Whilst we are drilling, we’ve had problems with the drills overheating and breaking. What can we do to stop this happening?”

Your host is Ollie Guillou. Head over to our website www.leadersaward.com/podcasts to access loads of bonus and behind the scenes content.

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