Science Clear+Vivid Podcast

Alan Alda
Science Clear+Vivid Podcast 팟캐스트

With support from The Kavli Foundation, Clear+Vivid presents this special series on the power of basic scientific research – from the pure to the practical. What is curiosity-driven research? Why does it matter? How does it play a role in transforming our lives? Where does basic research take place and by whom? Why is investing in basic research essential to society? Host Alan Alda leads conversations with 10 guests discussing these topics and more, each sharing their point of view and experience about basic science and their personal stories – what got them interested in or involved in science. Science Clear+Vivid runs concurrent with Clear+Vivid Season 10 (October - November) and will be released each Thursday.

호스트 및 게스트


With support from The Kavli Foundation, Clear+Vivid presents this special series on the power of basic scientific research – from the pure to the practical. What is curiosity-driven research? Why does it matter? How does it play a role in transforming our lives? Where does basic research take place and by whom? Why is investing in basic research essential to society? Host Alan Alda leads conversations with 10 guests discussing these topics and more, each sharing their point of view and experience about basic science and their personal stories – what got them interested in or involved in science. Science Clear+Vivid runs concurrent with Clear+Vivid Season 10 (October - November) and will be released each Thursday.

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