Somethings take time …

Been There Done That 팟캐스트

In this week’s show, we talk about our Labour Day holiday which has morphed into Moomba. The origins of the 8-hour working day are being forgotten in the modern world of low wages, poor working security and conditions, and the attitude ‘the fittest survives’. Meanwhile Moomba has become a multicultural festival providing a wonderful festive occasion for all our citizens.

In our anniversaries, we are reminded about the Partnerships Bill passed in Victoria on 14 March 2008, whereby couples could register their relationships and enjoy some rights and respect for their relationship. This was a forerunner but not quite a substitute for equal rights and same-sex marriage.        On 11 Feb 1969, Michael Kirby (later to be High Court judge) met his life partner Johan van Vloten and on the 50th anniversary of that event, the two were married under the recently passed marriage-equality legislation.

We also talk about the realisation that biodiversity is dwindling in nature, and that the insect populations are disappearing at a dangerously fast rate. We suggest that we humans are overusing insecticides and creating mono-cultures in crops and vegetation. Other casualties as a result of clear fell forestry are birdlife and forest animals – including Leadbeater’s Possum, our Victorian fauna emblem since 2nd March 1971.

From the international press, we learn that a Malaysian politician has pronounced that there are no gay people in Malaysia, much to the amusement but consternation of the gay community, who are now proudly declaring their existence. When Malaysian students leave their country for higher education courses, many find a new freedom away from prying eyes and they discover their latent sexuality. Meanwhile, attendees at an Arab States Conference were made aware of the acceptance in many other countries of gay citizens as part of the Human Rights charter of the United Nations.

Finally, Gordon boasts of his forthcoming sea cruise.

Listen to these stories, opinions and more – presented with some merriment (where appropriate) by Chris, Gordon & Phil.

Show #847                  First broadcast on 12 March 2019   

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