Spiritual Warfare in Liberia - A Conversation with Jerry Kulah

PlainSpoken 팟캐스트

Rev. Dr. Jerry Kulah is one of the most courageous and faithful public figures in world Methodism today. His love of Christ and the church shines brightly through him, as does his passion for the purity of the ministry that has been entrusted to us. In recent months, since the close of General Conference 2024 for the United Methodist Church, affairs have heated up in Liberia. I have covered developments there as violence has been threatened and political maneuvering has become commonplace.

In this segment, I was touched to learn of the friendship between Rev. Dr. Kulah and Bishop Quire. Though they are at odds at the present moment, his strong convictions do not eliminate the love he has for his bishop, nor his unwavering commitment to his people in Liberia. It is a very refreshing and encouraging conversation. You will be enriched if you listen to him.

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