Steven Freedman, MD, PhD - Pay it Forward

Behind the Microscope 팟캐스트

Dr. Steven Freedman is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School where he serves as the Director of the Pancreas Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center as well as the Chief of the Division of Translational Research.  

Prior to joining the faculty at BI, Dr. Freedman completed his PhD at Yale before pursuing his medical education at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He then pursued his remaining clinical training including GI fellowship at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 

Dr. Freeman maintains an active research group that studies basic and clinical aspects of pancreatitis. Not only does he balance his own research and clinical practice, but he is actively involved in mentoring the next generation of physician-scientists through several focused initiatives. 


In today’s episode, Dr. Freedman discusses a sustainable approach to preparing trainees and junior faculty for success as independent investigators through a pay-it-forward approach. Throughout today’s episode, Dr. Freedman provides an important reminder for us all-to engage in something that is fun and that has the potential to help change patient’s lives. 

Our thanks to Dr. Freedman for being on the podcast. 

Lab website: 

Executive Producers: 
-       Bejan Saeedi 
-       Joe Behnke 
-       Michael Sayegh 
-       Carey Jansen 
-       Nielsen Weng 
Faculty Advisors  
-       Brian Robinson 
-       Mary Horton 
-       Talia Swartz 
-       Chris Williams 
-       David Schwartz 
Twitter: @behindthescope_ 
Instagram: @behindthemicroscopepod 
Facebook: @behindthemicroscope1 

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