Stewarding the Steppe with Gana Wingard

Earthwatch Podcast 팟캐스트

Gana Wingard, lead scientist on the expedition Wildlife of the Mongolian Steppe, has been working for more than 20 years to conserve the Ikh Nart Nature Reserve and empower the local communities to take an active role in this work. On this episode of the Earthwatch Podcast, the next in our series highlighting amazing women in science, Gana shares how she was inspired to pursue a career in conservation, the importance of community involvement, and how she’s working to create the next generation of environmental stewards. To learn more about Gana’s research, visit the project’s website: Wildlife of the Mongolian Steppe. (The music in this trailer is by Blue Dot Sessions, provided under the creative commons Attribution-Noncommercial License.)

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