SurgiColl, The Podcast

SurgiColl, The Podcast

SurgiColl, The Surgical Collective, is committed to being the foremost journal focusing on the Surgical Specialties, leveraging open access publishing to maximize distribution of timely, peer-reviewed, high-quality, and constructive evidence for broad and timely dissemination to advance the healthcare of people worldwide. The Podcast is a platform for discussing the latest publications with leading authors and experts in the field.



SurgiColl, The Surgical Collective, is committed to being the foremost journal focusing on the Surgical Specialties, leveraging open access publishing to maximize distribution of timely, peer-reviewed, high-quality, and constructive evidence for broad and timely dissemination to advance the healthcare of people worldwide. The Podcast is a platform for discussing the latest publications with leading authors and experts in the field.

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