The Masculine In Relationship | GS Youngblood #676

Sexy Marriage Radio 팟캐스트

In this conversation, GS Youngblood joins me as we discuss his blueprint for masculinity in relationships, which focuses on three elements: respond versus react, provide structure, and create safety.

He emphasizes the importance of simplicity, relationality, and applicability in his framework.

We highlight the significance of emotional resonance, co-regulation, and curiosity in creating a safe and connected relationship.

Learn more from GS Youngblood here -


GS Youngblood's blueprint for masculinity in relationships consists of three elements: respond versus react, provide structure, and create safety.
The blueprint emphasizes simplicity, relationality, and applicability in order to be easily understood and implemented by men.
The first element, respond versus react, involves being grounded, still, and choiceful in one's actions.
The second element, provide structure, entails having inner clarity and attunement to oneself and one's partner.
The third element, create safety, focuses on emotional safety, trust-building, emotional resonance, co-regulation, and curiosity.
Embodying the qualities of the masculine blueprint can help men feel more grounded, confident, and connected in their relationships.

On the Xtended Version ...

In the XTD content, we dive deeper into the 3 aspects of the blueprint. The first element, respond versus react, involves being grounded, still, and choiceful in one's actions. The second element, provide structure, entails having inner clarity and attunement to both oneself and one's partner. The third element, create safety, involves emotional safety and trust-building.

Enjoy the show!

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The post The Masculine In Relationship | GS Youngblood #676 first appeared on Sexy Marriage Radio.

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