The reBound: How Pitney Bowes is Innovating with Autonomous Vehicles

The Chain Podcast 팟캐스트

On this episode of The reBound, Stephanie Cannon joins Abe Eshkenazi, CEO of the Association for Supply Chain Management, and Bob Trebilcock, consulting editor of Supply Chain Management Review, to discuss a new approach to mid-mile deliveries in the e-commerce supply chain. Cannon is the senior vice president of operations excellence and collaborative innovation at Pitney Bowes, where her team is working with the startup community to bring in high levels of automatic sortation and robotics to its distribution centers and now autonomous trucks to deliver parcels from its distribution centers to USPS depots in several states.

Cannon explains why one of the world’s leaders in global shipping and mailing decided to adopt autonomous trucks; how it worked with a solution provider to design a system for autonomous deliveries; and how it piloted and is now rolling out the fleet of trucks in multiple locations.

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