The role of brand purpose in healthcare in the era of COVID-19

Modern Marketeers 팟캐스트

Guest: Mark Viden, SVP, Brand, CommonSpirit Health

Host: Sam Meers, EVP, Practice Lead, Barkley

Strong brands are powered by the purpose of their organization. Purpose not only drives the type of employees an organization attracts and retains, it also drives the customers the organization attracts and retains.

This has never been more important than today in the healthcare category. With the ongoing strain from the Covid pandemic, the cultures of many healthcare organizations have been tested. Those that have been intentional about aligning their business around purpose have a greater likelihood of moving through this challenging time successfully.

In this episode of Modern Marketeers, we’ll discuss the role of brand purpose in healthcare in the era of COVID-19.

Have a comment or topic suggestion for a future episode of Modern Marketeers? Please email our producer, Michael Levine, at

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