Why Overseas Jamaican Should Invest in Jamaican Real Estate for Airbnb | Yaad Finance

Yaad Finance 팟캐스트

Jamaicans living in Canada, the USA, United Kingdom, and any other country that possesses the financial means should seriously think about investing in the Jamaican Real Estate Market. More importantly, investing in real estate for AirBnB in communities with high tourist traffic. Too many Jamaicans living overseas write off Jamaica as a place that can make no money. However, you have Chinese and Indians coming here broke and becoming millionaires. Foreigners are now buying cheap land and real estate property and making a profit. Jamaicans with means both at home and abroad should be taking advantage of the fact that Jamaica is a tourist destination and buy real estate in tourist hot spots and use for Airbnb.

Read More at Yaad Finance: Click Here.

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