GET REAL S4 w/ Ashley, BM, JUNNY, and PENIEL
📲 Download DIVE Studios' daily wellness app (for FREE) at GET REAL is BACK with another season! Please welcome our fantastic four hosts: ASHLEY, BM, JUNNY, and PENIEL. This show is a place for these close friends to open up about all the ups and downs of work, love, and adulthood from their perspective. 🤳 FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS 🤳 TikTok (1.6 million): Instagram (560k+): Twitter (230k+): Discord (45k+ members):
호스트 및 게스트
1월 18일
자주자주 올라오면 좋겠어요 2주에 한 번 기다리기 너무 힘듦 ㅠㅠ ㅜㅜ 진짜 재밌어요 잘 듣고 있어요… 🩷
2월 11일
내가 들은 방송 중 가장 ㅂㅅ같고 이게 방송임???? 아니 그냥 팟캐스트에서 나가라
My come to show
2024. 06. 30.
Dive Studios
2022. 09. 10.
I watched it for the first time since B.I was on it, and I enjoyed it! Thank you for inviting B.I💛
Big love 🫶🏻
2022. 08. 23.
I had watched getreal on YouTube for the first time and listened to the whole podcast twice!! since I found get real last year! And listen to getreal episodes became a habit of my jogging time and makes me feel like I'm surrounded by my best friends🥰 even imagined myself being a guest on get real for countless times lol😂
2022. 02. 08.
어릴때 혼자 외국가서 살다가 코로나 때문에 한국에 들어왔는데 친구도 없고 친구를 만들 상황도 아니여서 2년동안 집에만 있어서 15키로 쪘어요 그러다 헬스장 다니면서 음악말고 라디오나 들어볼까 하다가 알게 되었는데 오랜만에 영어 들어서 좋고 요즘 유튜브로 하루종일 듣고 있어요 아무튼 그냥 너무 좋아요 감사합니당 ☺️
2021. 10. 09.
all of the mc was so great fo talking, like this show
What the …, Soobeanie
2021. 12. 18.
Soobeanie, do you want to have a boyfriend or a servant? All of your lists made me disgusting. Be respectful and responsible
Get real!
2021. 10. 09.
Yes, I love it!!
Quality content
2021. 10. 09.
Thank you for using this platform to provide great content for us international fans also thank you for inviting Aron! We fans have been waiting to see him on Dive Studio for ages!
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- 방송 연도2020년 - 2024년
- 에피소드143
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