文字魚的語言學習實驗 Text Fish's Language Learning Experiment 中文英文對照/Chinese-English translation

文字魚/Text Fish
文字魚的語言學習實驗 Text Fish's Language Learning Experiment 中文英文對照/Chinese-English translation


  1. 25/12/2024

    [故事 Story]動物們的冬眠派對 The Animals’ Hibernation Party

    動物們的冬眠派對 The Animals’ Hibernation Party 冬天快到了,森林裡的動物們聚在一起,討論如何準備過冬。 Winter was coming, and the animals in the forest gathered to discuss how to prepare for it. 「我準備挖個暖和的洞睡一整個冬天!」熊大說。 "I’m going to dig a cozy den and sleep through the whole winter!" said Big Bear. 「我也會冬眠,我已經把肚子吃得圓滾滾,這樣才不會餓!」刺蝟說。 "I will hibernate too! I have stuffed my belly full so I won’t go hungry!" said the Hedgehog. 「我會躲在水底的泥土裡,等到春天再游上來。」青蛙呱呱地說。 "I will hide in the mud underwater and come back up when spring arrives," croaked the Frog. 「我們蛇會一起蜷縮在洞裡,保持溫暖。」小蛇吐著信子說。 "We snakes will curl up together in a burrow to stay warm," hissed the Little Snake. 松鼠跳過來,抱著一顆堅果說:「我才不冬眠呢!我會把堅果藏在樹洞裡,隨時可以吃。」 The Squirrel hopped over, holding a nut, and said, "I’m not hibernating! I’ll store nuts in tree holes so I can eat them anytime." 動物們聽了,都覺得松鼠的辦法也不錯。 The animals listened and thought the Squirrel’s idea wasn’t bad either. 「那我們就各自準備吧,等春天再見!」熊大揮揮手說。 "Let’s all get ready, and see you in spring!" Big Bear said, waving his paw. 刺蝟回到自己的小洞,把落葉鋪得暖暖的,舒舒服服地睡著了。 The Hedgehog went back to its burrow, lined it with leaves, and fell asleep comfortably. 青蛙潛入水底,找到一片柔軟的泥土,安心地躺下。 The Frog dove underwater, found a soft patch of mud, and rested peacefully. 蛇群則聚在山洞深處,像一團大毛毯一樣抱在一起。 The snakes gathered deep in a cave, curling up together like a big blanket. 熊大躺在洞裡,打了個大大的哈欠:「呼,冬天好適合睡覺啊!」 Big Bear lay in his den, letting out a big yawn, "Ah, winter is perfect for sleeping!" 而松鼠呢?牠在樹上跑來跑去,找到堅果就藏起來,為寒冷的日子做好準備。 And the Squirrel? It ran up and down the trees, hiding nuts wherever it found them, preparing for the cold days ahead. 春天來臨時,動物們一個個從冬眠中醒來。 When spring arrived, the animals woke up one by one from their hibernation. 刺蝟打了個哈欠說:「新的一年到了,大家新年快樂!」 The Hedgehog yawned and said, "It’s a new year! Happy New Year, everyone!" 熊大笑著說:「新年快樂!今年要繼續開心又健康!」 Big Bear smiled and said, "Happy New Year! Let’s stay happy and healthy this year!" 青蛙、蛇群和松鼠也一起說:「新年快樂!」 The Frog, the snakes, and the Squirrel all chimed in, "Happy New Year!" 動物們互相祝福,一起迎接新的一年,森林裡充滿了歡笑和溫暖。 The animals exchanged their wishes and welcomed the new year together, filling the forest with laughter and warmth.

    4 min
  2. 23/12/2024

    [故事 Story]湯姆粗心的一天 Tom’s Careless Day

    湯姆粗心的一天 Tom’s Careless Day 湯姆是一個活潑的小男孩,但他做事總是不專心,常常闖禍。 Tom is a lively little boy, but he is always careless and often gets into trouble. 早上,媽媽準備了牛奶和早餐給湯姆。 In the morning, Mom prepared milk and breakfast for Tom. 「湯姆,坐好,專心喝牛奶,別亂動!」媽媽叮囑道。 "Tom, sit properly and focus on drinking your milk. Don’t move around!" Mom reminded him. 可是湯姆一邊喝牛奶,一邊搖晃椅子,結果牛奶打翻了! But Tom drank his milk while rocking his chair, and the milk spilled everywhere! 「哎呀,湯姆!看吧,叫你不要亂動!」媽媽無奈地說。 "Oh no, Tom! See? I told you not to move around!" Mom said helplessly. 吃飯時,湯姆拿著湯匙敲碗,湯匙一滑,湯汁也灑了滿桌。 During breakfast, Tom played with his spoon, tapping it on the bowl. The spoon slipped, and soup splashed all over the table. 「湯姆,吃飯要專心,這樣才能不弄髒!」媽媽皺著眉頭說。 "Tom, you need to focus while eating, so you don’t make a mess!" Mom said with a frown. 吃完早餐後,湯姆跑去樓上玩。他一邊爬樓梯,一邊低頭看玩具。 After breakfast, Tom ran upstairs to play. He climbed the stairs while looking down at his toys. 結果沒注意腳下,「咚!」湯姆跌倒了,膝蓋還擦傷了。 As a result, he didn’t watch his step and fell with a "thud!" His knee got scraped. 媽媽趕緊幫他貼上繃帶,說:「爬樓梯要看路,不能分心!」 Mom quickly put a bandage on him and said, "You must watch your step when climbing stairs. Don’t get distracted!" 晚上,湯姆去洗澡。他一邊玩水,一邊滑來滑去,結果「砰!」滑倒了! In the evening, Tom went to take a bath. He played with the water and slid around, and "bang!" he slipped and fell! 媽媽扶起他,嚴肅地說:「洗澡不能玩水,這樣很危險!」 Mom helped him up and said seriously, "You can’t play with water while bathing. It’s very dangerous!" 湯姆揉著摔疼的屁股,低聲說:「媽媽,我以後會專心做事,不會再亂來了。」 Tom rubbed his sore bottom and said softly, "Mom, I’ll focus on what I’m doing from now on and won’t mess around anymore." 這一天雖然有些慘,但湯姆學到了一個重要的教訓:做事要專心,才不會闖禍。 Although it was a rough day, Tom learned an important lesson: focus on what you’re doing to avoid accidents. 這個故事告訴我們,專心是很重要的,可以讓我們安全又不容易出錯。 This story teaches us that paying attention is very important. It keeps us safe and helps prevent mistakes.

    4 min
  3. 13/12/2024

    [故事 Story]艾瑪的活力早晨 Emma's Energetic Morning

    艾瑪的活力早晨 Emma's Energetic Morning 艾瑪早上很愛賴床,每次媽媽叫了兩三遍,她才不情願地起來。 Emma loves staying in bed in the morning, and it takes two or three calls from her mom before she reluctantly gets up. 「艾瑪,快起來!刷牙洗臉,喝牛奶吃早餐,才能準時去學校!」媽媽提醒道。 "Emma, get up quickly! Brush your teeth, wash your face, and have some milk and breakfast so you can get to school on time!" Mom reminds her. 艾瑪按著鬧鐘,揉揉眼睛,說:「好啦好啦,我馬上起來。」 Emma presses her alarm clock, rubs her eyes, and says, "Alright, alright, I am getting up now." 她走進浴室,拿起牙刷,仔細刷牙,讓嘴巴變得清清爽爽。 She walks into the bathroom, picks up her toothbrush, and brushes her teeth carefully to make her mouth feel fresh and clean. 接著,她用水洗臉,輕輕擦乾,對鏡子裡的自己笑了笑。 Next, she washes her face with water, gently dries it, and smiles at herself in the mirror. 「好舒服!現在可以吃早餐了。」艾瑪開心地說。 "That feels so refreshing! Now I can have breakfast," Emma says happily. 她坐到餐桌前,喝了一杯溫暖的牛奶,還吃了一片全麥吐司和一顆水煮蛋。 She sits at the table, drinks a warm glass of milk, and eats a slice of whole-grain toast and a boiled egg. 「媽媽,這些早餐好好吃,我感覺有好多力氣!」艾瑪笑著說。 "Mom, this breakfast is so good. I feel so strong!" Emma says with a smile. 媽媽點點頭,說:「早餐是一天最重要的一餐,讓你有精神去學校學習和玩耍。」 Mom nods and says, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the energy to learn and play at school." 吃完後,艾瑪換上整潔的校服,背起書包,準時走出家門。 After finishing, Emma puts on her clean school uniform, grabs her backpack, and walks out of the house on time. 在學校,她和朋友們開心地學習、玩耍,心情特別好。 At school, she happily learns and plays with her friends, feeling especially cheerful. 這個故事告訴我們,早上養成好習慣是很重要的,可以讓一天有個好的開始。 This story teaches us that having good morning habits is very important—it helps start the day off right.

    3 min
  4. 02/12/2024

    [故事 Story]小熊乖乖吃飯 The Little Bear Eats His Meal

    小熊乖乖吃飯 The Little Bear Eats His Meal 小熊不喜歡吃飯,總是跑來跑去不肯坐下。 The little bear does not like to eat and always runs around without sitting down. 媽媽說:「小熊,吃飯才能長得高高壯壯哦!」 Mother bear says, "Little bear, eating your meal will help you grow tall and strong!" 小熊搖搖頭:「可是我不餓,我想玩!」 The little bear shakes his head, "But I am not hungry, I want to play!" 這時候,小兔子來了,說:「我每次吃完飯,力氣就變大,可以跳得很高!」 Just then, the little rabbit comes and says, "Whenever I finish my meal, I get stronger and can jump very high!" 小鳥也飛來說:「我每次乖乖吃飯,就能飛得更遠!」 The little bird flies over and says, "Whenever I eat my meal, I can fly farther!" 小熊想了想,問:「我乖乖吃飯,也能變厲害嗎?」 The little bear thinks for a moment and asks, "If I eat my meal, will I get stronger too?" 媽媽微笑著說:「當然會!你會跑得更快、爬得更高!」 Mother bear smiles and says, "Of course! You will run faster and climb higher!" 於是,小熊乖乖地坐下,把盤子裡的飯菜吃得乾乾淨淨。 So, the little bear sits down and eats all the food on his plate. 吃完後,小熊拍拍肚子,說:「我感覺有好多力氣!」 After finishing, the little bear pats his tummy and says, "I feel so strong now!" 第二天,小熊跑得比以前更快,還幫媽媽搬了大樹枝。 The next day, the little bear runs faster than before and even helps mother bear carry big branches. 小熊開心地說:「乖乖吃飯真的有用!以後我一定吃光光!」 The little bear happily says, "Eating my meal really works! From now on, I will finish all my food!" 這個故事告訴我們,乖乖吃飯可以讓身體更健康、更有力氣。 This story teaches us that eating well makes our bodies healthier and stronger.

    3 min
  5. 30/11/2024

    [故事 Story]小刺蝟的新衣服 The Little Hedgehog's New Clothes

    小刺蝟的新衣服 The Little Hedgehog's New Clothes 小刺蝟走在森林裡,看到樹上的葉子開始變黃了。 The little hedgehog walks in the forest and sees the leaves on the trees turning yellow. 「天氣變冷了,我需要一件新衣服!」它想。 "The weather is getting colder. I need a new coat!" it thinks. 它走到河邊,看到小魚在游來游去。 It goes to the river and sees little fish swimming back and forth. 「小魚,你覺得我該用什麼做衣服呢?」小刺蝟問。 "Little fish, what do you think I should use to make a coat?" the little hedgehog asks. 小魚說:「你可以用柔軟的草,既保暖又舒服!」 "You can use soft grass. It's warm and comfortable!" says the little fish. 接著,小刺蝟又去找小鳥,問:「小鳥,我該怎麼做新衣服呢?」 Next, the little hedgehog finds a little bird and asks, "Little bird, how should I make a new coat?" 小鳥說:「我剛好有一些漂亮的羽毛,可以送給你。」 "I happen to have some pretty feathers. I can give them to you," says the little bird. 最後,小刺蝟回到家,用柔軟的草和漂亮的羽毛做了一件新衣服。 Finally, the little hedgehog goes home and makes a new coat with the soft grass and pretty feathers. 它穿上新衣服,對著鏡子說:「哇!真漂亮!」 It puts on the new coat and says to the mirror, "Wow! It's beautiful!" 現在,小刺蝟不怕寒冷了,還變得更自信了! Now, the little hedgehog is not afraid of the cold and feels more confident! 這個故事告訴我們,創意和朋友的幫助可以解決很多問題。 This story teaches us that creativity and help from friends can solve many problems.

    2 min



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