Heal Nourish Grow Podcast

Cheryl McColgan
Heal Nourish Grow Podcast Podcast

Heal Nourish Grow is the podcast that helps you create your version of ultimate wellness! Are you tired, stressed, gaining weight or feeling overwhelmed? Or are you feeling good but would like to feel amazing and optimize your health? Do you have health issues you’d like to change? Have you ever wondered if eating differently could make a difference in your mood or weight? Join us on the Heal Nourish Grow podcast with host, wellness coach and Heal Nourish Grow LLC founder Cheryl McColgan to explore all the latest in low carb and keto nutrition, health, fasting and biohacking! We explore in-depth why what you eat matters and how your food choices can affect your body and mind. This is not just another keto podcast...we want to explore all facets of health and help you find the version of nutrition that not only works for you, but helps you thrive! Our goal is to help each individual optimize overall wellness by sharing practical knowledge to help develop new habits that optimize your experience and support real health. We share tips, tricks and research that helps you accomplish your goals as well as interviews with thought leaders in the health space. We also share the inspiring stories from everyday people that have changed their lives for the better combating autism, ADHD, obesity, depression, eating disorders and more. Visit HealNourishGrowPodcast.com for full show notes. Find us everywhere on social media @healnourishgrow sharing daily inspiration in Instagram stories and at healnourishgrow.com

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    Power of Diet and Lifestyle for Health

    In this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Sharp discusses various aspects of health and wellness. She emphasizes the importance of diet, lifestyle and stress management. She shares about her journey into functional medicine, which led her to the the significance of gut health and hormonal balance. Dr. Sharp also highlights practical strategies for stress management, the impact of food sensitivities, and the role of habit stacking in creating sustainable health routines. You can find Dr. Sharp at Health Meets Wellness. Takeaways Diet and lifestyle are crucial for overall health. Daily movement, like walking, is essential for stress management. Mindful eating can improve digestion and reduce stress. Food sensitivities can significantly impact gut health. Gut health is interconnected with hormonal balance. Chronic stress can lead to various health issues. Habit stacking simplifies health routines and reduces decision fatigue. Maintaining muscle mass is important during weight loss. Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/PjnqETV5X2Q Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.908)Hi everyone, welcome to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Dr. Elizabeth Sharp and we are going to talk about all different kinds of aspects of health, but a couple of things I think you guys will really appreciate, especially since we're coming in to this busy time of year with the holidays and stuff coming up, a lot of stress, so we're going to talk about that. But before we get into all that, Dr. Sharp, I'd just love if you would share with people, kind of a little bit about your personal… background because you have lot of interesting things that you've done. You've done some amazing hiking. You're also a yoga instructor. So you're obviously really passionate as am I about health and wellness. I'd love to just hear some of that background so that people can get to know you a little bit and understand why you've become so passionate about helping people on their personal health journey. Elizabeth (00:44.559)Yeah, so I would say I've always been interested in primary care and that's why I did the internal medicine training that I did and I knew that I wanted to go into primary care in residency. But as I started to practice, really started to appreciate the importance of diet and lifestyle and also the impact overall and kind of wellness and a general feeling of well -being in terms of the mind -body connection. And I think also that ties in with the gut -brain axis. And so I try to tie in all of those things with my practice because I've noticed the difference in my own personal health. When I'm active, when I'm eating a healthy diet, it makes a big difference. Right. And so that's kind of part of what got me into functional medicine is GI related conditions. Generally, I had a lot of patients coming to me with some kind of symptoms that were all very similar. So, you know, gas and bloating, abdominal discomfort that were really explained by the traditional medical work. And so I just thought, you there has to be more that I can do for these patients, more that I can offer. And so once I opened up that door, I really started to explore a bit more in terms of lifestyle medicine, a little bit more with expanded testing and understanding how you can incorporate general internal medicine with, you know, botanicals, nutraceuticals, supplements, that kind of thing. And ultimately how you can create a healthy lifestyle. which is really what sustains people for the rest of their lives with their health as opposed to just treating symptoms. Cheryl McColgan (02:21.56)Yeah, love that. And it's definitely a paradigm that this audience is used to hearing about kind of this functional health approach where it's not just, okay, take this pill is more like, hey, you're gonna probably have to do a little more work than that to move on and really have an optimally healthy life.

    40 min
  2. Harnessing Neurofeedback for Better Sleep

    18 SEPT

    Harnessing Neurofeedback for Better Sleep

    In this episode, Cheryl interviews Michael Byrne, CEO of BIA Neuroscience about their new biofeedback sleep mask. Michael shares his background in psychology and how he got interested in sleep. He explains the connection between stress and sleep issues and the importance of accurate data collection for neurofeedback. The sleep mask uses conduction drivers to provide audio stimulation to encourage the brain to enter desired sleep stages. The mask also mimics sunlight to wake users up gently and offers features like meditation and affirmations. The wake up experience Michael describes is amazing and we're looking forward to sharing more about it when it finally arrives! Order now at an insanely discounted price with a lifetime subscription to the software. This article is a great resource for more better sleep tips and strategies. Takeaways: Stress is a major factor impacting sleep, and accurate data collection is crucial for effective neurofeedback. The sleep mask uses conduction drivers to provide audio stimulation and encourage the brain to enter desired sleep stages. The mask mimics sunlight to wake users up gently and offers features like meditation and affirmations. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/V7KhtqU6f0M Episode Transcript: Cheryl McColgan (00:01.068)Hey everyone, welcome to the Heal and Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Michael Byrne and he is with BIA Neuroscience. And just me saying the word neuroscience, know that that's one of my things just to remind you about my previous content. I have a background in psychology and actually went to graduate school for a bit for clinical neuropsychology. So the brain is definitely something I'm always interested in. So I'm excited for you to share more about your company today. Michael, welcome. before we… get into all that and how this is going to help people with sleep, which is another one of my favorite topics. I'd love for you to just share how is it you got interested in this kind of work and kind of what inspired you to, you know, make a sleep product? Were you having personal trouble with sleep? Like what's the scoop? Michael (00:44.354)I'm excited to be here. Thanks for having me. I'll give a long -winded story and edit it as you feel. I went into biopsychology myself. I was very interested in the why behind people's behavior. Why do we do anything? And originally that led me to psychology. And then more I studied it, more I realized the brain was behind it. So I went towards biopsychology. And I ended up doing an internship with a group in paranoid schizophrenia. Cheryl McColgan (00:51.84)you Michael (01:14.38)Very quickly learned studying and working are two vastly different things in the field of psychology. So, you know, I was expecting something like a little bit more exciting and fast pace. And instead it's really quite upsetting and requires a significant amount of empathy and, you know, emotional backing behind it that can be quite draining. So I decided to just get into the working world and see what I liked. So I ended up getting a position at a neurofeedback clinic. I became a certified neurofeedback technician and just saw everything under the sun. And one of the things I noticed and one of the things that we emphasize every single time was when someone came in for a session, we asked them, how was your sleep? And big reason why we did that is it's a more objective way to get an understanding of someone's current cognitive state, so to speak. When you ask someone who's, for example, going through depression and you ask them, how are you doing today? it's one a negative trigger and two you might not get as direct of a response in terms of their current state of mind then if you ask something along the lines of how was your sleep? How was your energy? How are you feeling? It gets you a bit more of a rounded understanding and we asked that no matter the reason someone came in to the ne

    45 min
  3. Foot Health to Combat Full Body Aches and Pains, Tips and Exercises: 93

    5 SEPT

    Foot Health to Combat Full Body Aches and Pains, Tips and Exercises: 93

    Dr. Emily Spichal, a functional podiatrist and human movement specialist, discusses the importance of foot health and the role of functional medicine and movement in podiatry. She shares her journey into this field and the development of her sensory-based product line, Naboso. Dr. Emily emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to foot health and the impact of footwear on foot function. She also explores the connection between foot posture, movement patterns, and overall body alignment, as well as the importance of foot health and its impact on overall posture and movement. She explains the benefits of using toe spacers to reset the feet and improve conditions such as bunions, hammer toes, and plantar fasciitis. Dr. Emily also emphasizes the role of sensory perception in foot movement and the importance of reconnecting with the sensory side of ourselves. Her new book is called Sensory Sapiens, which explores how modern movement is aging us and the need to prioritize movement longevity. She advises releasing the feet daily to reduce foot stress and pain. Connect with Dr. Splichal at her website and if you check out Naboso products here, use code HEALNOURISHGROW for 10 percent off. Kineon red light therapy for body pain was the other tool mentioned in this episode. After chatting with Dr. Emily, I bought the toe spacers as well as the sensory ball, I'm obsessed! Takeaways Foot health is an important aspect of overall well-being, and a holistic approach that considers factors like movement, stress, sleep, and diet is crucial. Functional podiatry focuses on treating feet in an integrated way, considering complex human movement and the sensory side of the foot. Footwear trends, such as the current maximalist shoe trend, can impact foot function and movement accuracy. Understanding foot posture and its effect on body alignment is essential for addressing movement patterns and preventing injuries. Setting a stable base by activating the foot tripod, externally rotating the hips, and connecting with the toes can improve foot function and overall body alignment. Toe spacers are an effective tool for resetting the feet and improving conditions such as bunions, hammer toes, and plantar fasciitis. Sensory perception plays a crucial role in foot movement and overall posture. Reconnecting with the sensory side of ourselves can unlock proper movement and support longevity. Dr. Emily's upcoming book, 'Sensory Sapiens,' explores how modern movement is aging us and the importance of prioritizing movement longevity. Releasing the feet daily can reduce foot stress and pain. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/LMvMop1P71U Show Transcript: Cheryl McColgan (00:01.026)Hey everyone, welcome back to the Here and Learn, Grow podcast. Today, I'm already tongue twisting myself, because I'm already thinking about Dr. Emily's name, it's Dr. Emily Slickle. And we were just chatting before the podcast, I was hoping not to butcher that, but I think I got it right. So Dr. Emily, welcome. I am so excited to chat with you today about all things foot, because we have not had that subject on the podcast yet. And I think… what you're doing with the way that you treat people virtually and the products that you have brought to market to really help people with their foot health is pretty incredible. So all that being said, I would love for you to just kind of introduce yourself and tell us how you got into this line of work. Dr Emily (00:39.508)Of course, well, thank you for having me on Dr. Emily. I am a functional podiatrist. that's, to me, that's very important to have that distinction. So that means that I treat feet, but I treat feet in a very integrated way. think very much about complex human movement, but also stress, sleep, inflammation, diets, how do people breathe? So a lot of stuff that I bring into it, almost like functional medicine, functional movement into my podiatry.

    51 min
  4. 30 AUG

    How I Gained Almost 7 Pounds of Muscle and Lost Fat at the Same Time

    In this episode, Cheryl McColgan shares her journey of strength training and body composition changes over the course of a year. She emphasizes the importance of tracking body composition, not just scale weight, and highlights the benefits of consistent strength training. She discusses her approach to strength training, including progressive overload and full-body workouts. She also mentions the use of supplements like creatine and the importance of proper nutrition. Throughout the year, Cheryl gained 6.5 pounds of lean mass and lost 2 pounds of fat, demonstrating the effectiveness of her approach. Takeaways: Consistency is key in strength training and body composition changes. Tracking body composition, not just scale weight, is important to understand progress. Progressive overload and full-body workouts can be effective in building muscle and losing fat. Proper nutrition, including adequate protein intake, is crucial for muscle growth. Supplements like creatine can support muscle growth. Gains in lean mass and fat loss can occur simultaneously with the right approach. Addressing foot health can improve overall strength training performance and reduce pain. Creatine and aminos I use Foot health tools from Dr. Emily New Sleep Technology Bia Body Pod at home body composition, 98% Correlated to DEXA Study on full body workout vs split training for fat loss https://youtu.be/T_ANk5OEF_g Show Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.748)Well, hello friends, welcome back. It has been a little bit, but I am excited to be back on the mic and have several interviews scheduled coming up over the next. few weeks, so it should be back to a more regular schedule going here into fall. I promise if I'm ever going to peace out for an extended amount of time again, I will definitely let you know. So don't worry if occasionally there's a week skipped or something like that. I used to put this out religiously every single week on Wednesday and it was a lot easier when I had some interns helping me produce the podcast. But now it's just little me again, all by myself. So and a few things have been going on in not only my life, but in the business. And so that has made things not as regular. But anyway, I have no intention of going away at least not right now. So I will let you know if that ever happens. But anyway, for today's solo episode, I have something to update you on that I've wanting to share for a while. And I've mentioned this before in the past. And that is my Dexa body scan. that I was keeping track of since I started lifting again. And so I've talked about this a little bit in the past, but I might as well share the history again with you before I get into what I've been doing over the last year to increase my strength. and how that's been going and what I've been doing and some lessons that you may want to take away from that process. But anyway, how it all started is that I've been active pretty much my whole life, was a runner for 17 years, played sports in both high school and college. so my first experience with weightlifting was way back in the eighth grade basketball, which at my age is kind of shocking that it Cheryl McColgan (01:58.306)even in my mind to lift some weights to have better sports performance because it definitely, especially in high schools then, you maybe the boys were in the weight room, but it was definitely not a thing for the girls teams. And I think the only reason that I had it in my head was just because I've always had such this personal interest in health and wellness and because I had watched my dad my whole life. He was a runner and he had always lifted weights. He's basically like Jack LaLanne. If you don't know that name at the younger people listening here, go Google Jack LaLanne, but he's very inspirational, was very ahead of his time in terms of being into health and wellness and lifting weights and being very fit.

    48 min
  5. Stem Cells for Healing and Anti-Aging Benefits

    8 AUG

    Stem Cells for Healing and Anti-Aging Benefits

    Dr. Joy Kong shares her background and journey into stem cell therapy. She explains that stem cells can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, organ damage, and even sports injuries. Finding a properly trained doctor who uses native stem cells rather than expanded cells is very important and we discuss the best ways to find a qualified provider. Dr. Kong also discusses the challenges and resistance faced by stem cell therapy due to the current healthcare system and the influence of pharmaceutical companies. She encourages patients to be cautious when seeking treatment overseas and highlights the advancements and potential of stem cell therapy in the United States. Find Dr. Kong on her website and podcast. Her training for physicians is AAICT.org and you can buy her book here. Stem cell skincare, save 10 percent with code HealNourishGrow. Takeaways: Stem cell therapy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, organ damage, and sports injuries. It is important to find a properly trained doctor who uses native stem cells rather than expanded cells. Stem cell therapy faces challenges and resistance due to the current healthcare system and the influence of pharmaceutical companies. Patients should be cautious when seeking treatment overseas and consider the advancements and potential of stem cell therapy in the United States. Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/87jGMSMiqQc Transcript: Cheryl McColgan (00:01.023)Hey everyone, welcome back to the Heal and Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Dr. Joy Kong and she has a really interesting background, kind of this escape from China kind of story. And then now she's doing all this amazing work in stem cells. And I've just got so many questions about all that, but Dr. Kong, I would love it if you could share a little bit of your background first, because I think that that will… enable people to kind of understand where you're coming from and to get to know like why you're so passionate about your work now, what you had to do to get here. Joy Kong, MD (00:34.158)Right. Yeah. So I definitely have an interesting story. You know, up to age 20, I am one of the I don't know, half a billion Chinese women. I was just a Chinese girl with no money, no connections, not like my family had, you know, any high officials or any money. But I had a dream I wanted to come to this country because there's something that's really exciting and inspiring about the kind of freedom, the kind of accomplishment that you know, you can pursue. I don't know, it just sounds so exciting. So I decided no matter what, I'm gonna be there, I need to be there. So I was studying architecture and I decided to come to this country. I switched to biology because that's the only field that you could get a scholarship in, but I have diverse interests. So a lot of things interest me, which is probably why when I ended up finally going to medical school at UCLA, I specialized in psychiatry because the brain is so interesting, right? when you go into medicine is not a typical specialty that you think about psychiatry. We're kind of the, a bit of a in the medical community. We are all just a little weird, a little strange, a little something different. So, but my interest in medicine in the whole human body is still the same. I'm a passionate about human health, but the brain is fascinating. But if you just keep pounding on the brain looking at all the receptors and neurotransmitters and thinking that everything is related to brain structure, then you're missing the boat because you're not looking at your whole body. So when I was doing psychiatry while prescribing all these medications and doing some psychotherapy, I was trying to also improve my own health. I appreciate the body I was given and I want to do justice and want to do everything I can

    46 min
  6. Middle Age Weight Loss Through Research Based Strategies

    31 JUL

    Middle Age Weight Loss Through Research Based Strategies

    In this episode, we talk all about the challenges of weight loss and aging as well as strategies to cope. Recent research points to consistent movement, optimal protein intake and resistance training as key strategies for weight loss, especially as we age. Cheryl shares her personal experiences and provides recommendations based on what she's learned over the last several years. In this conversation, Cheryl shares various strategies for overcoming weight loss resistance. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing protein intake, tracking food and exercise, getting quality sleep, managing stress, incorporating movement throughout the day, and engaging in resistance training. She also discusses the role of nutrition in weight loss and the importance of finding a sustainable eating plan that aligns with individual goals. Additionally, Cheryl touches on the significance of body composition measurements, the potential benefits of fasting, and the importance of seeking medical advice and testing if weight loss resistance persists. Creatine+Taurine (HNG10 at checkout to save) for Muscle and Brain Health High Protein Diet For Fat Loss Research Paper High Protein Diet For Appetite Regulation and Body Composition Forever Strong, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon People I'm following for weight loss/aging/menopause information: Dr. Mary Claire, Wise and Well, Dr. Jamie Seeman and Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/0mct5ytsJZ0 Takeaways Protein intake is crucial for weight loss, with recommended amounts ranging from 0.8-1.2 grams per pound of body weight. If your current weight loss strategies aren't working, consider making changes to your diet and exercise routine. Managing stress and improving sleep are important factors for successful weight loss. Supplements such as aminos and creatine can support muscle growth and cognition. Make small changes over time and track your progress to achieve long-term success. Prioritize protein intake to support weight loss and muscle growth. Track food and exercise to stay accountable and make informed choices. Get quality sleep and manage stress to support weight loss efforts. Incorporate movement throughout the day to increase activity levels. Engage in resistance training to build muscle and boost metabolism. Find a sustainable eating plan that aligns with individual goals. Consider body composition measurements to track progress. Explore the potential benefits of fasting, but prioritize protein and resistance training. Seek medical advice and testing if weight loss resistance persists. Transcript: Cheryl McColgan (00:01.122)Well, hello friends. Welcome back to the Heal Nurse Show podcast. Been on a bit of a break and before we get into the topic today, I just wanted to share with you that it has been a very busy summer and I can't believe that we are so far into it. mean, Labor Day is just about four weeks away at this point. I mean, this has just flown by. Lots of events we had to attend to, sold a house, so just a lot going on, which is why I had little bit of an unintentional break, but it is good to be back on the mic. And what actually prompted me to take on this subject today is I had a conversation with a good friend of mine yesterday, kind of all around this topic around aging and weight gain and just not feeling good, that sort of thing. And then I had somebody else reach out to me again today. And these two people are very different ages, but I think that the things that I'm going to talk about and share with you today, number one can be really applied to weight loss at any age, but number two are particularly even more important as you do get older. And I'll go into some of the reasons why. So it's interesting because the reason that people tend to reach out to me with this sort of thing is they know that I keep up on all the research and I'm constantly listening to

    1h 21m
  7. Importance of HRV for Longevity and Performance

    26 JUN

    Importance of HRV for Longevity and Performance

    Don Moxley shares his journey from being a collegiate athlete to becoming a sports scientist and working in the cannabis industry. He emphasizes the importance of movement, strength, energy production, and resilience in both athletic performance and longevity. Don also explains the importance of heart rate variability (HRV) and its relationship to overall health and mortality. He highlights the value of wearing a heart rate monitor and understanding different heart rate zones for optimal training. He shares his experience with HRV and how it can be used to assess cardiovascular health and resilience. Ways to improve HRV include lowering inflammation, improving cardiovascular fitness, optimizing sleep, and managing trauma and stress to improve HRV. We also touched on autophagy and the role of spermidine in longevity. The best way to reach Don is on LinkedIn. He is also on X(Twitter) and Instagram. Spermadine Life and ModeMethod are products he mentioned. Takeaways Movement, strength, energy production, and resilience are key factors in athletic performance and longevity. Heart rate variability (HRV) is highly related to mortality and overall health. It's a key indicator of health and performance. Wearing a heart rate monitor and understanding heart rate zones can optimize training and improve performance. Micronutrients play a crucial role in longevity and should be considered alongside macronutrients. Exercise enhances the endocannabinoid system and brain function, leading to a longer and healthier life. Lowering inflammation, improving cardiovascular fitness, optimizing sleep, and managing trauma and stress can improve HRV. Autophagy is essential for cellular health and longevity. Spermidine is a compound that promotes autophagy and can be obtained from certain foods. Industrialized food may be deficient in essential micronutrients, highlighting the importance of a balanced diet and supplementation. Watch on YouTube: Show Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.43)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Don Moxley and we just had a lovely little pre -interview chat all about our things in common. Don went to The Ohio State University, was a collegiate athlete and is currently traveling around in RV, which if anybody that's listened to this podcast before or read my blog will go back to the little thing that I call the Vegabond adventure. We did that for a little bit in a suburban, not an RV. But so lots in common, but… What I'm really excited about is Don knows so many things about health and wellness and sports performance. And he's got some awesome things to share with us today. But before we go into all that, Don, if you could just share a little bit, I shared briefly about your background, but if you could go into some detail and, you know, how did you get into this work? What makes you passionate about health and wellness and what you're doing today? Don Moxley (00:50.472)That's a, it's a great question. And it's, and, and literally you can't separate the journey from the destination. It's so, I grew up, share, I grew up in Eastern Ohio. We grew up in the strip pits over in Belmont County and I had every intention. I was a decent high school wrestler. I was, you know, I qualified for the state tournament twice, but never want to match there. But when I went to Ohio state with every intention of going home and feeding beef, Cabo for the rest of my life. But. Cheryl McColgan (00:56.558)I'm sorry. Don Moxley (01:19.08)I got to Ohio State, I was good enough to walk on the wrestling team, but it was a struggle. I was injured all the time. And I was one of those wrestlers that used to cut a lot of weight. I cut from 220 to 177 and hence the injury problems. But when I finally, you know, I was injured my sophomore year, I'm thinking, okay, what do I have to do to finally get going?

    59 min
  8. Gut Health, Histamine Intolerance and What to do About It: 88

    5 JUN

    Gut Health, Histamine Intolerance and What to do About It: 88

    Dr. Meg Mill discusses the need to consider histamine issues when addressing gut health. She explains the role of histamine in the body and how it can affect various body systems. Register for FREE with this link for the Histamine Summit to hear more in depth discussions of this topic. Check out my previous interview with Dr. Meg on migraines and headaches. Takeaways Functional medicine offers personalized approaches to address health issues that conventional medicine may not be able to resolve. Histamine issues can affect gut health and lead to various symptoms such as digestive issues, anxiety, and hormone imbalances. Histamine intolerance can be caused by genetic factors, imbalances in the gut microbiome, and nutritional deficiencies. A low histamine diet can be used as an investigative tool to identify trigger foods, but long-term solutions should focus on addressing the underlying causes of histamine intolerance. Histamine intolerance can be associated with symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and joint pain. The Reversing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance Summit provides valuable information from experts in the field to help individuals understand and manage histamine-related issues. Visit Dr. Meg Mill online at MegMill.com. Free Gift: The Essential Guide to Histamine Intolerance https://youtu.be/hAkB3XwuBrY Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Dr. Meg Mill and she has been a guest on the show before so I forgot to look up the episode but that will be in the show notes so if you're listening to this it was another great episode with her before be sure you go check it out. But before we get started we got a great new topic today which I'm super excited about and also a cool summit that Dr. Mill is running coming up so more on that later. But first Dr. Meg if you could just share with everybody. your background, your PharmD, you now do a functional medicine practice. So I'd love for you to just share how you got into all that for people that didn't listen to the interview yet. And then we'll start chatting about our new topic for the day. Meg Mill (00:40)Yes, yes. Well, so I, like you said, I graduated with a doctor of pharmacy and then I actually went on to do a residency and was practicing as a clinical pharmacist. And I kind of have two reasons that I switched to functional medicine. And one was that I knew all the protocols. I knew what to do. We had what we should do and people just weren't getting better. I'm like, okay, we're putting them on more medication, but we're not seeing them improve. It's just like, okay, we're sustaining this place. And then at the same time, I was having a lot of my own health issues. So I was having, you know, a lot of digestive issues. I was having anxiety. I actually started getting panic attacks. And that was when I was at the point where I have to change. So I remember sitting, like my kids are playing on the beach and I'm sitting there and I'm like, okay, I'm here, but I'm in so much, like my stomach's upset. I can't eat anything. I, you know, I'm having all this anxiety. I need to make a change in my life. And that's kind of when my journey shifted and I started to really look into more holistic ways of healing. And that led me to find functional medicine for myself and finally get answers. I've been to like five different gastroenterologists I you know was we moved a lot at the time so I'd be like I'm gonna get an answer now when we moved to a new place and it just it was just not everyone said you're fine you look like the picture of health of Listeners if you've been told that and you feel terrible go with your instincts because that is not true But when I finally found answers, I was like I need to share this with others. I opened my virtual practice

    38 min



Heal Nourish Grow is the podcast that helps you create your version of ultimate wellness! Are you tired, stressed, gaining weight or feeling overwhelmed? Or are you feeling good but would like to feel amazing and optimize your health? Do you have health issues you’d like to change? Have you ever wondered if eating differently could make a difference in your mood or weight? Join us on the Heal Nourish Grow podcast with host, wellness coach and Heal Nourish Grow LLC founder Cheryl McColgan to explore all the latest in low carb and keto nutrition, health, fasting and biohacking! We explore in-depth why what you eat matters and how your food choices can affect your body and mind. This is not just another keto podcast...we want to explore all facets of health and help you find the version of nutrition that not only works for you, but helps you thrive! Our goal is to help each individual optimize overall wellness by sharing practical knowledge to help develop new habits that optimize your experience and support real health. We share tips, tricks and research that helps you accomplish your goals as well as interviews with thought leaders in the health space. We also share the inspiring stories from everyday people that have changed their lives for the better combating autism, ADHD, obesity, depression, eating disorders and more. Visit HealNourishGrowPodcast.com for full show notes. Find us everywhere on social media @healnourishgrow sharing daily inspiration in Instagram stories and at healnourishgrow.com

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