Ad Jesum per Mariam

Ad Jesum per Mariam
Ad Jesum per Mariam Podcast

Podcast by Ad Jesum per Mariam

  1. Jesus Tells His Disciples and Us: If You Want to Be Great . . .

    19 HR AGO

    Jesus Tells His Disciples and Us: If You Want to Be Great . . .

    Jesus Tells His Disciples and Us: If You Want to Be Great . . . Often in our discussions, we talk about the greatest. The greatest athlete in a specific sport, like soccer, basketball or football. There is even a greatest hot dog eater as per the July 4th competition! If we are honest with ourselves, we all want to be great! It is the reason we work hard. It is the reason we endure many sleepless nights to make ourselves better. There is nothing wrong with being great. However, if our obsession to be great is at the expense of others, then the obsession becomes a problem. If we do this and forget all about God, then this obsession is a problem! “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Both readings and the Gospel talk about greatness. The Homily first discusses the first two readings as it relates to greatness and the lesson for us! We must be thankful and content with whatever gifts we receive from God. There will always be someone greater than us in this lifetime. Hear more within the Homily! We must be content and realize the blessings that God has given to us! And be happy for others for the gifts they have also received from God! “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” In the Gospel, the theme of greatness continues. Jesus tells his disciples that He will be handed over and be killed. This is the second time He will tell the disciples. The disciples do not understand what Jesus is trying to tell them. Out of fear, the disciples do not ask! Instead, what do they do? They talk among themselves about who is the greatest! When Jesus asks them what they were discussing, the disciples were ashamed to tell Him! Jesus already knew! Listen to this Meditation Media. Listen to: Jesus Tells His Disciples and Us: If You Want to Be Great . . . ------------------------------- Image: Christ and the Children: Mexican Painter: Juan Urruchi:  late 1800s ------------------------------- Gospel Reading: Mark: 9: 30-37 First Reading: WIS 2: 12, 17-20 Second Reading: James: 3:16 – 4:3

    17 min
  2. Pray So That You May Do the Will of God! What This Means for Us Spiritually!

    2 DAYS AGO

    Pray So That You May Do the Will of God! What This Means for Us Spiritually!

    Pray So That You May Do the Will of God! What This Means for Us Spiritually! We are known not only by what we say . . . but what we do. In today’s Gospel, Jesus presents us with several things. Jesus is coming from the synagogue. He goes to Simon Peter’s house where He lays his healing hands on Peter’s mother-in-law. Later, many of the sick come to Jesus, and He heals them all. We are told in scripture that when we go to Jesus in total trust . . . in faith . . . Jesus grants healing. The problem Christians have is we often command what we want from Jesus. Jesus gives us the healing that we need! We need to accept the healing that He gives. That might or might not align with the healing that we want. Again, we need to accept the healing that He gives. Hear more in the Homily. Jesus Prays to Do the Will of God Jesus also gives us another lesson. Scripture tells us Jesus often withdraws to pray so that He may do the will of God. In prayer we align ourselves to the will of God. Prayer allows us to discern the will of God. It allows us to find the will of God. Prayer helps us find peace in the will of God. We pray for healing from God. We are asked also to be healers for others. How do we do that? Listen to this Meditation Media. Listen to: Pray So That You May Do the Will of God! What This Means for Us Spiritually! ----------------------------- Image: Madonna at Prayer: Italian Painter: Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato : 1609-1685 The painting now resides in Florence, Italy. ----------------------------- Gospel Reading: Luke: 4: 38-44 First Reading: 1 COR: 3: 1-9

    13 min
  3. Hail, Full of Grace! The Lord Is With You!

    3 DAYS AGO

    Hail, Full of Grace! The Lord Is With You!

    Hail, Full of Grace! The Lord Is With You! Today the Church celebrates The Most Holy Name of Mary (September 12th). Have you ever imagined what the world would be like if we did not have names? Silly, perhaps, but an interesting image. Names brings order. Names gives us an identity. And names also carry for us a history. In another country, people are given two names when they are born. There is a name a person uses during Baptism, and a name for casual use signifying the condition when the baby was born. Hear more within the Homily. Scripture tells us about Mary. We know that wherever Mary is, Jesus is there as well. We also know that wherever Jesus is, Mary is there as well. Whenever We Honor Mary . . . Montfort, in his writings, True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (TD #225), says We never think of Mary, without Mary thinking of God! Montfort goes on to tell us when we honor Mary, Mary joins us in honoring God. Every time we mention the name of Mary, Mary echoes back by mentioning the name of God. We hear this in the Gospel (the account of the Mystery of the Visitation) today. Mary travels in haste to see her cousin Elizabeth. The word Haste is important. When the angel appears to Mary, she is excited to share the news with her cousin Elizabeth. Why? Because Mary has discovered something within herself. The angel tells her, Hail, Full of Grace. The Lord is With You! Our Lady would like to share this news with her cousin. Hear more in this Homily given on the Most Holy Name of Mary. Listen to this Meditation. Listen to: Hail, Full of Grace! The Lord Is With You! ----------------------------- Image: Our Lady: Saint Patrick’s Parish, Victor, NY ----------------------------- Gospel Reading: Luke: 1: 39-47 First Reading: Galatians: 4: 4-7

    10 min
  4. Christians Walk With One Step on Earth and the Other Touched by Heaven

    6 DAYS AGO

    Christians Walk With One Step on Earth and the Other Touched by Heaven

    Christians Walk With One Step on Earth and the Other Touched by Heaven There is a marvelous oddness in the way God speaks to us today through the readings! On one hand God speaks to us in a way that stirs our heart with expectations. Even as that happens, the Lord will defeat those expectations that rise within us! It is not to disappoint us. It’s to bring us beyond our expectations! We see this dynamic from the reading of the Prophet Isaiah. We hear about one who hears the Word of the Lord, hears His voice completely, and moves with specific expectations. He moves knowing there are difficulties waiting in front of him. He doesn’t know yet what they are, but he knows they are in front of him. The one is not expecting difficulty. He knows difficulties await him! The Lord will send him somewhere. He is not expecting where the Lord sends him but knows He will. In the reading we hear he will not be put to shame regardless of what happens. He does not worry about the details. Hear more in the Homily. I Will Walk Before the Lord in the Land of the Living In the Psalms we hear I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. We may have expectations when we hear or read these words. We may think it’s in the future and someplace else. Yet that is not how Christians should think! You are walking before the Lord in the land of the living . . . right now! When we enter into a Church, you are walking in the land of the living and participating in heaven within the Church right now! Heaven is not some place for later. Christians walk with one step on earth and the other touched by Heaven. Listen to this Meditation Media. Listen to: Christians Walk With One Step on Earth and the Other Touched by Heaven. -------------------------- Image: Gates of Heaven: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform: Generative AI Image by Queen of All Hearts What is Generative AI? Generative AI refers to a recent approach in artificial intelligence that involves the creation of AI-generated art. This innovative technique utilizes a potent AI computer to generate images based on textual prompts or instructions. The resulting output is an AI-generated image, representing one interpretation of a given concept, such as the Gates of Heaven in this particular instance. -------------------------- Gospel Reading: Mark: 8: 27-35 First Reading: IS 50:5-9

    34 min
  5. Conf #2: The Beauty Jesus Sees in Suffering When We Embrace the Mystery & Exaltation of the Cross

    16 SEPT

    Conf #2: The Beauty Jesus Sees in Suffering When We Embrace the Mystery & Exaltation of the Cross

    Conference #2: The Beauty Jesus and Christianity Sees in Suffering When We Embrace the Mystery and Exaltation of the Cross After reciting a hymn that is at least 1400 years old about The Cross, the Homily tells us of the fate of The Cross. The Persians in conquering Rome, also conquered Jerusalem. In doing so, they carried away numerous icons. They also carried away Jesus’ Holy Cross. We also hear of its return to Jerusalem. Listen more within the Homily. We hear about the requirements The Cross has upon its bearers. The king of Jerusalem tried to carry the Cross and could not until he was properly disposed. Hear more within the Homily and its implications for us! The Cross is Glorious, Exalted, Luminous and even Radiant. Hidden within these ideas is something very important. Normally, when our bodies weaken with advance age, when illness can dimmish, humans see things differently. We see Poverty, and Victims of violence differently. All of these things break us down. The normal tendency of man is to look away from these things. Exalting the Cross Says Something Different Exalting the Cross says something different. It is into these conditions that something glorious happens in the Mystery of the Cross. There is a hidden radiance inside the life that normal humans look away. There is value in the life of those that suffer. Hear more within this Homily. In this Mystery, one sees beauty in the suffering that comes to all of us. Not because it is suffering. But because Jesus has brought it upon Himself. When we can embrace this Mystery, it changes how we frame everything. This is important for the history of the world! One of the impacts of the Church’s spirituality of Jesus Christ is this: Prior to Jesus, there is no culture on earth that valued its sick. There is no society that finds dignity in the weak. There is no culture, prior to Christianity, that values suffering. Note what that means. Listen to this conference. Listen to: Conference #2: The Beauty Jesus and Christianity Sees in Suffering When We Embrace the Mystery and Exaltation of the Cross

    36 min
  6. The Mystery of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross! There is Only One Key to Truly Knowing Jesus.

    15 SEPT

    The Mystery of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross! There is Only One Key to Truly Knowing Jesus.

    The Mystery of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross! There is Only One Key to Truly Knowing Jesus! We celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14th). It is important we take the word Exaltation seriously! Why? Because in today’s world, the cross appears seemingly everywhere. It appears on buildings, we begin our prayers by making the cross, we bless ourselves by means of it and we talk about carrying our crosses. Given all this, it’s amazing how impoverish our knowledge of this Mystery really is in today’s world. Many are guilty of repeating this over and over again without really thinking or meditating on the depth of this mystery. What does it really mean to communicate and pass on the faith? It starts with understanding the first word of today’s Feast Day . . . Exaltation. One exalts something that you value and appreciate. One exalts someone well, only to the extent that you know that one. This mystery is not about Jesus carrying the Cross today! It is not simply about Jesus dying on the Cross today! The issue is what is our relationship to this Mystery? How well do we see how deep and broad it is? There Is Only One Key to Truly Knowing Jesus Christ! There is only one key to truly knowing Jesus Christ! Only one! There are not many! St. Louis de Montfort would often say and write: To seek to know all things, and not know Jesus Christ, is to know nothing. To know Jesus . . . is to know enough! To seek to know Jesus, and not know this key, is not to know Jesus at all! The Cross is the key that unlocks everything! It is the secret to understanding the identity of Jesus. It is the secret to understanding scripture. It is the secret to knowing the greatest truth of our faith! Listen more within the Homily! On this Feast Day, the Church celebrates the mystery of the tree that undoes the tragedy of the earlier tree. Celebrate the Victory of Life that comes to us! Hear more within this first of two Conferences on this Feast Day. Listen to this Meditation Media. Listen to: The Mystery of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross! There is Only One Key to Truly Knowing Jesus. ------------------------------- Image: Pieta and The Cross A nighttime image of the Pieta, Holy Scripture and The Cross at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island. ------------------------------- Conference #1 of 2: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross The link to the second conference will be made available shortly.

    52 min
  7. Jesus Watches You Use Your Special Gifts to Build Up His Church

    5 SEPT

    Jesus Watches You Use Your Special Gifts to Build Up His Church

    Jesus Watches You Use Your Special Gifts to Build Up His Church: Parable of the Talents In the liturgy, we hear words of finality. Today we hear the end of St. Matthew’s Gospel during weekday Masses. During Ordinary Time throughout the year, we engage the public ministry of Our Lord. We do so in three ways. The Church begins by hearing about His public ministry by reading the Gospel of St. Mark. When this is concluded, we move to how St. Matthew presents the public ministry of Jesus. We then move from St. Matthew to St. Luke. The Church reads then Luke’s account of Jesus’ public ministry. Hear more within the Homily. In today’s Gospel, we hear of one of Jesus’ last teachings just before His Passion. It brings an end to His public ministry. This teaching is a capstone, and a reminder of what Jesus is teaching to all of us. Before His Passion, he concludes His public ministry with the parable of the talents. Finality Our own lives have a finality too! It’s a simple fact that our lives on earth will also come to an end. At that time, we all must face an accounting of our lives. No one can escape this fact. The Lord in the Gospel is not simply giving a parable of responsibly using what one has! No, it’s a lesson that is deeper than that! The context of the lesson is Life Has Been Given. One also has been given a finite number of days. Sooner or later, the days we have on earth come to an end. When that moment arrives, there is a moment when an accounting occurs. Hear more in the Homily. A Gift from the Holy Spirit Each person is given a treasure of goodness to put to work in the world. We all have unique gifts given by God. The Holy Spirit has given each of us individually, not only a gift we can enjoy, but a gift for the building of God’s Church. How Will We Account For it? Listen to this Meditation Media. Listen to: Jesus Watches You Use Your Special Gifts to Build Up His Church --------------------------------- Images: Parable of the Talents Etching: Dutch Painter and Artist: Jan Luyken: (l: 1649-1712) --------------------------------- Gospel Reading: Matthew: 25: 14-30 First Reading: 1 Cor: 1: 26-31

    30 min


Podcast by Ad Jesum per Mariam

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