The HR Uprising Podcast

Lucinda Carney
The HR Uprising Podcast Podcast

Welcome to the HR Uprising Podcast. This engaging podcast explores HR ‘hot’ topics and challenges through conversations with relevant experts and real-life HR; O.D. or L&D professionals. HR Uprising is about creating an inclusive forum that enables us to share and learn from experts and everyday professionals. HR Uprising is all about learning through collaboration; taking evidence-based action and helping colleagues to have the confidence and skills to rise-up through their organisations by delivering real, lasting business value. Hosted by Lucinda Carney a Business Psychologist; Experienced HR Change Agent; Entrepreneur; Speaker and Coach. There are two types of show format the ‘In focus’ episodes where Lucinda delves into a specialist topic in some depth and the ‘Conversations with’ series where we interview experts and people like you. Our hope is that shows are both informative and fun. You can access more information on each Podcast including resources or links mentioned in the show at our website If you are a forward-thinking HR; L&D or O.D. professional who has a success story or challenge that others can learn from and you would like to be featured in future podcasts you can get in touch through one of the routes below. Connect with us here: Join the linkedIn community: LinkedIn: Twitter: @hruprising Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    The Trust Crisis And How To Address It - with Adam Horne

    Lucinda talks to Adam Horne, co-founder of OpenOrg, who shares insights from his extensive experience in culture change and highlights alarming statistics about employee engagement and trust in the workplace. Together they look into the challenges organisations face, particularly in smaller businesses, regarding miscommunication and the erosion of trust KEY TAKEAWAYS There is a significant trust deficit within organisations, with studies indicating that around 67% of employees do not trust their employers. This lack of trust can lead to lower engagement and higher turnover rates. Effective communication is crucial for building trust. Organisations should focus on improving communication flow internally and externally, ensuring that employees understand their roles, expectations, and the company culture. Developing a transparency charter can help define what transparency means within an organisation. This charter serves as a guide for leadership on how to handle communication and sets clear expectations for employees regarding what information will be shared. Organisations should take proactive steps to address transparency and trust issues rather than waiting for problems to arise. This includes documenting policies, clarifying communication around working hours, and being honest about what frameworks are in place. BEST MOMENTS "67% of employees don't trust their employer. That's a huge majority, it's over two thirds. It's a big, big number." "Four in ten hiring managers have admitted to lying to candidates during the interview process about culture, about role expectations." "Transparency is not extreme. It doesn't have to mean that we're asking CEOs to suddenly open up everyone's salaries and bonuses." "If you don't have a career development framework in place, document that and tell people that and be open about that." VALUABLE RESOURCES OpenOrg - The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at About The Guest, Adam Horne Adam Horne is the co-founder of Open Org. If your current HR & People goals are focused on improving things like communication , engagement, retention & trust, but you need more support to reach them, that’s exactly where Open Org comes in. They’re a member network of Experts, HR Leaders & Companies dedicated to creating more Open, High-Trust Culture at work. They provide members with a progressive peer community, resource library, and dedicated on-demand support to accelerate them towards those goals & objectives.  Useful Resources Connect with Adam… ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD HR Uprising Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising Actus Software Website: LinkedIn Instagram Facebook YouTube X / Twitter HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Lear

    35 min
  2. 15 SEPT

    Practical Uses For AI in HR - with Liz Redway

    Lucinda talks to Liz Redway about into the intriguing world of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resources. Drawing from her recent session aimed at demystifying AI for HR professionals, Liz discusses the current landscape of AI adoption, highlighting both the excitement and apprehension surrounding its use. KEY TAKEAWAYS There is a noticeable gap in the adoption of AI within HR, with many professionals either hesitant to embrace it or unaware of its potential applications. This indicates a need for more education and sharing of best practices in the field. One of the primary concerns regarding AI in recruitment is the potential for bias. It's crucial for HR professionals to understand how AI systems are trained and to ensure that the tools they use are designed to minimise bias in hiring processes. AI tools like Fathom and Canva can significantly enhance productivity by automating administrative tasks such as note-taking and creating presentations. These tools allow HR professionals to focus more on strategic initiatives rather than getting bogged down in routine tasks. The energy consumption associated with AI technologies is a growing concern. HR professionals should be mindful of the environmental impact of using AI tools and consider when it is appropriate to utilise them to avoid unnecessary resource waste. AI can help streamline HR processes, such as handling basic employee queries, which frees up time for HR professionals to engage in more complex employee relations and relationship-building activities, ultimately enhancing workplace satisfaction and productivity. BEST MOMENTS "AI has actually been around for a lot longer than we might think... things like Facebook and Netflix have been long using AI to feed us what they would like us to buy or to see." "The AI that you're using is only as good as its training and the input, and its programming. So particularly when it comes to things like recruitment, we really need to be mindful that it is as bias-free as possible." "If you could take some of that admin, that note taking, that sort of thing out, lift yourself up, save that time, that's going to be really, really valuable." "We do need to be thinking about when it's appropriate to use that tool and not squandering our resources just because it's easy to do that and it makes our lives easier." VALUABLE RESOURCES The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at Redway HR - ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Learning and Development, Culture & Change:

    31 min
  3. 8 SEPT

    EQ At Your Fingertips - with Rob Toomey of Typecoach

    Lucinda talks to Rob Toomey, the President of TypeCoach about understanding personalities and improving communication within organisations. Rob discusses how TypeCoach utilises personality frameworks like Myers-Briggs and David Kersey's temperament model to help individuals navigate relationships in various contexts, including team dynamics, leadership development, and sales interactions, as well as the benefits of understanding personalities, reducing stress, increasing diversity of ideas, and improving retention rates within organisations KEY TAKEAWAYS The TypeCoach program focuses on helping individuals understand how to navigate relationships with others in various contexts, such as team dynamics, leadership development, and sales interactions. The TypeCoach tool is based on the Myers-Briggs and David Kersey's temperament model, aiming to provide practical guidance on emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication rather than just self-understanding. Proper administration and explanation of personality preferences are crucial to avoid skepticism and misinterpretation of personality assessments like Myers-Briggs. TypeCoach offers online tools that allow users to access advice on communication strategies tailored to specific personalities, enhancing workplace relationships and reducing stress. BEST MOMENTS "So the primary reasons why there are so much skepticism or as I say baggage out there around the Myers-Briggs itself is primarily due to poor administration." "This takes a personality tool from being kind of a box ticking thing to do that's vaguely interesting into something that's much more practical." "The main commercial benefit of introducing this material is helping people understand how to navigate the relationship with the other people around them. "If you can understand that the other person is not trying to deliberately frustrate or annoy me, they're just wired differently, we have a higher level of tolerance." VALUABLE RESOURCES Rob Toomey LlinkedIn - The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Learning and Development, Culture & Change:

    36 min
  4. 28 JUL

    Building A High Performance Culture

    Lucinda looks at high performance strategies, focusing on the importance of feedback in driving performance in organisations. She discusses evidence-based drivers of performance, emphasising the need for quality people management activities and classic performance management. Key topics covered include the significance of courageous and consistent feedback, defining good quality feedback, and implementing models like growth mindset and radical candour. KEY TAKEAWAYS Focus on providing specific feedback, both positive and developmental, to drive high performance. Train managers on how to give feedback effectively, emphasising the importance of clarity and timeliness. Encourage a feedback culture by implementing feedback rituals at meetings and requesting feedback from team members. Avoid giving feedback at the values and identity levels, sticking to behavioural and environmental feedback in the workplace. Utilise tools like the "paper clip trick" to track and encourage the delivery of specific feedback throughout the day. BEST MOMENTS "The majority of people rated feedback skills of line managers in their organisations at a two or a three out of five, so less than average." "If you can do that, then we are much less likely to trigger a threat response and it absolutely will build and boost performance." "Many of us hate the thought of giving people developmental feedback, because it feels awkward or confrontational, yet that's actually what people learn from and that's what they want to be the best they can be." "The interesting thing about skill and capability which is a question I was asked is obviously in the UK one of the ways in which you can exit people it's through capability or conduct." VALUABLE RESOURCES The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Learning and Development, Culture & Change:

    28 min
  5. 21 JUL

    The Last 100 Days - with Michelle Parry-Slater

    Lucinda welcomes back guest Michelle Parry Slater from Kairos Modern Learning to discuss the concept of the "last hundred days." Michelle shares her personal experience of working her notice period before relocating to Australia and highlights the importance of focusing on the end of the employee lifecycle as much as the beginning. KEY TAKEAWAYS Shift the focus from just the first 100 days to also include the last 100 days of an employee's journey in the organisation. Encourage open and honest conversations between employees and managers about career aspirations, motivations, and potential exits. Emphasise the importance of knowledge management during transitions to ensure valuable information is not lost when employees leave. Build high trust relationships between managers and employees to facilitate better communication and understanding of individual needs and aspirations. Aim for employees to leave with advocacy, involvement in recruitment of successors, and a sense of legacy to create a positive impact even after they depart. BEST MOMENTS "We only ever hear people talking about the first hundred days. And it got me thinking, what does the last hundred days need to look like? And why don't we talk about it?" "Essentially, that whole employee lifecycle starts with that brand awareness. And I think some of that brand awareness rubs off from the last hundred days, because if you've got people leaving with advocacy..." "Do you think companies are scared sometimes? Let's say you're a smaller business or, you know, you hear the expression people talk about dead man's shoes, you have no intention of going anywhere and people perceive that the only way is, is into your job." "I think that especially in a smaller company, it's very comfortable, it works, why are you going to rock the boat?" VALUABLE RESOURCES The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Learning and Development, Culture & Change:

    34 min
  6. 14 JUL

    The Secret Renaissance of Learning Communities - with Andy Lancaster

    Lucinda is joined by Andy Lancaster, an expert in organisational learning communities. Andy shares insights from his book, "Organisational Learning Communities," discussing the importance of intentional community building for learning and development. They explore the concept of socialised learning, the benefits of diverse communities, and the impact of storytelling in measuring success. Andy emphasises the power of altruism and the need for high trust cultures to foster effective learning communities. KEY TAKEAWAYS Andy stresses the importance of having a cause at the centre of a learning community to drive engagement and purpose. We must recognise the concept of socialised learning communities being a natural way of learning, rooted in human behaviour and evolution. There is a crucial need for intentional design and facilitation of learning communities to ensure effectiveness and impact. We should embrace the value of diversity in learning communities to foster innovation, problem-solving, and shared expertise. BEST MOMENTS "Most communities that do really well have some kind of rhythm associated with them, where you know what's going to be going on so that you connect with it."  "I think it's quite clear if you said at the start it was about engagement, impact."  "For me, a learning community is a group connected and energized by a cause" VALUABLE RESOURCES The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at Andy Lancaster LinkedIn - ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Learning and Development, Culture & Change:

    41 min
  7. 7 JUL

    The Gratitude Project - with Kevin D. Monroe

    Lucinda is joined by special guest, Kevin D. Monroe, to talk about the power of expressing gratitude in the workplace and beyond. Kevin shares his journey of creating the "Don't Wait to Thank" program, encouraging listeners to participate in a 31-day gratitude challenge during July. They explore the impact of simple, sincere, and specific expressions of gratitude, emphasising the significance of recognising and celebrating others KEY TAKEAWAYS Practicing gratitude personally and professionally can have a positive impact on engagement and overall positivity in the workplace. When expressing gratitude, keeping it simple, sincere, and specific can make the gesture more significant and impactful. Leaders can activate gratitude by seeing moments of excellence, seizing the opportunity to acknowledge them, and sealing the memory with a heartfelt gesture. Leaders can elevate their leadership by appreciating, celebrating, and elevating the values and contributions of their team members BEST MOMENTS "Gratitude experienced is better than gratitude explained. You don't need to understand gratitude to experience it."  "It's much more impactful to show that you recognise someone for being impressive or to recognise others."  "Nothing demoralises people more or more quickly than a leader taking credit for their contribution." "Simple plus sincere and specific expressions of gratitude are significant." VALUABLE RESOURCES The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at ABOUT THE GUEST Kevin D. Monroe is the preeminent expert on the transformative power of gratitude in the workplace. As a workplace gratitude consultant, he can help any organization struggling with top talent departures or employee disengagement experience renewed motivation, retention, and performance by utilizing his proprietary framework and assessments. Don’t Wait To Thank Info site: Don’t Wait To Thank Substack site (home of daily updates) The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Gratitude: ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Learning and Development, Culture & Change:

    40 min
  8. 30 JUN

    The 9 Secrets Of Motivation - with Sarah Stones

    Lucinda looks at the topic of motivation with guest Sarah Stones, a motivation specialist. Sarah, who is an expert in motivational mapping, shares insights into how understanding intrinsic motivators can significantly impact an individual's energy, performance, and overall well-being. Together, they discuss the three clusters of motivators - relationship, achievement, and growth - and how they influence behaviour and decision-making. KEY TAKEAWAYS Motivation is a key factor in driving energy, performance, and overall wellbeing in the workplace. Motivational maps provide insights into intrinsic motivators, which are more powerful than extrinsic motivators. Understanding and leveraging team members' motivators can lead to more effective teamwork and performance. Recruitment based on motivation can lead to better job fit and higher job satisfaction for candidates. Motivational coaching and feedback sessions can help individuals align their motivators with their goals and roles for increased success and fulfilment. BEST MOMENTS "Our personality isn't what gets us out of bed in the morning. It's our motivation." "The bottom one is also really important. It can have a real impact on what we do." "Historically, we've just looked at skills and experience. But what we really need from an employer's perspective is someone that will be motivated by the job." "You've got the builder, if builder is very high up wanting financial security, you've got to be prepared to take that risk." VALUABLE RESOURCES The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher   The HR Uprising LinkedIn Group How to Prioritise Self-Care (The HR Uprising) How To Be A Change Superhero - by Lucinda Carney HR Uprising Mastermind -            Get your copy of How To Be A Change Superhero by emailing at ABOUT THE HOST Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together. “If you look up, you rise up” CONTACT METHOD Join the LinkedIn community - Email: Linked In: Twitter: @lucindacarney Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising HR podcast, The HR Uprising, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Learning and Development, Culture & Change:

    34 min


Welcome to the HR Uprising Podcast. This engaging podcast explores HR ‘hot’ topics and challenges through conversations with relevant experts and real-life HR; O.D. or L&D professionals. HR Uprising is about creating an inclusive forum that enables us to share and learn from experts and everyday professionals. HR Uprising is all about learning through collaboration; taking evidence-based action and helping colleagues to have the confidence and skills to rise-up through their organisations by delivering real, lasting business value. Hosted by Lucinda Carney a Business Psychologist; Experienced HR Change Agent; Entrepreneur; Speaker and Coach. There are two types of show format the ‘In focus’ episodes where Lucinda delves into a specialist topic in some depth and the ‘Conversations with’ series where we interview experts and people like you. Our hope is that shows are both informative and fun. You can access more information on each Podcast including resources or links mentioned in the show at our website If you are a forward-thinking HR; L&D or O.D. professional who has a success story or challenge that others can learn from and you would like to be featured in future podcasts you can get in touch through one of the routes below. Connect with us here: Join the linkedIn community: LinkedIn: Twitter: @hruprising Instagram: @hruprising Facebook: @hruprising

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