Unposed With K

Unposed With K
Unposed With K Podcast

Unposed With K is a platform to provide all those mavericks whose stories go unnoticed due to whatever reason, but who are making an indelible imprint on the annals of time, a chance to share. We may not know them as yet, but that doesn't make them invisible and they still continue to deliver and make an impact on things in and around them in whatever and whichever way possible! We applaud all of you, unpolished gems, in your own unique ways and would be proud to put the spotlight on you all. Come and share your stories with us, through us, and let us all appreciate, learn from each other.


  1. Philanthropic couple provides free & best education to 400 underprivileged children in West Bengal


    Philanthropic couple provides free & best education to 400 underprivileged children in West Bengal

    What if I tell you that there is an organization providing complete holistic education to close to 400 students by not just providing them education at par with any private school in the country but also takes care of their healthcare, nutrition, and welfare of their family? And not just this, this complete offering is practically free of cost!   Yes, you read it right. Mr. Kamal Prakash & Mrs. Anubhuti Prakash from Dakshini Prayash, founded in 1993, have been working on providing the best of education, nutrition, and healthcare similar to what they would want their own son to get. Not just that but Dakshini Prayash also takes care of the nutritional and healthcare needs of each of their child by providing them nutritionally dense food, having a dedicated team of medical professionals and dieticians, regular health checkup camps not just for children but for everyone in the village, and so much more than in terms of initiatives and services it would be at par or possibly even ahead of any private school in the region.    Know more about the story of Mr. & Mrs. Prakash and Dakshini Prayash to learn more about this initiative, what they do and how are they managing everything. Watch this talk show to know more about how you can join hands with Dakshini Prayash in this noble cause of theirs and contribute towards a better life for the future generation of the country.   To get in touch with Dakshini Prayash, visit any of the links below:  Website - https://dakshiniprayash.org/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMP5UF1uoarffh5F2eQlQtg Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DakshiniPrayash Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dakshiniprayash/ Email - school@dakshiniprayash.org  Phone - + 91 98745 87560    #charity #donate #nonprofit #fundraising #school #philanthropy #education #dogood #volunteer #teacher #socialgood #causes #giveback #change #givingback #cause #love #community #support #awareness #life #art #study #fundraiser #donation #changemakers #purpose #give #impact #bethechange

    29 min
  2. Vicky Roy | Documentary Photographer | Inspirational | Rags to Riches | Nupur Kaudan | Salaam Baalak


    Vicky Roy | Documentary Photographer | Inspirational | Rags to Riches | Nupur Kaudan | Salaam Baalak

    Ever wondered what could be the odds for a street ragpicker to transform into an ace Photographer delivering lectures at Harvard, White House, and the headquarters of the likes of Google, Facebook, etc.? This journey has been beautifully narrated by Mr. Vicky Roy in this talk where he shares the importance of zeal and dedication over people's base desires and the euphoria of success over the chains of mere expectations.    Not always a  road less taken will be tough, but the unknown challenges it would have would make it really difficult, as you may be the first one discovering them. Shakespeare said, a prize won too easily reduces its worth and it is true to date. Rooted in deep human values of dedication, sincerity, patience, and the zeal to discover one's own self, and not giving up along the way, are just a few things to define what this gentleman achieved by his sheer commitment to make things work for himself despite all odds. Giving up on hope is easy, but holding on to it when everything seems lost is what makes us stronger and Vicky has proven it again and again. His sheer will and courage and a good heart became the ingredients for his present, which could have been lost in the darkness of reality had he not made and stayed with the right choices he was making or correcting his wrong ones as he was moving forward. He is a brilliant example to look up to when one wants to emphasize the role of hard work and human effort without which Destiny or Luck would appear to be nothing but irrational and speculative. identifying what satisfies one's desires and then leaving no stone unturned to make things a reality, eventually attracts the grace from all the forces of Nature too. Clinging on to hope in the darkest of times and seeing a silver lining in the rainy days, became his magic wand to change his reality both literally and figuratively.    This story of Mr. Vicky Roy is no different from the storyline of Oscar-winning "Slumdog Millionaire" with some more real and hard effects which made this more inspiring and touching at the same time. Today he is an internationally acclaimed photographer applauded for his work under the name "Street Dream" and has also featured in Forbes' 2016 list of Asia 30 under 30. He is all about how we are the sole owners and makers of our own destiny and if we want to make it BIG no one can STOP US. Vicky ran away from his village in West Bengal at a very young age to New Delhi, where he found solace in the Salaam Baalak Trust. It was there that he developed an interest in photography. Post this he learned the art at Triveni Kala Sangam and apprenticed under famous artist Mr. Ajay Mann. In 2007, his first solo exhibition, "Street Dream" was sponsored by the British High Commission. In 2008, he was selected by the US-based Maybach Foundation to photo document the reconstruction of the World Trade Center. Mr. Vicky was also awarded a fellowship at MIT in 2014, post his monograph titled "Home Street Home". He says:" If you want to do something in your life then you will always have to work hard; there is no shortcut to success. If you want to make your dreams come true, keep an eye on them. By fleeing the fears of obstacles, you will never succeed."    To know more about Vicky or to get in touch with him, visit:   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roy.vicky Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vickyroy87/ Website: https://www.vickyroy.in/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vickyroy87

    56 min
  3. Mr. Dana Crider | Keen Mussoorie | Agents of Change | Waste Management | Ms. Nupur Kaudan | That's My Story


    Mr. Dana Crider | Keen Mussoorie | Agents of Change | Waste Management | Ms. Nupur Kaudan | That's My Story

    69 years old Mr. Dana Crider, an ex mathematician from Woodstock School, Mussoorie is running a waste management service in Mussoorie by the name of Keen, Mussoorie.    In his endeavor to clean up his city and educate people on better segregation, disposal, recycling, and treatment of waste, Mr. Crider has invested his life savings into Keen. Despite facing several challenges, both operational and financial, Mr. Crider was able to tie up with local municipal bodies of Mussoorie and carry on with his endeavor efficiently.    Even during the COVID-19 and lockdown in the Country, his waste collection team, who he also likes to call waste warriors, continued to carry on their duties diligently in order to ensure the cleanliness in and around Mussorie.   Mr. Crider's story is a great source of inspiration and learning for all of us to understand the importance of proper waste management and the impact it can have on the environment and planet if not treated or managed well in time.   To, reach out to Keen or Mr. Dana Crider, refer to the links below:   Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/keen_mussoorie/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KeenMussoorie/ Website - https://keenmussoorie.org/ Email - info@keenmussoorie.org  Phone - +91-98370 37536   #recycle #environment #climatechange #reuse #sustainable #sustainability #gogreen #recycling #ecofriendly #waste #zerowaste #plastic #savetheplanet #pollution #nature #trash #eco #plasticfree #earth #green #ocean #plasticpollution #time #water #garbage #noplastic #upcycle #conservation #life #art

    55 min
  4. Agents Of Change | Mr. Pankaj Gupta | Devdoot Food Bank | Mr. Prateek Kapoor | That's My Story


    Agents Of Change | Mr. Pankaj Gupta | Devdoot Food Bank | Mr. Prateek Kapoor | That's My Story

    'One day while I was going to my shop in Sadar Bazar in Gurgaon, I noticed a few kids, who were also ragpickers, picking up thrown away and spoiled fruits from the garbage, cleaning it up and eating the same to satisfy their hunger. After seeing that something inside pinched me so hard that for the next few days I was mentally disturbed and was in deep thoughts as to what I can do in my capacity to help these children and many others in similar situations.'   This is the story of Mr. Pankaj Gupta, from Gurgaon, Haryana who after witnessing such a bad state of affairs for a basic necessity like food, decided to do something about it, to the best of his capacity.   This gave birth to Devdoot Food Bank, a community kitchen, which today provides healthy and nutritious food to the needy people in and around them. Today, Devdoot is serving food to more than 1000 people on daily basis through multiple means and mediums. Not just that, during the lockdown they adopted 700 labor families (2800 people) and took care of all of their needs including three meals daily.   Let's hear more about Devdoot Food Bank, the idea, operations, the COVID chapter, and much more directly from Mr. Pankaj Gupta, Founder of this NGO.   To get in touch with Mr. Pankaj Gupta, refer to the links below:   Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001430437836  Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/devdootfoodbank  YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzGY-wRPczRN-m1qfJj61Gg  Twitter: https://twitter.com/devdootfoodbank  Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/devdootfoodbank/  Website: https://www.devdootfoodbank.com/

    32 min
  5. Entrepreneurial Talks | She Talks | Ms. Kiran Kalra | The Coveted | Ms. Nupur Kaudan | That's My Story


    Entrepreneurial Talks | She Talks | Ms. Kiran Kalra | The Coveted | Ms. Nupur Kaudan | That's My Story

    After being a housewife for about 20 years, Kiran's itch to do something got her to Coveted. A close friend without any questions asked decided to be one of her partners on this journey. They decided to bring in international brands that were good but not available in India. A lot of research went into this & a lot of emails went back & forth between them & the brands that were a little apprehensive about who represented them outside their turf.    Once Kiran and her partner were able to convince them about us, she traveled to meet them personally. This was for her satisfaction, though it wasn’t required. Yes, the whole business was built & set up through technology. Meeting them was just a formality & something she did to convince herself that she was dealing with strong parties. And of course to build a personal connection which she thought was important. Coveted is close to three years old now. Their plan was to first build a solid brand. A brand that people look up to & want to own. A brand that resonates with quality, great products & customer delight. They believe “work hard, do a good job & money will follow”. She would like to safely say, they are now a brand people who know of & aspire to own.    Kiran also believes in empowering women. Be it through fashion or any which way. Coveted annually hosts the WEW (women empowering women awards) to appreciate & felicitate women doing very well in different fields. Be it corporate, cinema, Police, etc.    Coveted also got reusable sanitary pads made and distributed the same during the COVID situation amongst women stuck in containment zones and in slums. And they are continuing to do that.    You can reach out to Kiran or The Coveted through the following links:  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thecoveteddress/  LinkedIn Profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiran-kalra-413602142/  Instagram Profile - https://www.instagram.com/miss_coveted/  Instagram Page - https://www.instagram.com/the_coveted_/  Website - https://thecoveted.in/

    33 min
  6. Passion Talks | Harshvardhan Joshi | Mountaineer | Ironman | Mt. Everest | Nupur Kaudan | That's My Story


    Passion Talks | Harshvardhan Joshi | Mountaineer | Ironman | Mt. Everest | Nupur Kaudan | That's My Story

    Meet Harshvardhan Joshi, 24 years old outdoor professional. An IT Engineer by education, and an endurance athlete by passion. Most of the time you would find Harsh climbing mountains in the Himalayas if not skiing, kayaking, or spending time with his cats. Harsh started working when he was 15. Just to be independent and enhance his passion for technology, he’d assemble and sell computers around Mumbai.   Until 2016 Harsh's plan was to do M.S in the US. But with his journeys in the Himalayas, he realized that he doesn't want to be in technology all his life. Then he started preparing for my MBA in Marketing, appeared for many entrances, and did well in a few to secure my admission in some of the premier B-Schools in India, to ultimately take a call letting Everest be his M.B.A as that will help him learn more practical life lessons.   Through Everest, he wants to test his limits and inspire the masses that if he can do it, so can anyone. With his endeavor, he wishes to reach many more people and inspire them. It makes him really happy when someone reads his story and goes for a run. He is also doing this because of his love for climbing. He wants to show the world that we don’t need to live in excess anymore. While climbing Mt. Everest he is trying to create awareness about sustainable development. He has decided to promote the use of solar energy in the most versatile places on earth and set an example to make conscious choices to create a carbon offset in the future. By scaling Everest with the bare minimum, using solar power and just the essentials, he wishes to motivate the world to transform. Transform into efficient caring individuals, become the force that nurtures our nature. He believes that we have the power and he is going to demonstrate it.    He needs a minimum of 50,000 USD to climb Mt. Everest, even in the most minimal manner. The permits and Nepal government fees themselves come to over 10 lakhs. He has created a campaign named Sangharsh Mission Mt. Everest - which is Harsh’s ‘sangharsh’ to reach from 0 feet to 29,029 feet - the highest point on earth. He has developed a fundraising website https://sangharsh.co/ using which he has already raised 18.5 lac rupees, which is around 50% of his goal. He is trying to connect with potential sponsors, donors, brands, corporates, and foundations. He believes it is difficult, but nothing good comes easy and he is enjoying the journey thoroughly. He is sure that it is going to work out and he needs your help NOW! He considers himself fortunate that many feel inspired by his story and are motivated to donate to my campaign, which keeps him going.   With only three months to go, we kindly request our viewers to go through Harsh's website once, witness his journey and passion to climb Everest, and participate in fundraising, if you like. Link - https://sangharsh.co/   You can also reach out to Harsh through -   Facebook Profile - http://facebook.com/harshforeverest  Facebook Page - http://facebook.com/travelwithharsh  LinkedIn Profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/harshforeverest  LinkedIn Page - https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/company/sangharsh  Instagram Page - http://instagram.com/travelwithharsh  Website - https://sangharsh.co/

    43 min


Unposed With K is a platform to provide all those mavericks whose stories go unnoticed due to whatever reason, but who are making an indelible imprint on the annals of time, a chance to share. We may not know them as yet, but that doesn't make them invisible and they still continue to deliver and make an impact on things in and around them in whatever and whichever way possible! We applaud all of you, unpolished gems, in your own unique ways and would be proud to put the spotlight on you all. Come and share your stories with us, through us, and let us all appreciate, learn from each other.

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