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    第2212期:Researchers in Australia Develop a Water Harvester

    第2212期:Researchers in Australia Develop a Water Harvester

    Researchers in Australia recently announced the launch of a new device that, they say, absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water.
    Researchers at the University of Newcastle call the device the Hydro Harvester. They said it can produce up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, adding that it could be “lifesaving during drought or emergencies.” 
    纽卡斯尔大学的研究人员将该设备称为“水力收割机”。 他们表示,它每天可以生产多达 1,000 升饮用水,并补充说,它可以“在干旱或紧急情况下挽救生命”。 
    The Australian team said that unlike other atmospheric water generators, their invention works by heating air instead of cooling it. 
    The device absorbs water from the atmosphere. Solar energy or heat from other industrial processes can be used to produce hot, wet air. After heating, the air cools, producing water for drinking or watering crops. 
    该装置从大气中吸收水分。 太阳能或其他工业过程产生的热量可用于生产热湿空气。 加热后,空气冷却,产生用于饮用或浇灌农作物的水。 
    Behdad Moghtaderi of the University of Newcastle’s Centre for Innovative Energy Technologies told VOA how the technology operates. 
    纽卡斯尔大学创新能源技术中心的贝达德·莫塔德里 (Behdad Moghtaderi) 向美国之音介绍了该技术的运作方式。 
    “Hydro Harvester uses an absorbing material to absorb and dissolve moisture from air. So…we use renewable energy..." Moghtaderi said. He added, "When you condense water contained in that air you would have the drinking water at your disposal.” 
    “水力收割机使用吸收材料来吸收和溶解空气中的水分。 所以……我们使用可再生能源……”莫格塔德里说。他补充说,“当你冷凝空气中的水时,你就可以使用饮用水了。” 
    The researchers say the device can produce enough drinking water each day for a small rural town of up to 400 people. It could also help farmers keep livestock alive during droughts.
    研究人员表示,该设备每天可以为一个最多 400 人的乡村小镇生产足够的饮用水。 它还可以帮助农民在干旱期间保持牲畜的生存。 
    Moghtaderi said the technology could be used in parts of the world where water is limited. 
    Researchers thought their device would be useful because Australia’s climate is dry. 
    "More than 2 billion people around the world, they are in a similar situation where they do not have access to…high-quality water and they deal with water scarcity,” Moghtaderi said 
    “全世界有超过 20 亿人面临着类似的情况,他们无法获得……高质量的水,并且面临着水资源短缺的问题,”Moghtaderi 说 
    Studies of the technology will be done in several Australian communities this year. 
    The World Economic Forum (WEF), a nonprofit group based in Switzerland, says water scarcity continues to be a problem worldwide 
    总部位于瑞士的非营利组织世界经济论坛 (WEF) 表示,水资源短缺仍然是世界范围内的一个问题 
    The WEF said getting water from the atmosphere is a “promising emergency solution that can immediately generate drinkable water using moisture in the air.” 
    However, the group warns that the technology is costly. It estimat

    • 3 min
    第2211期:Study Reveals History, Travels of Baobab Tree

    第2211期:Study Reveals History, Travels of Baobab Tree

    The baobab tree is a special thing to see. During the dry season, its leafless branches look like roots coming from a thick trunk. It appears as if someone took a tree from the ground, flipped it on its head and put it back into the earth. 
    猴面包树是一处特别值得一看的东西。 在旱季,它光秃秃的树枝看起来就像从粗大的树干上长出来的根。 看起来就像有人从地上取下一棵树,将其翻转,然后将其放回土中。 
    That is why the tree is sometimes called the "upside down tree." 
    Baobab trees grow in Madagascar, mainland Africa and Australia. The origins and history of the baobab have been something of a mystery. But a new study that looked at all eight recognized species helps tell the baobab's story. 
    猴面包树生长在马达加斯加、非洲大陆和澳大利亚。 猴面包树的起源和历史一直是个谜。 但一项针对所有八种已识别物种的新研究有助于讲述猴面包树的故事。 
    The baobab originated in Madagascar about 21 million years ago. It reached the African continent and Australia sometime in the past 12 million years, researchers found. Madagascar, an island off Africa's southeastern coast, has a large ecosystem. It is home to many kinds of plants. 
    猴面包树起源于大约 2100 万年前的马达加斯加。 研究人员发现,它在过去 1200 万年的某个时候到达了非洲大陆和澳大利亚。 马达加斯加是非洲东南沿海的一个岛屿,拥有庞大的生态系统。 它是多种植物的家园。 
    Two baobab lineages went extinct in Madagascar. But the lineages established themselves elsewhere, one in mainland Africa and one in Australia, the study showed. 
    马达加斯加的两个猴面包树谱系灭绝了。 但研究显示,这些谱系在其他地方建立起来,一个在非洲大陆,一个在澳大利亚。 
    It appears that baobab seed pods floated from Madagascar to mainland Africa, located about 400 kilometers to the west. The seeds also traveled to Australia, nearly 7,000 kilometers to the east. 
    看来,猴面包树的种子荚是从马达加斯加飘到了以西约 400 公里处的非洲大陆。 这些种子还到达了以东近7000公里的澳大利亚。
    "The plants almost certainly got to Africa and Australia floating on or with vegetation rafts," said plant expert Tao Wan of the Wuhan Botanical Garden in China. He is one of the writers of the study, which appeared recently in the publication Nature. 
    中国武汉植物园的植物专家陶万说:“这些植物几乎肯定是漂浮在植被筏上或随植筏一起到达非洲和澳大利亚的。” 他是该研究的作者之一,该研究最近发表在《自然》杂志上。
    Wan added that the seeds were able to travel to Australia because of the Indian Ocean gyre, an oceanic current. 
    Baobab trees provide food, shelter and nesting places for wildlife, including bees, birds and various mammals. Their fruits also provide important nutrients and medicines for people. Baobab leaves can be eaten, too. 
    猴面包树为蜜蜂、鸟类和各种哺乳动物等野生动物提供食物、庇护所和筑巢地。 它们的果实还为人们提供重要的营养物质和药物。 猴面包树的叶子也可以吃。
    The trees produce large, sweet-smelling flowers. Their sugary nectar appeals to nighttime pollinators like fruit bats and hawk moths. Their flowers also attract two kinds of primates -- lemurs in Madagascar and bush babies in Africa. 
    这些树会开出大而芳香的花朵。 它们含糖的花蜜吸引了果蝠和天蛾等夜间传粉者。 它们的花还吸引了两种灵长类动物——马达加斯加的狐猴和非洲的丛林宝宝。 
    Ilia Leitch is a plant geneticist at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in London. He is also a study co-w

    • 3 min
    第2210期:Terrifying prehistoric lizard discovered

    第2210期:Terrifying prehistoric lizard discovered

    Huge teeth like daggers and positively demonic, that's how one researcher describes the giant sea lizard that lived alongside dinosaurs about 66 million years ago, just before they went extinct. 
    长有匕首大小的巨大牙齿,犹如恶魔。这是一位研究人员对这种巨型海蜥蜴的描述,大约 6600 万年前,就在恐龙灭绝之前,这种海蜥蜴曾与恐龙生活在一起。
    The creature was some eight metres long with powerful jaws able to swallow and rip apart even enormous prey. The lizard was the top predator of the ocean in warm seas full of food, and was an ancient relative of today's komodo dragons and anacondas. The findings are based on a skull and skeletal remains uncovered at a phosphate mine southeast of Casablanca in Morocco. 
    daggers 匕首demonic 恶魔般的extinct 灭绝jaws 颚,鄂部rip apart 撕裂prey 猎物predator 捕食者,掠食者uncovered 被发现, 出土的

    • 38 sec
    第2209期:When exercise stops being good for you

    第2209期:When exercise stops being good for you

    150 minutes of exercise a week: that's how much we should all be doing. Does this mean that gyms are the best ways to guarantee our health? Maybe, but they are not without their own health risks. 
    每周锻炼 150 分钟:这是我们都应该做的量。 这是否意味着健身房是保证我们健康的最佳方式? 也许吧,但它们并非没有健康风险。 
    Recent studies have suggested that some gym-goers' hygiene standards leave much to be desired. Bacteria that can cause serious illness, such as food poisoning or pneumonia, was found on the surface of gym equipment. Sweat and the increased temperature caused by exercise can help dangerous bacteria grow on the skin, which can be transferred to our clothing. 
    最近的研究表明,一些健身爱好者的卫生标准还有很多不足之处。 在健身器材的表面发现了可导致食物中毒或肺炎等严重疾病的细菌。 出汗和运动引起的体温升高会帮助危险细菌在皮肤上生长,这些细菌可能会转移到我们的衣服上。 
    It might not just be the microbes at a gym that could be toxic. Toxic gym culture may be leading people to feel judged or intimidated. In a 2019 US study, over half those surveyed felt anxious when going to the gym. 
    有毒的可能不仅仅是健身房里的微生物。 有毒的健身房文化可能会让人们感到受到评判或受到恐吓。 2019 年美国的一项研究显示,超过一半的受访者在去健身房时感到焦虑。 
    This feeling of being judged, and an overly competitive atmosphere, could create pressure to over-exercise. The Cleveland Clinic distinguishes between overreaching and over-training. The first is the result of a single instance of over-exertion, which leads to little more than muscle soreness, while the latter is more long-term and can have more serious consequences. Over-training has been linked to injuries, fatigue, reduced appetite and problems with sleep or weight gain. 
    这种被评判的感觉以及过度竞争的氛围可能会产生过度锻炼的压力。 克利夫兰诊所区分了过度伸手和过度训练。 第一种是单次过度劳累的结果,只会导致肌肉酸痛,而后者则是长期的,可能会产生更严重的后果。 过度训练与受伤、疲劳、食欲下降以及睡眠或体重增加问题有关。 
    When exercise becomes a compulsion, it can also be dangerous for our mental health. Writing for CNET, wellness writer Taylor Leamey warns that feeling guilt at missed gym sessions or trying to use exercise as a way to control our bodies could be signs that exercise dependency is a problem. This can be linked with having a negative body image. 
    当运动成为一种强迫行为时,它也会对我们的心理健康造成危险。 健康作家泰勒·利米 (Taylor Leamey) 为 CNET 撰文警告说,因错过健身课程而感到内疚或试图通过锻炼来控制身体可能表明锻炼依赖是一个问题。 这可能与负面的身体形象有关。 
    Of course, we shouldn't forget that exercise can really help our physical and mental health, as long as we can maintain a healthy relationship with it. 
    health risk 健康风险,危及健康的因素gym-goer 常去健身房锻炼的人,健身房常客sweat 汗,汗水judged 被评头论足intimidated 发怵的,胆怯的anxious 焦虑的competitive 好竞争的over-exercise 过度运动overreaching (短时期内)训练过度over-training 训练过度muscle soreness 肌肉酸痛injury 受伤fatigue 疲劳weight gain 体重增加compulsion 强烈冲动exercise dependency 运动依赖negative body image 消极体象,消极地看待自己的身体

    • 2 min
    第2208期:Scarlett Johansson Says ChatGPT Voice ‘Similar’ to Hers

    第2208期:Scarlett Johansson Says ChatGPT Voice ‘Similar’ to Hers

    The American artificial intelligence company OpenAI has removed one of its ChatGPT voices. The move came after actor Scarlett Johansson said the voice sounded “eerily similar” to her voice in the movie Her. 
    美国人工智能公司 OpenAI 已删除其 ChatGPT 语音之一。 此举是在演员斯嘉丽约翰逊表示这个声音听起来与她在电影《她》中的声音“出奇地相似”之后做出的。 
    In a post Monday on the social media service X, OpenAI said it is “working to pause” Sky. That is the name of one of five voices that ChatGPT users can choose to speak with in its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. 
    OpenAI 周一在社交媒体服务 X 上发帖称,它正在“努力暂停”Sky。 这是 ChatGPT 用户可以在其人工智能 (AI) 聊天机器人中选择的五种声音之一的名称。 
    In a statement, Johansson said that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had asked her last September if she would lend her voice to the ChatGPT system. Johansson said she declined the offer.
    Johansson 在一份声明中表示,OpenAI 首席执行官 Sam Altman 去年 9 月曾询问她是否愿意为 ChatGPT 系统发声。 约翰逊表示她拒绝了这一提议。 
    Johansson said, “When I heard the released demo, I was shocked, angered and in disbelief that Mr. Altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine.” She added that her close friends and even the news media “could not tell the difference” between her voice and the voice of Sky. 
    约翰逊说:“当我听到发布的演示时,我感到震惊、愤怒,难以置信奥特曼先生会追求一个听起来与我如此惊人相似的声音。” 她补充说,她的亲密朋友甚至新闻媒体都“无法区分”她的声音和天空电视台的声音。 
    Johansson said OpenAI agreed to take down the Sky voice after her lawyers asked about the process by which the company came up with the voice. 
    约翰逊表示,在她的律师询问 OpenAI 提出声音的过程后,OpenAI 同意撤下 Sky 声音。 
    OpenAI said in an online post that the voice of Sky belongs to a “different professional actress.” But it added that it could not share the name of that actress for privacy reasons. 
    OpenAI 在网上发帖称,Sky 的声音属于“不同的专业女演员”。 但它补充说,出于隐私原因,它不能透露该女演员的名字。 
    In an email sent to The Associated Press following Johansson’s statement Monday, Altman said that OpenAI selected the voice actor behind Sky “before any outreach” to Johansson. “The voice of Sky is not Scarlett Johansson’s, and it was never intended to resemble hers,” Altman added. 
    在约翰逊周一发表声明后发给美联社的一封电子邮件中,奥尔特曼表示,OpenAI 在“与约翰逊进行任何接触之前”选择了 Sky 背后的配音演员。 “天空的声音不是斯嘉丽·约翰逊的,也从来没有打算与她的声音相似,”奥特曼补充道。
    OpenAI added voice capabilities to ChatGPT last September. The feature is called “Voice Mode.” It permits users to have a conversation with the AI assistant. In November, OpenAI announced that the feature would become free for all users with the mobile app. 
    OpenAI 去年 9 月为 ChatGPT 添加了语音功能。 该功能称为“语音模式”。 它允许用户与人工智能助手进行对话。 11 月,OpenAI 宣布该功能将免费向所有使用移动应用程序的用户开放。 
    Last week, OpenAI showed off its latest AI model, called ChatGPT-4o. The program lets users speak to the chatbot and get real-time answers. The chatbot now has emotion in its voice and even tries to understand a person’s emotional state by looking at a selfie video of their face. 
    上周,OpenAI 展示了其最新的人工智能模型,名为 ChatGPT-4o。 该程序允许用户与聊天机器人对话并获得实时答案。 现在,聊天机器人的声音中充满了情感,甚

    • 3 min
    第2207期:Blue Origin Sends Oldest Person into Space

    第2207期:Blue Origin Sends Oldest Person into Space

    The American space travel company Blue Origin announced that it sent 90-year-old Ed Dwight into space, making him the oldest space traveler. 
    The company said Dwight was the first Black astronaut candidate and was picked personally by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. But it said Dwight was not chosen to be among the next group of astronauts. 
    该公司表示,德怀特是第一位黑人宇航员候选人,于 1961 年由约翰·F·肯尼迪总统亲自挑选。但该公司表示,德怀特并未被选为下一批宇航员之一。 
    Dwight spent a few minutes of weightlessness with five other passengers on the Blue Origin spacecraft. It reached the edge of space for about 10 minutes. Dwight called the flight “a life changing experience.” 
    德怀特和其他五名乘客在蓝色起源飞船上度过了几分钟的失重状态。 它到达太空边缘大约10分钟。 德怀特称这次飞行是“一次改变人生的经历”。 
    With the flight, Dwight passed Star Trek actor William Shatner as the oldest person to reach space. Shatner’s flight took place in 2021. 
    通过这次飞行,德怀特超越了《星际迷航》演员威廉·夏特纳,成为到达太空最年长的人。 沙特纳的飞行发生在 2021 年。 
    Dwight joined four businessmen from the U.S. and France. The cost of the trip for each was not released. Blue Origin said Dwight’s flight was paid for by Space for Humanity, a nonprofit group based in Denver, Colorado. The group aims to send people of many different backgrounds into space as “citizen astronauts.” 
    德怀特和四位来自美国和法国的商人一起。 每人的旅行费用并未公布。 蓝色起源表示,德怀特的飞行费用是由总部位于科罗拉多州丹佛市的非营利组织“人类空间”支付的。 该组织的目标是将许多不同背景的人作为“公民宇航员”送入太空。 
    Dwight was in a test pilot program at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The program called “The Right Stuff” was the training ground for early astronauts. After being passed over, he retired from the military in 1966. 
    德怀特正在加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地参加试飞员计划。 这个名为“The Right Stuff”的计划是早期宇航员的训练场。 被淘汰后,他于1966年从军队退役。 
    He later became a sculptor who made statues of Civil Rights leaders including Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and others. 
    The U.S. space agency NASA announced Guion Bluford as the first Black astronaut in 1978, Bluford first reached space in 1983. The former Soviet Union placed the first person with African and Cuban ancestry, Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez, into orbit in 1980. 
    美国宇航局于 1978 年宣布吉安·布卢福德 (Guion Bluford) 为第一位黑人宇航员,布卢福德于 1983 年首次进入太空。1980 年,前苏联将第一位具有非洲和古巴血统的人阿纳尔多·塔马约·门德斯 (Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez) 送入轨道。
    The stories of Dwight and Bluford are among those told in the documentary movie from National Geographic called The Space Race. It is about Black astronauts. 
    国家地理纪录片《太空竞赛》讲述了德怀特和布卢福德的故事。 这是关于黑人宇航员的。 
    Dwight’s flight on May 19 was the first launch with a crew for Blue Origin in nearly two years. All flights were grounded after an accident in 2022. Flights without a crew restarted last December. Sunday’s flight was the seventh to carry space tourists. 
    德怀特 5 月 19 日的飞行是蓝色起源近两年来首次载人发射。 2022 年发生事故后,所有航班均停飞。去年 12 月,没有

    • 4 min

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