FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

Bruce Ross
FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast

The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.  www.flowpreneur.co/podcasts

  1. Doubt as a Tool to Improve Leadership with Marc Pitman


    Doubt as a Tool to Improve Leadership with Marc Pitman

    Mostly, we think of leadership as epitomizing confidence. We lead, therefore we know.  But beneath that is a deeper truth, an apparent weakness - vulnerability. But vulnerability can be a leader’s superpower.  As Concord Leadership Group's founder, Marc Pitman helps leaders lead their teams with greater effectiveness and less stress.   His latest book is The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be.   He's also the executive director of TheNonprofitAcademy.com and an Advisory Panel member of Rogare, a prestigious international fundraising think tank.  Marc's expertise has caught the attention of media organizations as diverse as The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Al Jazeera, Fox News, SUCCESS magazine, and Real Simple.          In this episode, Marc highlights bringing back the values and humanity into leadership other than just the mechanistic way of leading.    What you will learn from this episode:  Find out about the map to leadership, so you know what stage in the four quadrants of leadership you are and learn to manage yourself and your team so you move forward Learn about actionable tips to help in your personal journey as a leader and as a team as you navigate the world of the unknown Learn to find strength in vulnerability and transparency to make that your point of progression in leadership      "Consider, I'll just say, consider listening to… that doubt, that confusion – ‘internal’ we've been told is subjective. It's emotions and that's bad. …   try to think of them as a partner."   - Marc Pitman    Topics Covered:  02:04 - Bringing values and humanity back to business leaders  03:05 - Helping leaders face the challenge of the unknown  05:16 - The map to leadership and the two axis   07:11 - Why feeling doubt is never a moral failing or sign of weakness for leaders  08:20 - How uncertainty and self-doubt help you figure out how you are as an individual and understand others more  10:23 - The two personality assessment tools to help leaders in their goal-setting  12:05 - Looking at the map -- the four quadrants of where you are to help you progress as a leader and as a team  14:23 - Should everybody be open about their doubts and share them widely with people?  16:43 - Permitting yourself to think you're the perfect person in the leadership role    Key Takeaways:  "Some of the best leaders feel like, they must doubt, is a moral failing or a sign of weakness. And it could be that you need professional help, and there's no stigma in that. There are a lot of places to get help. But it could also be that you're really on the verge of greatness." - Marc Pitman  "Knowing that there's a map, figuring out where you are, where's your process on the four quadrants, and then how do you best be in that quadrant? And not try to short circuit your growth." - Marc Pitman  "There's strength in vulnerability and being vulnerable. But I would caution leaders to be vulnerable in safe spaces only. Not everybody has your best interests at heart. There are employees or people in your team that are gunning for you." - Marc Pitman    Resources:  Get the 4 Quadrants Worksheet FREE: Click here: https://concordleadershipgroup.com/focusedleader/    Connect with Marc Pitman:  Website: https://ConcordLeadershipGroup.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/marcapitman LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/marcapitman Facebook: https://facebook.com/concordleadershipgroup Instagram: https://instagram.com/marcpitman YouTube: https://youtube.com/marcpitman

    20 min
  2. Leadership in VUCA Times with Melissa Eisler


    Leadership in VUCA Times with Melissa Eisler

    We were already in the midst of VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) times. Then COVID hit. Now it’s VUCA 2.0 given COVID’s very real economic and mental health ripples. So the question is, “How to flourish as a leader despite mounting uncertainty?”   This is Melissa’s realm of expertise.   In this episode, Melissa unpacks how VUCA affects leaders. She talks about the mistakes leaders make, the importance of slowing down, and shares valuable insights that you can apply to remain intact, navigate through VUCA and be the leader your organization, your people, and this world needs you to be.  Melissa Eisler, MA, PCC, is an ICF certified executive coach. She partners with leaders to develop their systems thinking, resilience, strategic communication skills, and executive presence in order to reach individual, team, and organizational goals. She blends more than 15 years of experience in leadership positions in the corporate world, with her Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and extensive background in mindfulness to help her clients master their leadership skills and steer their teams through challenges and change.  Get a copy of her leadership ebook at https://melissaeisler.com/leadership-ebook-leaders-guide-vuca/   What you will learn from this episode:  Understand what VUCA is and how to navigate it Discover the power of pause Find out how to develop resilience and adaptability – the competencies you need   “To really answer the question of how do you know when I'm navigating VUCA effectively or what's the best thing I could do, I would recommend assessing what impact your state of being has on people.”   - Melissa Eisler Topics Covered: 02:11 – The biggest challenge leaders face in business today.  04:26 – Self inquiry, the feedback loop, and the mistakes leaders are making despite knowing that they need not to stay still in this changing world.  08:02 – An actionable step leaders can undertake to develop resilience.  09:43 – How to develop one’s curiosity?  11:54 – Actionable tips and Melissa’s go to’s that absolutely work in terms of building leadership presence.  13:50 – Melissa’s free Leadership eBook and the 5Cs of her leadership framework that paved way for it.  15:50 – What is the VUCA challenge asking of you, or what kind of leader is that asking you to be? Buddhist teacher and author Thich Nhat Hanh and his story.  19:45 – Melissa’s final message.  Key Takeaways: “As a leader, if you show up frazzled, anxious, and worn out by the unknown, letting your nervous system get the best of you, others are going to feel that too, and then everyone in the organization ends up unproductive and stressed as a result. If you show up a steady during change in volatility, others follow suit and feel at ease by your steadiness. It's the leaders’ job to help others to the groundlessness of VUCA.”  “Learning how to lead is a process and a mindset, and there's not one book you could just read or step you can take to learn how to become better. You got to do the inner work, and the answers aren't in a book. They're through a process, and usually it starts with self inquiry.”  “It isn't what you do. It's how you are being that is most important.”  Connect with Melissa Eisler: Website: https://melissaeisler.com  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissaeisler/  Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelissaEisler  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaEislerExecutiveCoach

    22 min
  3. ‘Work-Life Balance’ is Killing You with David Taylor-Klaus


    ‘Work-Life Balance’ is Killing You with David Taylor-Klaus

    A leader’s mindset affects the entirety of the group, but with the pandemic and the things it make us experience, disengagement is slowly becoming present and it’s making life a little harder to live.  Left with no choice but to find and do work in order to survive, we tend to pay more attention to that job instead of crafting the life we want. In these times, learning how to live a rhythm-organized life is necessary for you to avoid burning your entire soul out.  David Taylor – Klaus is the author of the best selling new book “Mindset Mondays with DTK: 52 Ways to REWIRE Your Thinking and Transform Your Life” – a book that will guide you towards living a life in rhythm. He reintroduces successful entrepreneurs and senior executives to their families, and challenges leaders in their teams to reach their highest levels of performance in both their professional and personal lives. As a serial entrepreneur, David was recognised for combining candour, intelligence, and humour with masterful coaching.   In this episode, David shares his insights on the disengagement leaders experience that slowly kills them and their being. Here, he discusses how a ‘work-life balance’ system practiced in your life actually affects you in a way that exhausts you out, and how good it would be for you to shift into the idea of ‘life rhythm’. Listen and check these concepts out.    What you will learn from this episode:  Discover why the concept of ‘work-life balance’ is actually killing you Learn ways on how you can start making a move to change the way you experience life with the help of a framework Find out what ‘life rhythm’ is and why it’s better than the idea of ‘work-life balance’    “We are paying attention to work more than our life when in fact it should be crafting the life you want.”  - David Taylor - Klaus    Topics Covered:  01:23 – The reason why David focused on the concept of mindset out of everything that’s possible to cover in leadership.  02:29 – What is the biggest challenge leaders face in business today?  04:44 – What are some of the biggest mistakes people are making in their attempts on living a good life?  05:57 – Some actionable tips on how someone can actually start making a move and have traction.  08:45 – Other actionable steps David recommends for you to take.  10:11 – Another tip David shares for you to start getting more out of what you read: The REWIRE Framework.  11:57 – A free resource: The REWIRE Framework explained.  14:35 – The link that will lead you to see the REWIRE Framework: https://www.mindsetmondayswithdtk.com   15:05 – Why does David hate the term ‘work-life balance’ so much and why it should be changed to ‘life rhythm’.    Key Takeaways:  “Mindset, for me, is the most critical element to leadership because not only does the leader’s mindset impact his or her ability to lead and the way they lead; it's contagious. I've always heard that a leader sets the weather. The leader’s mindset is something that he imbues, or I’ll say, emits and becomes contagious to their team, and that's something incredibly important. It changes the way teams work.” – David Taylor - Klaus  “When you stop and look at your life and take an assessment with blameless discernment, letting go of the judgment, just objectively looking at where you are and where things are going, you’ll look forward and you’ll realize, ‘If I change nothing, if I keep going the way I'm going, it's just going to keep getting worse’.” – David Taylor - Klaus  “You can wait until you hit bottom, or you can make the decision that this is the bottom and you can start taking action to change things.” – David Taylor - Klaus  Connect with David Taylor-Klaus: Website: https://www.mindsetmondayswithdtk.com

    19 min
  4. Key Skills for Leadership Today… with Henry Lopez


    Key Skills for Leadership Today… with Henry Lopez

    As a business leader today, what are the necessary key skills?  Given the context of extreme uncertainty, where must a leader focus? Tough decision making. Courage. Ensuring others shine. A leader grows and empowers those around them.   Henry Lopez is a Serial Entrepreneur, Small Business Coach & Consultant, and Host of The How of Business podcast show. He has over 35 years of diverse business experience, including successful careers in the information technology industry, sales, and sales training. He has been directly involved in over 11 different small businesses since purchasing his first business in 1991, And he is involved at every stage of launching, developing, buying, and selling.  What you will learn from this episode:  Find out one important capability a leader needs to have to run a business Learn what a leader should think and do to ensure everyone’s working together to help achieve common goals Learn how to build a business and lead others truly  “Leaders are the ones … to make those tough decisions.”   - Henry Lopez  Topics Covered: 02:00 - Looking from a small business perspective, what is one capability leaders need to develop?  03:00 - The important questions you need to ask yourself before going into business   04:17 - What does a leader do in moments of crisis  05:12 - What biggest mistakes business owners commit to running their business  06:22 - Why develop and empower your people  08:23 - What responsibility do you have as a leader of an organization?  10:04 - Two questions you need to ask your team in your weekly sales meeting  10:48 - Delegation worksheet as a systematic approach to delegation  11:51 - Steps on how to delegate effectively  13:55 - What holds people back on decision making?  15:14 - An embarrassment that we have to learn how to deal with as entrepreneurs  16:06 - The biggest thing that you're missing when you do away with a delegation and empowering others  Key Takeaways: “It's not that I, by any stretch think I'm always making the right decisions; it's to have the courage to make a decision because that's often what we need.”  “What paralyzes people sometimes is they think, 'I have to have it perfect every time.' Or 'What if I make the wrong decision, and then what will people think about me?' Or 'What will that do to the business?' But that paralysis, otherwise, can kill your business.”  “Real leaders say to their teams, just by example, 'We're going to figure this out. We may not, but we're going as sure as heck give it a try. We're not just going to sit here idly and let it happen to us. We're going to try to impact the things that we can.' That's what a leader does in those moments of crisis.”  “A lot of times now, we have a virtual team, but trying to do it all yourself. That's not what a leader does. A leader empowers others to do so that everybody's working together to help us achieve our goals.”  “What I find is that people who aren't leaders think they have to do it all.  That only they can do it right. They have to make the doughnuts every day, instead of empowering others to become great donut makers.”  “I think the biggest way you coach your people is by making sure that they have the systems and the tools to do their jobs.”  “The biggest thing that you're missing [the issue of delegation], besides the fact that you have to leverage others to grow is that you're missing out on the perspective that others bring to it that you would have never thought about. Everybody has a unique voice. So, you need perspective.”  Connect with Henry Lopez: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/henry-lopez-9758524/ Website: https://www.thehowofbusiness.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HenryLuvsBiz

    19 min
  5. Corporate Predictions 2021 with Kim Chernecki


    Corporate Predictions 2021 with Kim Chernecki

    Looking to 2021 cannot be business as usual. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s the need to be nimble. But towards what? Where do we pivot to? Where does some order of certainty lie? Kim Chernecki is Canada’s leading expert on helping high-performing executives, consultants, coaches, and smaller businesses land lucrative contracts. She is the creator of the Land Corporate Contracts Fast-Track System and is a top-rated sales performance executive, facilitator, coach, advisor, speaker, and strategist. A 25-year entrepreneur, Kim has consulted with executives from100+ leading North American and Fortune 1000 companies and has, herself, started up and helped grow 10 businesses and business divisions. She’s closed millions of dollars in corporate contracts and provides powerful strategies and proven formulas to help her clients do the same. In this episode, Kim talks about leaders’ challenges to getting into new and changed opportunities brought about by the pandemic, and at the same time retaining clients. She encourages leaders to develop strategies to stand out and differentiate themselves from others who provide the same services like theirs. She shares how to listen rather than sell, develop trust, and give value. She suggests employing a strategy called ‘targeted ask’ to increase your network. And more than anything, she underlines how important it is to digitize everything. What you will learn from this episode:  Find out what challenges leaders face today and the strategies that work now and into the futureThis includes strategies you need to build a larger network to find opportunities new clients, as well as keep current onesDiscover the one strategy that is so underutilized but can 10X up your network “Digitize everything. Whether you are a large organization, a small organization, or you're a solo business owner, you need to incorporate leading-edge technology in how you do business.” - Kim Chernecki Topics Covered: 2:09 - The challenge of how to gain access to these new and changed opportunities at the same time differentiating yourself from other providers 04:14 - How to adjust your messaging and your services to be able to address those needs now 05:21 - The need to know your target clients needs - being specific, targeted, and being really sensitive 07:19 - What you need to do to stand out above the rest of the people who are calling corporate 09:29 - Why do we need to shift mindset? 11:35 - Business as usual isn’t the case anymore -- you need to adapt 12:41 - Lean on to your ability to be nimble and agile and to move a dime 13:52 - What you as consultants and small business owners need to know and do to get in the virtual door and meet your corporate clients’ needs as we head into 2021. Attend a webinar on January 08, 2021, called Corporate Predictions 2021, and receive your FREE Corporate Predictions Special Report. Click here: https://www.freedomstreetinc.com/corporate-predictions-2021-webinar 15:09 - What is the number one insight for building your business with corporate clients in light of the pandemic in shifting your place? 17:53 - Get your networking strategy up - use this underutilized but powerful strategy to surely up your network Key Takeaways: “I guess what the struggle is, how to gain access to these new and changed opportunities, but then also how to stand out and differentiate from other providers who could be offering similar services because the old messaging, ‘business as usual,’ it's gone. It's different now.” Resources: Attend a webinar on January 08, 2021, called Corporate Predictions 2021, and get your FREE Corporate Predictions Special Report. Click here: https://www.freedomstreetinc.com/corporate-predictions-2021-webinar Connect with Kim Chernecki: Website: https://www.freedomstreetinc.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimchernecki/

    21 min
  6. How to Lead Your Tribe with Jane Anderson


    How to Lead Your Tribe with Jane Anderson

    How do you ensure your business is sustainable? It is leading your community, it’s maintaining relevance with your tribe.  Jane Anderson is a Strategic Communications expert. With over 20years’ experience in Personal Branding, Content Creation, and Tribe Building. Jane has recently been voted in the top 3 branding gurus globally. She has won International Stevie Awards for Women in Business and was nominated in the Telstra Business Women Awards 7 times. She is also one of the top 1% of most-viewed LinkedIn profiles. She is the author of seven books, including “Catalyst Content: Create a Piece of Purposeful Content in Less than10 Minutes.”  In this episode, Jane talks about leadership that shifts from only focusing on revenue-generation to leading a tribe or community and creating a lifetime relationship.  She shares about having a non-metric-driven leader, but one who shows regard for human concerns of genuine care and interest in his people.  What you will learn from this episode:  Discover a business model built on the mindset of building a tribe or community as opposed to a transaction-based business Learn how to get around a mindset of a true leader that is not just revenue-generation focused but one on leading a community or tribe Find out what servant leadership is all about  “For most of us, that's the whole reason why we left corporate life because we want to work with people who we actually like. I think the shift, if you can get it, is the shift from transactions to friends, is that I actually care about these people.”  - Jane Anderson  Topics Covered: 02:25 - Building a business based on transaction versus building a tribe or building a community  05:16 - A mindset shift from ‘leading your team’ to ‘leading your customers’  06:48 - A metric-driven leadership versus one that is caring and being interested in your people  10:09 - The shift from transactions to friends  11:13 - Get your FREE download of ‘Expert to Influencer’ and find out the12 specific strategies to help you work out building your tribe. Click here: https://janeandersonspeaks.com/influencer-indicator/  13:00 - What holds people back from putting themselves out there?  Key Takeaways: “The real problem that leaders usually don't realize they've got is that they are focusing very much on building a business based on transactions, as opposed to building a tribe and building a community.”  “Leading with a tribe is shifting the mindset from clients as people who have a credit card, and you'll just process that and take their money, versus, these are people who my job here is to serve. And my job here is to help and support, and I've got to see them as customers for life.”    Quoting Seth Godin: “A tribe has a leader, they have a message, and they have a way to communicate.”  “I find for most leaders that I work with is they do focus a little bit too much on, ‘I'm only leading, you know, maybe a virtual team, they might be offshore, and they might be local.’ But what we've got to extend that out to is seeing you're leading your customers, not just your team.”  “The imposter syndrome comes back to just doing the work. Those who do the work start to unpack their thinking, and we have things like a content club and content creation, boot camps, and things. And if you can start to do that, it takes a lot of courage to do it. But once you've started to do it, the imposter syndrome starts to lift.” Resources: Get your FREE download of ‘Expert to Influencer’ and find out the12 specific strategies to help you work out building your tribe. Click here: https://janeandersonspeaks.com/influencer-indicator/ How Many Friends Does One Person Need: Dunbar's Number and Other Evolutionary Quirks by Robin Dunbar Tribes by Seth Godin  Connect with Jane Anderson: Email: Jane@janea-anderson.com.au Website: https://janeandersonspeaks.com/

    18 min
  7. Rise Up For You - Personal Leadership First, with Nada Nasserdeen


    Rise Up For You - Personal Leadership First, with Nada Nasserdeen

    Superb technical skills, alone, are inadequate to face challenges in the workplace. Soft skills are what drives organizational growth.   Soft skills are the emotional and social intelligence skills. These are the skills that enable leaders to show up as their best selves, and enable others to rise to their best selves.   Nada Nasserdeen is the founder and CEO of Rise Up For You. She is a Leadership and Career Confidence Coach, No.1 Bestselling Author, and TEDx Motivational Speaker.   With over 10 years of experience as a college professor and former top executive for an education corporation, Nada understands the importance of using education, empowerment, and leadership together as she works with her clients and speaks to audiences worldwide. She has toured the world as a singer, has a Master’s degree in Administrative Leadership, and has coached and mentored close to 50,000 individuals around the world on self-empowerment, career strategy, and soft skills.  In this episode, Nada doubles down on the power of servant leadership, leadership that sets aside ego, one that allows looking at the whole picture of the company.  What you will learn from this episode:  Learn how to foster a mind that identifies the specific challenge then finds solutions  The top two strategies to uncover a leader’s blind spot  How to see the big picture for your team and the organization’s growth   “If you're allowing your insecurities to prevent you from now having that big picture, then we're in trouble. We're not practicing leadership, right? What we're practicing is the opposite of that. It's service for ourselves, right? It's selfish leadership. And that's not what we want.”   - Nada Nasserdeen  Topics Covered: 01:55 - What leader’s challenge does she focus on specializing and dealing with?  02:45 - The whole gamut of soft skills and people challenges she helps with   04:23 - What does it look like when leaders find for answers outside of themselves?  05:35 - How to help leaders realize that which they are not aware of and no knowledge about in terms of their own shortcomings?  07:28 - How to find a leader’s Personal Board of Directors and the important roles they play  10:18 - Recalling the time she uses the same strategy, surveying herself and how she found out her blind spots  11:38 - The words they used to describe her in the survey  12:47 - The challenges and benefits of service leadership  13:56 - The positive outcome of those anonymous surveys she did on herself   15:26 - The challenge that we see today in the soft skills of our leaders  16:16 - How to exercise the soft skill muscle when you hear negative feedback  19:21 - The emotional intelligence kit - 18 competencies under it  20:42 - Why do soft skills matter?  24:17 - An inspiring thought from Nada  Key Takeaways: “The top challenge that I deal with leaders is people problems, people challenges, challenges that are happening in the workspace which all comes down to human behaviors. So how we communicate with one another, how we show up, how we respond to one another, and inversely, how it affects our work in the workspace.”   Resources: Download your FREE Emotional Intelligence Toolkit and Mini-Course now. Click here: https://mailchi.mp/riseupforyou/eitoolkit  Connect with Nada Nasserdeen: Website: https://www.nadalena.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadalena/ Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/nada.nasserdeen Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nadalena_rise/

    27 min
  8. The Replaceable Founder with Ari Meisel


    The Replaceable Founder with Ari Meisel

    We can get locked on the need to be needed, to feel important and indispensable… and without even realizing it.   How about challenging that mindset? Moving to the notion that you seek to make yourself replaceable. That there can be an even better way of doing things, one that saves you time, energy, and ultimately grows your business even with your absence.  Ari Meisel helps entrepreneurs become replaceable so their business can grow without them.  In this episode, Ari challenges our conventional way of thinking. That there is always a different way of doing things that work and that you just have to be willing to do and try it.  What you will learn from this episode:  Learn how to create a documented system and process within the organization that allows for transparency to avoid disruptions Find out the whole methodology of less doing which is about optimization, automation, and outsourcing Find out the tactics you are already using in your personal lives that works just as well in your business to keep on winning every time  "The whole methodology of less doing is based on OAO. It's optimize, automate, outsource, in that order."   - Ari Meisel  Topics Covered: 01:07 - What makes his bio unique, brief, and concise?  01:44 - Get out of your way!  02:47 - Teaching the mindset of a leader that is replaceable  04:47 - Many companies are not doing communication effectively  05:37 - What is an asynchronous communication   07:19 - The sub-areas of communication that one needs to be dealing within the organization  10:05 - How the methodology of less doing works  11:48 - What it means to go automated and what are the basics of automation  12:54 - The value in outsourcing and delegation  14:29 - How to do things better? Get your FREE resource at less.do/facebook  15:05 - Are there any situations where you're not replaceable?  16:41 - One thing he does with his business that proves his idea of a replaceable founder that works  Key Takeaways: "The truth is that being irreplaceable makes you stuck. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted, and the entrepreneurs that I work with, have the freedom to leave the business if they so choose, go out, explore, learn, and then contribute those back into the business and the business doesn't crumble in their absence."   "A lot of it is a mindset. I don't mean mindset in terms of like, you are important, and you are special. No, it's really just about like the way that we approach the ownership that we have over the work that we do. And ultimately, how much we can empower the people that we work with."  "Unfortunately, you have so many people who work in, whether or not they work in an industry that has a history, but it's worse when people are in an industry that has a culture -- generational way of doing things. And then they can't see that there might be another way. It's just we do it because that's how we've always done it."  "The majority of communication nowadays should be done asynchronously. So, I say something when I want, whether it's voice, pictures, text, doesn't matter. And you receive it when you want and responding, 'Hi.' Now that could be using WhatsApp or Slack or even email, but truly treating it as an asynchronous means of communication."  "And to do that [documenting systems and processes] is not to devalue the person who was holding on to them, it is to release them to be replaced up, not out of business."  Resources: How to do things better? Get your FREE resource at less.do/facebook  Connect with Ari Meisel: Website: https://lessdoing.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lessdoing/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arimeisel/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/productivity-coach-entrepreneur/

    20 min



The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.  www.flowpreneur.co/podcasts

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