Speak Up: Develop Your Executive Presence & Leadership Communication Style

Laura Camacho
Speak Up: Develop Your Executive Presence & Leadership Communication Style Podcast

Do you often feel sidelined in discussions, wanting to speak up and have more influence? Got a dream project to make the world a better place and need buy in? Discover tactics to confidently assert yourself and make your ideas count on Speak Up, the podcast for high-performing introverts and ambiverts. You'll learn: 1. Visibility Strategies from the art of persuasion, ensuring your voice is heard and respected in meetings and sought after for key projects 2. How to expand your influence, to reclaim your recognition, get green lights, and avoid your ideas being taken credit for by others 3. How to develop your confidence, to participate actively in senior leadership and executive meetings and beyond Host Laura Camacho, with 15 years of coaching experience, guides high-performing professionals to express their ideas clearly and build executive presence. Tune in every Monday for a 10-minute executive communication skill, Wednesdays for a half-hour industry leader interview, and Fridays for a 5-minute charisma tip from leading personalities like JK Rowling and Elon Musk. If you're ready to move forward in your career, listen to Speak Up episode 221: 5 Steps to Be More Articulate In Your Leadership Communication: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e-221-5-steps-to-be-more-articulate-in-your-leader/id1368646965?i=1000642628170

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    307: Own Your Boss By Preparing Like THIS for Your Next Performance Review

    You may be unknowingly sabotaging your own career by letting performance reviews and 1:1 meetings slip through your fingers. As a highly-conscientious, high-performing leader, you know that success isn’t just about doing the work—it’s about getting noticed for the impact you’re making. But if your 1:1s and performance reviews feel more like routine check-ins than opportunities to shine, you’re not leveraging them to their full potential. It’s time to take control of these meetings and transform them into strategic career accelerators. By the end of this episode you’ll know: 🏆 The secret to consistently positioning yourself as the go-to leader in your 1:1s, even if you’re not feeling 100% confident. 🗝 How to subtly but powerfully align your daily work with your company’s top goals to make your value unmistakable. 🚀 Find out how to navigate the tricky waters of promotion conversations with a proven method that keeps you on your boss’s radar without coming off as pushy. Play this episode now and unlock the strategies that will turn your everyday meetings into powerful levers for career growth—don’t leave your success to chance! It’s also helpful to know your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders. Did you know filler words make you sound unprepared? Break the habit with Credible. Credible's real-time alerts help you become aware of your speech, making you sound polished and professional. Download Credible from the app store today. In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a trusted advisor mindset, aspiring executives cultivate mastery in public speaking and beat imposter syndrome.

    14 min
  2. 4 DAYS AGO

    306: Why Your Quirks Are Actually Your Key to A-list Charisma and Executive Presence

    This episode will turn everything you thought you knew about executive presence upside down. If you’re a highly conscientious, high-performing business leader, you know that your success hinges not just on what you say, but how you say it. In a world where your every word is scrutinized, understanding the subtle nuances of executive presence could be the difference between being overlooked and being the go-to authority in your field. By the end of this short episode you’ll know: ✨ The hidden power of your unique experiences to establish credibility in ways you’ve never considered. 💬 Why using a formal tone could be sabotaging your influence—even in the boardroom. 🎯 A game-changing, emotionally intelligent framework that will make your messages resonate deeper and stick longer. Hit play now to uncover these unconventional secrets and start making your voice the most influential one in the room. Knowing your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders. Did you know filler words make you sound unprepared? Break the habit with Credible. Credible's real-time alerts help you become aware of your speech, making you sound polished and professional. Download Credible from the app store today. In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a trusted advisor mindset, aspiring executives cultivate mastery in public speaking and beat imposter syndrome.

    9 min
  3. 6 DAYS AGO

    305: The REAL Traits of a Successful Leader and Why Most People Get It Wrong

    Did you know that nearly half of today’s corporate leaders shouldn't be in their roles? Today we uncover the hidden factors that truly determine leadership success—and why personality may be leading you astray. As a high-performing business leader, you’re constantly striving for excellence, but what if the metrics you’re using to evaluate leadership potential are fundamentally flawed? This episode uncovers the critical mistakes organizations make in hiring leaders and offers you a new lens to assess and develop leadership talent in your team. By the end of today’s episode you’ll know: 🔍 Why traditional personality assessments may be costing your company millions in poor leadership hires. (and tbh why your boss may not be the best). 🎯 The five crucial talents that predict leadership success—and how to identify them. 🚀 Why 48% of executives don’t belong in their roles and what you can do to ensure you’re not one of them. 🎧 Don’t miss out on this game-changing discussion! Hit play now to redefine your approach to hiring and leading with data-driven insights. If you’re a leader, it will definitely help you to know your signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders Did you know filler words make you sound unprepared? Break the habit with Credible. Credible's real-time alerts help you become aware of your speech, making you sound polished and professional. Download Credible from the app store today. About Our Guests: In their new book THE FIVE TALENTS THAT REALLY MATTER: How Great Leaders Drive Extraordinary Performance (Hachette Go; 8/27/24), Barry Conchie, former Gallup Global Leadership Research and Development leader and coauthor of New York Times bestselling Strengths-Based Leadership, and business partner Sarah Dalton reveal a scientific model that reliably predicts an individual’s potential to convert their unique talents into high-performance leadership, as well as a template to help career-driven managers spot and hire extraordinary leaders In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a trusted advisor mindset, aspiring executives cultivate mastery in public speaking and beat imposter syndrome.

    32 min
  4. 16 SEPT

    304: Two Reasons Why People Don't Listen and How to Get Their Attention Especially When They Don't Know You

    Ever wonder why people just don’t listen—even when you have something crucial to say? Here's the brutal truth: less than half of what you say is remembered, and that percentage could be as low as 25%. But it’s not just them—it might be you. As a highly-conscientious, high-performing business leader, you’ve worked hard to earn your spot at the table. Yet, when you speak, it feels like your words vanish into thin air. By the end of this short episode you’ll know: 🧠 The exact reasons why people tune you out, so you can stop losing influence in critical moments. 🎯 Various ways to command attention instantly, even from those who don’t know you from Adam. 🚀 Useful insider techniques that make your message unforgettable—without feeling awkward or forced. Transform how others perceive you and command the room—tap play now and start mastering your executive presence today. Knowing your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders. Did you know filler words make you sound unprepared? Break the habit with Credible. Credible's real-time alerts help you become aware of your speech, making you sound polished and professional. Download Credible from the app store today. In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a trusted advisor mindset, aspiring executives cultivate mastery in public speaking and beat imposter syndrome.

    9 min
  5. 13 SEPT

    303: How to Instantly Increase Your Perceived Value Using A-List Charisma Tactics from 4 Luxury Brands

    Imagine if you could command the room with the same powerful presence as a luxury brand—without changing who you are. As a high-performing business leader, your executive presence directly impacts how you’re perceived and the opportunities that come your way. But standing out can be challenging when everyone around you is equally competent. This episode will show you how to harness the tactics of top luxury brands to refine your presence and make an unforgettable impact. Today, we’re revealing the game-changing secrets from Hermès, Rolex, Cartier, and Tiffany that will instantly elevate your perceived value as a leader. By the end of this short A-list Charisma episode you’ll know: 🧭 How brands like Hermès create a unique identity that sets them apart from the crowd. 🗣 Learn the art of strategic storytelling from Cartier to connect with your audience and inspire action. 🛠 Discover how the hallmarks of Rolex and Tiffany—can bolster your credibility and make you memorable in any professional setting. Press play now to learn how to elevate your executive presence with the powerful strategies of luxury brands and become the leader everyone remembers. If you enjoy this conversation about luxury and executive presence, I know you’ll like my interview with luxury brand consultant Carlos Pignataro in episode 214. Knowing your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders. Did you know filler words make you sound unprepared? Break the habit with Credible. Credible's real-time alerts help you become aware of your speech, making you sound polished and professional. Download Credible from the app store today. In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a trusted advisor mindset, aspiring executives cultivate mastery in public speaking and beat imposter syndrome.

    10 min
  6. 11 SEPT

    302: How YOU Could Be Blocking Your Own Success & Killing your Executive Presence

    Discover what might be sabotaging your leadership and learn the unconventional truth that could change everything. As a highly-conscientious, high-performing leader, you strive for excellence in everything you do. But what if your biggest blind spot is the way you perceive yourself and your impact on others? By the end of today’s episode with Victoria Trammel you’ll know: 🧠 The difference between an Inward vs. Outward Mindset and how that affects the people around you. 🔍 Learn actionable questions that will reveal the hidden ways you may be obstructing your team's success and how to turn it around. 🎯 Transform your leadership approach by understanding the nonobvious effects of self-deception, and how shifting your mindset can unlock new levels of collaboration and innovation. Press play now to uncover the truths that will elevate your leadership and help you see the world—and yourself—with newfound clarity. Knowing your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders. OUR SPONSOR THIS MONTH: Did you know filler words make you sound unprepared? Break the habit with Credible. Credible's real-time alerts help you become aware of your speech, making you sound polished and professional. Download Credible from the app store today. ABOUT OUR GUEST: Victoria Trammel is a senior consultant at the Arbinger Institute. A seasoned facilitator and leadership consultant, she brings almost two decades’ experience supporting the intelligence community to her work in strategic planning, employee engagement, leadership development and process improvement. With a love of instructional design and facilitation, Victoria held leadership roles in the intelligence community from niche operational programs to enterprise-wide corporate culture initiatives. LEADERSHIP AND SELF-DECEPTION: The Secret to Transforming Relationships and Unleashing Results (4th Edition; Berrett-Koehler; 8/27/24), The Arbinger Institute shows us how to recognize and overcome self-deception in both personal and professional relationships. With over 3 million copies sold and two decades of inspiring readers, the new edition applies timeless wisdom and fresh insights to a world that is constantly evolving. In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a...

    29 min
  7. 9 SEPT

    301: Make an Insanely Great First Impression with THESE 4 Unusual Actions

    People make more than 10 significant decisions about you in less than 10 seconds of meeting you. As a high-performing business leader, you're always on the lookout for ways to enhance your executive presence. But did you know that the first few seconds of any interaction could be shaping how others see you—and potentially undermining your success? By the end of this short episode you’ll know: 🔍 The psychology behind first impressions and how to ensure the right judgments are made about you. 💡 Learn unconventional techniques that go beyond the usual advice for creating memorable and positive impressions. 🚀 Unlock the power of unique personal style to stand out and be remembered for all the right reasons. Don’t leave your first impression to chance—listen now to transform how others see you in those critical first moments. These strategies go beyond the typical advice for making a good first impression by adding a level of thoughtfulness, creativity, and surprise that can truly make you stand out. If you enjoyed today’s episode, you might also like Episode 211 from last year, How to Shine at a Gala: Be the A-List Guest with Charisma, Confidence, and Audience Engagement, from November 2023. The cool feather bow ties I mentioned are made here in Charleston by Brackish. Did you know filler words make you sound unprepared? Break the habit with Credible. Credible's real-time alerts help you become aware of your speech, making you sound polished and professional. Download Credible from the app store today. Knowing your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders. In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a trusted advisor mindset, aspiring executives cultivate mastery in public speaking and beat imposter syndrome.

    11 min
  8. 6 SEPT

    300: How Sharing Bad News With THIS A-List Charisma Approach Instantly Boosts Your Reputation

    Sharing bad news with senior leaders can be a double-edged sword, where mishandling it can cost you your reputation and confidence. As a highly conscientious, high-performing leader or IC, you know that facing difficult conversations is part of the job. But how you deliver bad news can either cement your credibility or erode the trust you've worked so hard to build. This episode is your guide to navigating these tricky moments with confidence and poise. By the end of today’s episode you’ll know: 🌟 How to turn even the toughest news into an opportunity to showcase your leadership. 🚀 The hidden art of presenting problems in a way that aligns with strategic priorities, making you indispensable to senior executives. 💡 A practical framework that ensures your communication is clear, honest, and solution-oriented, every time. Tune into this episode now to master the art of delivering bad news like a true leader and boost your credibility in the process. Knowing your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meetings, you gain more influence, and understand better how to reach key stakeholders. FOR YOU: To give your emerging executives the opportunity to polish their communication skills using the Speak Up 360, schedule a quick call here. Visit www.speakupwithlaura.com to learn how Laura’s allergy to boring helps leaders speak up so people want to listen and make things better. In Speak Up communication training, teams and individuals learn to enhance their influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and fostering a trusted advisor mindset, aspiring executives cultivate mastery in public speaking and beat imposter syndrome.

    11 min


Do you often feel sidelined in discussions, wanting to speak up and have more influence? Got a dream project to make the world a better place and need buy in? Discover tactics to confidently assert yourself and make your ideas count on Speak Up, the podcast for high-performing introverts and ambiverts. You'll learn: 1. Visibility Strategies from the art of persuasion, ensuring your voice is heard and respected in meetings and sought after for key projects 2. How to expand your influence, to reclaim your recognition, get green lights, and avoid your ideas being taken credit for by others 3. How to develop your confidence, to participate actively in senior leadership and executive meetings and beyond Host Laura Camacho, with 15 years of coaching experience, guides high-performing professionals to express their ideas clearly and build executive presence. Tune in every Monday for a 10-minute executive communication skill, Wednesdays for a half-hour industry leader interview, and Fridays for a 5-minute charisma tip from leading personalities like JK Rowling and Elon Musk. If you're ready to move forward in your career, listen to Speak Up episode 221: 5 Steps to Be More Articulate In Your Leadership Communication: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e-221-5-steps-to-be-more-articulate-in-your-leader/id1368646965?i=1000642628170

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